I'm Rosie, this is my journey..

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I'm Rosie, this is my journey..

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Hello, from the southern US. Thank you for allowing me to join your forum. I was raised Christian but as an adult slipped away from that to explore more liberal philosophy. About 6 years ago I had an experience that has started a journey for me. It's long so I appreciate those who read the entire thing. All others can skip to last paragraph to sum up why I'm here. ;)

6 years ago someone who meant a Lot to me lost their life to cancer. I had to be strong for others who loved him and I didn't deal with my emotions about it until the night after the funeral service. I went out drinking and long story short, I should have gone to jail for driving, but I didn't. The cop let me walk home. That is absolutely unheard of here folks. So I walked home and as soon as I got inside I lost it. I flippin lost it. I bawled/ hollered/ prayed and begged to have him back. I must have sat in my kitchen for HOURS praying and crying. So finally, I look up realize I'm sober and sitting in the floor and decide to step outside and smoke a cigarette. When I walk outside there is a green pickup parked in the open space in my drive and there is a guy in it looking at me! He's just looking at me! So I say "hello". And, when he realizes that I can see him his eyes get wide and he hides from me. So I say "what are you doing?" No answer. I finally walk over to the truck and look in the bed, and it's empty! I know I admitted to drinking alcohol, but I know what I saw, and what I saw was a guy hiding in the bed of a pick up truck, and it was real. And, that real guy disappeared!

Trying to prove that I'm not crazy I start looking into what it could be and researching guardian angels and spirit guides and such, because I should have gone to jail that night. Someone convinced those cops to let me go. I believed it was the young man I saw. This led me to our home town psychic who I had only visited once before and she predicted something astounding that came true but isn't really relevant to this story. When I asked her about my spirit guide, she could not tell me about the man I saw but instead about a small female child who helps me, mostly with love and matters of the heart. She says she is related to me. A year after this reading I found out my grandmother had a daughter that died around 1 or 2 years old, in fact her death is sort of a mystery. My aunt told me that my grandmother told her once before she died, that she was married once before grandpa, she had a child with him. One night she called her parents to come and get her and she told them the baby was dead and she was divorcing her husband and the child was never talked about again until that day. I found my father's birth certificate and it says right on there how many children from this mother are deceased and it says 1. My dad never even noticed it until I pointed it out. My mother tells me when I was a toddler I had an incredible imagination and a very best "imaginary" friend. So I began wondering if it was possible I was playing with this little spirit..?

Okay, so since the psychic used tarot cards, that sparked my interest in tarot ( I have always been obsessed with the zodiac) and I have been learning about/using tarot cards for about two years now. I have made two solid predictions I can stand by actually predicting, however, my little spirit guide helps me. Wanting to communicate with her more and more I started reaching out to her my mind to see if that would work. Basically all I could really get was an A name. I call her Abigail :). Now I can feel her more and more. Like I'll think of something and she'll add on something to it, like she's there with me or something. Or sometimes she'll tell me when she like the music. I know that sounds crazy, but it's happening. .?

Currently, I'm not a psychic or empath or anything. I'm curious if I was more aware of powers or abilities as a child because of my wild imagination, and I possibly shut all of that stuff down? Basically, as a child most of what I remember was being verbally abused for being weird. I would talk about crazy made up worlds and other worldly creatures like I had been there and seen them. I'm assuming in my dreams? My dreams have always been a big part of my existence, I dream vivid! I dream vivid every single night and I can remember a ton of what I dream. However, the bits I can't remember I always end up feeling like were the most important when trying to recall the next day.

I would like to be able to perfect and gain more spiritual tools. I would like to gain abilities as a medium to communicate with Abigail, but I don't know if that's possible, or something you're born with. I know my next venture is crystals. My friend has been teaching me and I'm loving it. When I touch smooth stones I can feel them. That's the only energies I've ever been able to feel but it was so exciting, I can't wait to learn more. (Well I can feel negative energy I carry but that is sad not exciting) And, I also need to harness my meditation practices. I mostly only meditate to clear my mind before prayer. (I believe in and worship God, however, I am not a practicing Christian.) I would like to do more long meditations to help with anxiety and promote creativity, however I know absolutely zero about chakras, so I hope to learn about that here as well. So I will end my novel now.. Thank you for reading and allowing me to join your group. :)
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I'm Rosie, this is my journey..

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Well I've been all over this forum tonight and I do believe the following applies to me, even though I don't know how to use them or access them if you will..

Clairvoyant - I saw what I saw what I saw what I saw! I have tried to reach out to the young man I saw who I believe was a guardian of mine and all I can get is the name Jon or Jonathan and then I get the feelings if someone blowing me off, or even being angry with me so I leave him alone. But I saw him, plain as day, once.

Medium - if I'm really communicating with Abigail and she really is my deceased relative then that's basic mediumship correct?

Empathy - I am known by friends and family for being empathetic. But, I thought to be psychically empathetic I would have to be overwhelmingly controlled by others feelings the minutes I am around them, I am not. I am however overwhelmingly controlled by the feelings of animals immediately after being around them.

But based on the definition I found on this site, I definitely think empathy applies to me. Here is the definition I found shared by member Seraphin:

"Empathy is one learnable skill. It is a psychic ability to sense, feel and understand the emotions, feelings, hopes, dreams, desires, and fears of others

In my combined research and experience, the following are the key steps to effective empathy:

* Recognizing the presence of strong feelings around the person, animal or place such as fear, anger, grief and disappointment.
* Pausing to imagine how the person or animal might be feeling or how the place make it's atmosphere.
* Stating one's perception of others (person, animal, place) feelings, emotions, thoughts, and energies.
* Legitimizing that feeling and emotion as valid and appropriate.
* Respecting others effort to cope with a difficult situation.
* Offering support and partnership.

Empathy is different from sympathy. It's not feeling sorry for someone or something but psychically sensing and understanding what's behind these feelings and atmosphere.

In empathy, we "borrow" another's feelings to observe, feel and understand them, but not to take them onto ourselves. By being an empath, we come to understand how the person, animal or place feels so we can help him/her/ it better.

Sympathy involves sharing with others as if the pain belonged to both parties. We sympathize with others when we share and suffer with them.

Since this subject is discussed in detail on Empath Resources post, I will not elaborate on it here. Kassandra provided articles, videos and sources about this ability so better click this linkto find out more."
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Re: I'm Rosie, this is my journey..

Post by Myrth »

Welcome! Glad you found us. I have empath tendencies, but I have to be careful with shielding and cord cutting or it can be overwhelming.

My main energy practice is Reiki. I use crystals with Reiki also.

Glad to meet you!
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Re: I'm Rosie, this is my journey..

Post by SnowCat »

Hi Rosie. You've survived quite a journey. Welcome to the forum.

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Re: I'm Rosie, this is my journey..

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Thank you both so much for the welcome! I am hoping to learn or use/control these abilities at will, rather than just have them happen randomly and leave me with so many questions. Sort of like, being proactive rather than reactive.
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Re: I'm Rosie, this is my journey..

Post by Lillady »

Merry Meet Rosie! Your story has touched me. I had a similar experience when I was 12 after I lost my father, that is when I began exploring who I truly am. I always knew I had powers and was different, but here I am now, fixing to be 34 and am more in touch with myself more than ever. Life and the universe work in mysterious ways. It is up to us to explore our spirituality and get in touch with who we are to help others and the world. I am glad you have found that. I am also an empath. It can be a great thing, but can hurt all at the same time to feel things that others do so strongly. If you have any questions or just want to talk, we are all here for you. Blessed Be.
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I'm Rosie, this is my journey..

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Thank you Lillylady! Yes, the man I mentioned was not my father but a strong father figure in my life. He was the father of my best friend and also one of my sport coaches and I still miss him and wish he was here.

Being here in Louisiana with Abigail's family and in the state of her death I am wanting to try to track her body down. Since she did not have an official burial or possibly the house she was killed in. However, that is just because it is a mystery to me. I don't feel her telling me to do that, so it probably doesn't matter to her.

I'm wanting to focus on my dreams more too. My mother reminded me of a story when I was a child and I remember it vividly, I just never really thought about it from a psychic perspective until now. When I was 3, I dreamt that my window was open and a duck flew in and landed on my chest. It look at me for a while and we studied each other and then it leaned forward and bit me on the shoulder. I was scared. So afraid I jumped up out of bed in real life. Now, awake I looked for the duck and assumed it flew out of the window. I had no idea it was a dream. So I went to my open window and tried to close it. The old house we lived in had old heavy windows and I shut the window on my finger. It hurt so bad a screamed until my parents woke up and came to my room. I told them what happened and the assured me I was dreaming because there was no way a duck could have flown in my window, my window actually had a screen on it. I argued with them and insisted what I saw was real. But it was concluded I was young and concussed. My mothers retelling if it included her saying she was afraid, she thought I was possessed I was so sure of this duck. Now, the interesting part of this story is that later that day, after the dream and window falling on my finger, my mother took me to the zoo. Inside the zoo was a petting zoo with all kinds of farm animals including the ducks. My mother brought a duck over for me to hold. I took it and let if and held it close to me and the duck actually extended it's neck and bit me on the should! Exactly like my dream!! Tell me that is not a premonition! I was much more in tune with my dreams as a child than I am today.
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Re: I'm Rosie, this is my journey..

Post by RosieMoonflower »

I went ahead and asked my aunt to tell me the story of "Abigail" again. She is pretty sure that her name was a derivative of Susan, (Suzanne, Suzie, etc.) but she said she wasn't %100, but she was "pretty sure". So maybe I am crazy... Or, maybe I've been talking to an Abigail that isn't the relative I thought she was. Or maybe her middle name was Abigail? Or I'm right and my aunt is wrong?
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I'm Rosie, this is my journey..

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Today I had something happen. I had a vision of myself walking about ten steps ahead of me. It was crowded where I was and all of the sudden one of the people walking in front of me, was me! It was like some sort of out of body experience. I could see everything straight in front of me clearly, but everything to the left, right, top and bottom was fuzzy. Almost like a shadowy boarder around what I was seeing. I was holding the right hand of a child with my right hand who was struggling to keep up with my pace. All of the sudden the child took two running steps and jumped off of her feet that acted like springs, and I pulled her up with my arm onto back and disappeared into the crowd. The entire vision only last a second. When it ended I realized what I had just done/seen/imagined and the fuzzy shadow boarder was gone. I have been so focused on my child spirit guide lately, especially the last 4 or 5 days so I'm wondering if just imagined it or if it was a real psychic vision...? I'll probably repost on another board in the forum to see if anyone else has visions like that while awake and walking.
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Re: I'm Rosie, this is my journey..

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Welcome to the forum Rosie. :wave:
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Re: I'm Rosie, this is my journey..

Post by Starwitch »

Just bumping intros of active members.
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Re: I'm Rosie, this is my journey..

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Wow, it was so interesting to read my introduction from so many years ago. Some made me laugh at myself a little, some made me ponder. I have learned a lot since joining and am more comfortable with my spirituality now. Glad I joined and am still here! :flyingwitch:

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Re: I'm Rosie, this is my journey..

Post by Firebird »

Welcome to the forum Rosie! So glad you could join us :fairy:
(better late than never, eh?) LoL :lol:

I think the forum can be a valuable resource to map our progress, that's why when Star said she was closing I was like Accckkk, lemme copy some stuff first!!!

And now look at you, about to embrace the mother Goddess :shock: ::coolglasses:: smiley_dance

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Re: I'm Rosie, this is my journey..

Post by Black Cloud »

firebirdflys wrote: Sun Apr 12, 2020 8:42 pm Welcome to the forum Rosie! So glad you could join us :fairy:
(better late than never, eh?) LoL :lol:

I think the forum can be a valuable resource to map our progress, that's why when Star said she was closing I was like Accckkk, lemme copy some stuff first!!!

And now look at you, about to embrace the mother Goddess :shock: ::coolglasses:: smiley_dance

BB, Firebird
Please don't close. I just got here. :)
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