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Post by Eleanora »

....Well....guess I can't make that series about my future plan to run into the woods totally skyclad to become one with Mother Earth lol.

It is very likely to contain graphic violence, (hunting), incitement to violence, (anything political), prejudicial remarks (pretty much anything anybody says ANYWHERE lol), obscenity, (my perky bod being butt-naked), erotica, (sex between humans and animals), vulgarity, (when I stub my toe or accidentally drop hot coals on my foot), and insensitivity towards tragedy, death and injury (because I'm a high-functioning autistic and stuff like that tends to fly over my head, plus I was a firewoman for years and seen a lot of messed up stuff, and, well, you get desensitized to it after a while. =P ).

Only rule I'm pretty sure it wouldn't break is pornography...unless you count being naked and sexy on camera as "pornography"....but then I guess National Geographic oughta just start calling itself National Pornographic LOL

But yeah...Your rules seem kinda impossible to follow in my opinion; it paints with too-wide-of-a-brush, making pretty much any form of self-expression or creativity a possible infraction. ...I miss the old days where people weren't nearly as offended by everything and the human form and condition were seen as beautiful. Wasn't that long ago nudity was perfectly fine in family films, for example. ...Sigh...this is why I wanna go live with the animals in the jungle lmao, people are seeming to be getting too....unnatural. =/
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Re: Rules for The Creative Corner

Post by SpiritTalker »

I’m thinking some of the matters you mention wouldn’t go along with the board’s PG13 image. Y’know just sayin’. It’s actually not difficult to understand that under age readers would browse the posts. 👀Bots are everywhere...🃏
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Re: Rules for The Creative Corner

Post by Eleanora »

Wonder whatever happened to people between the 70s and now to make them so uncomfortable with seeing the human body in it's natural state? Used to be no big deal, now everyone loses their minds and hides their children lest they ever have to be subjected to seeing a breast or a penis lol. Just sayin', it's WEIRD. What happened to them??? :shock:
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Re: Rules for The Creative Corner

Post by L.J.Hex »

Kind of offtopic, but that's not the case in the whole world... It seems to be European and American thing mostly. I mean people being so offended by nakedness. In Finland its not a thing at all, blame sauna culture for it(Something that most foreginers understand nothing about unles taught.). For example, people at their summer houses can go swimming / sunbathe, what ever without wearing anything and no one gets offended. I would say our attitude towards it is way more natural than any other country I know anything about.

On topic of this thread, I don't see those rules too difficult to follow... Although once again, they're so open for interpretation that mods sure need some careful consideration when applying those rules.
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Re: Rules for The Creative Corner

Post by Firebird »

I do miss my nude beach :(
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Re: Rules for The Creative Corner

Post by SpiritTalker »

There have never been nude statues or murals displayed anywhere in my mixed culture city except in the art gallery. I think it’s a city ordinance. We have an annual arts festival (except this year). Nada nudity.

I prefer wearing a hoodie and loose PJ bottoms for Ritual, but bare feet if it’s warm. Mosquitoes, grass clippings, close neighbors... :(
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Re: Rules for The Creative Corner

Post by Eleanora »

Aw, that's beautiful; I might have to move to finland in the future lol.
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Re: Rules for The Creative Corner

Post by L.J.Hex »

More offtopic, forgive me. :D

I guess you should. Nuditiy in private setting here isn't such a no no... I guess its the long history with sauna and quite recent rural way of life and also the fact that there's so few people and huge areas which are nearly untouched, easy to find privacy where there's no one to see and wearing little or nothing among good friends isn't that odd. I love it, I'm right now at our summerhouse and go around the way I like, if someone sees me, who cares, I'm at my property and nobody bats an eye about it here in the middle of nowhere. I could tell some funny little stories about this, but this isn't the thread for it.
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Re: Rules for The Creative Corner

Post by Firebird »

I think as long as it isn't over the top graphic... a nudity thread would be ok, like what are your thoughts on it?, I mean much of witchcraft was to be preformed skyclad yet that is impractical in the dead of winter! Maybe a quick polar plunge, but beyond that...EEeeeeeek!
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Re: Rules for The Creative Corner

Post by Eleanora »

firebirdflys wrote: Mon Jun 22, 2020 11:37 am I think as long as it isn't over the top graphic... a nudity thread would be ok, like what are your thoughts on it?, I mean much of witchcraft was to be preformed skyclad yet that is impractical in the dead of winter! Maybe a quick polar plunge, but beyond that...EEeeeeeek!
I'd be making myself some temporary clothing out of cordage I'd craft from bark fiber with a stone knife I chiseled lol. My thoughts in terms of priorities would be: Make a knife, make a fire, build a shelter, make some sandals, make a bra and panties. Then I'd no longer be naked at least lol, but it'll likely be a little while before getting to that point. Not long after that I'll have made myself a spear along with a bow and arrow for hunting; an obsidian stone knife would be ideal for skinning the animal for it's pelt so I can start manufacturing leather goods at my camp. After I've gotten a good system for hunting and basic survival I'd go on to start farming; flax and/or cotton would be my primary fabric-making-plants, making a loom would be my first choice for weaving fabric; I'll probably have to enter the Iron Age though before I can make myself a spinning wheel for the cottage.

But yes, lol, I would not intend on being naked during the winter; I'll have acquired fur clothing from a bear before then. Not comfortable going after a grizzly though with just a primitive handmade bow and arrow though, so I'd want to fashion maybe a fourteen foot long spear at least three inches thick in diameter and go after a bear with that instead. Then I'll finally be able to fashion some proper winter clothing so that I don't freeze to death when the snow comes, plus the bear's meat will last me well throughout most of the winter as well, making it so that I don't have to venture out hunting every single day, wasting precious energy and resources lol. =P
Last edited by Firebird on Mon Jun 22, 2020 8:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Graphic details of death NOT ALLOWED!
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Re: Rules for The Creative Corner

Post by Eleanora »

In regards to being naked in the dead of winter...I'd actually like to try it at some point, but mostly just to train my Tummo Meditation skills lol. The "Inner Fire" meditation that Tibetan monks use to melt circles out of the snow around them high in the mountains while practically naked. I hear they have a game of which monk can dry the most wet towels on their back in the middle of a snow storm with nothing but their minds and willpower lol. They're quite an inspiration to say the least. XD
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Re: Skyclad

Post by Firebird »

Honestly, I cannot say I even know of a coven that meets skyclad. And nudity in general has seen several rise and falls, From primitive times not such a problem, to the oh my god don't show your ankles in public! To free love era of the 60's (heck the 'original' Renaissance Faire had much nudity) and the many nude beaches and resorts in this area that are now gone.
I got a ticket once for being nude at a campground that was a hundred miles from anyone, then a ranger came bebopping out of the woods and said we couldn't nude sunbathe, well we put our stuff on but as soon as he left, whoop off it all goes again, guessed it, he came back and gave us a ticket. :mrgreen:
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Re: Skyclad

Post by L.J.Hex »

I got say I love the Finnish way with this... I'm sitting at our summerhouse porch, wearing... Nothing.

There's crazies here who during winter go swim in ice cold lake, its quite a job to get rid of all that ice first. But its "cheating", first hot sauna, then a swim in an icy lake. I've done it few times, but in here its just too much work as there can be several feet of ice. At winter I often go and wash myself with snow and go lie down in it if its not too rough. :mrgreen: Dealing with cold isn't that difficult when you live with it for months every year. Darkness is worse.

Hey, who could send me one of those Tibetan wonders here to just stand on the lake to melt the ice next winter? Would be way easier than using saw and axe for it. :lol:
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Re: Skyclad

Post by Corbin »

Charge of the Goddess (by Doreen Valiente)

Now listen to the words of the Great Mother, who was of old also called among men Artemis,
Astarte, Athene, Dione, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Dana, Arianrhod, Isis, Bride, and by many other names. At her altars, the youth of Lacedaemon in Sparta made due sacrifice.

Whenever ye have need of anything, once in the month and better it be when the moon is full,

then shall ye assemble in some secret place, and adore the spirit of me, I who am Queen of all witches.

There shall ye assemble, ye who are fain to learn all sorcery, yet have not won its deepest secrets;

to these will I teach all things that are as yet unknown.

And ye shall be free from slavery; and as a sign that ye be truly free, you shall be naked in your rites;

and ye shall dance, sing, feast, make music and love, all in my praise. For mine is the ecstasy of the spirit,

and mine also is joy on earth; for my law is love unto all beings.

Keep pure your highest ideals; strive ever towards them, let nothing stop you or turn you aside.

For mine is the secret door which opens upon the Land of Youth, and mine is the cup of the wine of life,

and the Cauldron of Cerridwen, which is the Holy Vessel of Immortality. I am the gracious Goddess,

who gives the gift of joy unto the heart of man.

Upon earth, I give the knowledge of the spirit eternal; and beyond death, I give peace, and freedom,

and reunion with those who have gone before.

Nor do I demand sacrifice; for behold, I am the Mother of all living, and my love is poured out upon the Earth.

Hear the words of the Star Goddess, the dust of Whose feet are the hosts of Heaven, whose body encircles the universe:

I who am the beauty of the green earth, and the white moon among the stars, and the mystery of the waters, and the desire of the heart of man.

I call upon thy soul to arise and come unto me. For I am the soul of Nature, who gives life to the Universe.

From me all things proceed, and unto me all things must return; and before my face, beloved of gods and of men, let thine innermost divine self be enfolded, in the rapture of the infinite.

Let my worship be within the heart that rejoices, for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals.

Therefore, let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.

And thou who thinketh to seek for me, know thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not, unless thou knoweth the mystery; for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.

For behold, I have been with thee from the beginning; and I am that which is attained at the end of desire.


I am always free from slavery and naked in my rites - My mind is cleared from modern confusion and contrivance is left behind. I fain to hold no guile, approaching the entire rite with total honesty and without self-deception. I am without shame. I set aside a place in my mind, heart and soul - which endures - that is clear, pure, sacred and undiminished - and yet, is somehow still undeniably me and not so very different from anyone else.

Rather then literally shedding my clothes, I do so figuratively. I attempt to move beyond the symbol of the act to the purposes (as they reveal themselves).

This is out of sheer practicality. I am a modern witch. I have always thought this line of the poem was related to Adam and Eve eating from the tree of wisdom, becoming aware of their bodies and being shamed; the newly resurgent witchcraft shaking off the shackles of conformity and (christianity)?


An athame is a tool. You could use an athame. You could use your index finger? Once you understand what an athame is, you could simply visualise its spirit, hone its purpose and empower its intent

; skyclad is a tool.
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Re: Rules for The Creative Corner

Post by Corbin »

firebirdflys wrote: Mon Jun 22, 2020 11:37 am I mean much of witchcraft was to be preformed skyclad yet that is impractical in the dead of winter! Maybe a quick polar plunge, but beyond that...EEeeeeeek!

(personal thoughts. Some tongue in cheek)

Cold. Wind. Rain. Sudden hail. Mud. Pebbles. Thorns. Nettles. Thistles. Candlewax. Doorbells. Ramblers. Nosy kids. Fire alarms. Curious pets with wet noses. The environment advises the practicality of the practice. I have RA, walking barefoot on anything other then pliant warm grass or a plush rug isn't transcendent or connective, it's distracting and punishing.

But 'much of witchcraft' is performed skyclad is actually 'mostly Gardinarian Wicca' in reality.

In older times? The salacious imaginations of cloistered christian clerics must be taken into account. That ancient pagan cults performed naked ecstatic rites I have little doubt, but like animal sacrifice or beheading sacred Kings, it doesn't mean that it is an ancient practice you must to adhere to.

Society evolves. Witchcraft evolves.

Some modern witches use robes, cloaks, special vestments etc. I dress for comfort anyway and don't feel the need for a costume (or the lack of) to encourage me to shift my consciousness from the day-to-day to the mystical (or back again).

A psychic shower afterward to draw wayward energies back to the earth is, I find, sufficient to 'wash my clothes'.

Many of the taboos (you must be / do this, you must be / do that), while personal to the practitioner are then 'sold' as necessities to a wider audience. They are only Taboos if you make them so or believe them to be so. If you intuit they are a taboo then follow them or be psychologically hamstrung. The same is true for the things which empower your craft.

The golden rule of an eclectic witch - 'does it work'. Too much time can be wasted focusing on things we would like to connect to but cannot connect to and not enough following heart and Intuition. If you simply must be nude in ritual, then do so safely in private or grow tall hedges or perhaps build a discrete arbour?

Personally I got all the 'running about naked as a jaybird' out of my system as a child.


... most superstitions are written about witches, or by them... not for them...
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