Strong Love Spell or Other?

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Strong Love Spell or Other?

Post by WhiteElf »

I am not sure if this is a spell or a curse, and I don’t know how to explain it so I’m just going to start from the beginning and go from there. You can tell me your thoughts afterwards. My Boyfriend dabbled with Wiccan Spells back in high school and his early twenties. He did a Love spell to find the girl of his dreams, or so he says. Can’t seem to get a straight answer out of him. This was fifteen or so years ago.

So give some back ground, he’s from the other side of the country, and at the time he did the spell I had started pining to go to the other side of the country. This is a big country, Canada, so It’s not an easy feat. He came out here before I got there and we met 6 Years ago.

At first I didn’t know what it was but there was some kind of pull towards him. We didn’t start dating for a couple years, but once we did it just blew up. The feeling/ obsession with him is nothing like anything I have ever felt for a guy in my life. It makes me think either I never loved any guy I was with, which I doubt, or this spell he did was powerful.

I never thought about it till recently but all the guys I had been with since he did his spell I could never really attach myself to. There was always this boundary, but I never new what it was or how to fight it. I had my suspicions though.

As much as I love this guy, I can’t stand him, and when ever I think of breaking up, or look else where, I am just pulled back to him.

Don’t get me wrong, He is wonderful, and lovable, and maybe it is a love from past lives, so strong due to the lifetimes we’ve spent together. That has occurred to me too.

To me it just doesn’t seem natural or right, but maybe I am wrong. I have been a Pagan most of my life, and something about this doesn’t feel right.

Your thoughts and Idea’s are welcomed.
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Re: Strong Love Spell or Other?

Post by SnowCat »

Trust your feeling. If something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't.
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Re: Strong Love Spell or Other?

Post by barker »

i had a girl witch that i suspected a love spell from. very distinct feeling isn't it.

what i learned: nobody's perfect. it feels sublime, or something, but maybe we all do have our flaws... and those who aren't willing to learn from them aren't really going to be worth it. *shrug, sigh, relent*
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Re: Strong Love Spell or Other?

Post by Shekinah »

Trust your intuition. One who just dabbles in magick hasn't much of a command, that takes years of serious application. Trying to influence probabilities in matters of love is not a good idea. Best to let serendipity run it's course. Nature has had millions of years practice and probably knows best. :)
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Re: Strong Love Spell or Other?

Post by beemerphill »

This reply is not from a Wicca or Pagan perspective, it is from having lived a while on this Earth and having seen people make mistakes. The best advice is from yourself- "As much as I love this guy, I can’t stand him, ". If you keep hanging around with him and dancing too close to this flame you will get stuck with him and burned. That little voice you keep hearing is telling you right. If you can't stand him, get out. Life is way too short to spend time with someone you can't stand. There are over 350 million people in Canada and the US. Over half of them are male. After you eliminate the too old, too young, too weird, gay, taken, incarcerated, mean, or just too damn ugly, you will still have many millions to chose from. Pick one that you like. Good Luck!
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Re: Strong Love Spell or Other?

Post by EveningWithAstaroth »

You explained this man in terms of "I love him, but I can't stand him".

There is no spell. He uses psychological efforts- telling you there is- to feed your own obsession for him- that "soulmate" type feeling.

Individuals often confuse "fate" "soulmate" "Twinflame" type feelings of love for another type of feeling which when it boils down to it is emotional attachment and obsession.

An indivual who tells you he cast a love spell is expecting to get into your head- this is something he wants you to think.

You asked spell or curse, and it truly is neither. It is your own emotional attachment to him, that he is seeking to manipulate- to keep you close on a string.

This is a form of psychological game.

You are stronger then this- believe that.

But the ball is in your court- you do have the power to leave.

But it is your choice. You are going to have to make whichever decision you make and live with whatever repercussions come of it.

Not us.

Now, what are your thoughts now, that we've written you here?

Are you clearer on what it is you intend to do about this, or do you feel you need more time?

You make your choices.

And own your own life.
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Re: Strong Love Spell or Other?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Walnuts are used to “fall out of love”; Cat Yronwode in her Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic describes a ritual where you make a tea of nine black walnuts (husk and all) boiled in three quarts of water; boiling it till the water evaporates down to 1 quart. You bathe in this water, renouncing ties to the former love, and then throw the water out at a crossroads or against the tree. This kind of bath is not one for the bathtub, but usually done in a basin.
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