Have I done the right thing?

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Have I done the right thing?

Post by WolfWitch »

Okay, I know this will probably sound like a whole lot of nothing but, to me, it is a situation that bothers me.

I am in service. Part of my job has me dealing with the re-embursement department of our federal travel office. For the last month I have been wrestling them to re-pay twelve of my co workers for an authorized trip. normally at the longest, it takes two weeks. The problems have been their lack of communications between their own departments, laxidaizical clerks that take days to file something that needs same day updating, and a general lack of responsibility or consequences for failure to complete tasks. It has taken me going up my chain of command to finally get a ball rolling. Today i was squaring away the last person on the list and was doing so with him present to verify all information and there-by eliminate their ability to say it was incorrect info. After several minutes of all but being ignored, I acted.

Taking a small post-it note I began to draw simple runes. The Goddess and God and a few others. This casting asked for justice to be swift, that the law of three visit back to them the full measure of what they have sewn and finally, leaniance shoud they straighten up their act. I placed my power hand to it and willed a decent amount of my personal energy into this and then, nonchalantly, posted it on the inside of the clerks desk.

Was it wrong of me to curse them? I did not ask for any harm to come to them, only that they recieve what they are alloted as is life. I asked for mercy should it be earned. Am I bad for having done this or have I just called the fates attention to something that needed correcting? As stupid as this sounds, it is a dilema for me.


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Post by Elem »

I agree with your actions.. As Nyte might say - You're the channel through which 'karma' is acting.

Don't feel bad about it, I don't think it was wrong.. They got what they deserved for not doing their jobs properly :). Sorry for shortness of post.. Tired today haha.

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Post by thatguy »

You asked for an honest opinion so I'll give you mine. I can understand that you're bothered. I'm guessing here, but I'm assuming that your quick action has been visiting you in your mind with a kind of off feeling. If it is, I think you can learn from the experience.

I don't think it matters how your quick spell was crafted, or that it included an 'escape clause' kind of deal, or even that you only requested justice specifically for actions taken. As a brief aside, your intent, I believe, can go beyond your words and is not completely limited by them.

In any case, I don't think you've done something horribly wrong, but if it bothers you a bit I think you can figure out why for yourself.

Sometimes the wrong that we perceive others committing can be colored by our emotional state and is also influenced by factors such as stress, fatigue and many other things. So, (although I'm no different from you in that I find it difficult) I recommend allowing time to pass in any situation, maybe wait until your thinking is clear before deciding to take action.

In the future, maybe ask yourself these questions: am I relaxed, un-threatened, un-annoyed, at peace, and content? Is my mind clear? If the answer is 'yes' then there's a greater likelihood that you are seeing things as they are (or whatever the next best thing is ;) ). If the answer is 'no' then maybe wait until the answer is 'yes' before embarking on a course of action or at least choose a benign, cautious and defensive course of action until the answer is 'yes'.

Sorry that I'm not affirming your choice, and I don't mean to be a wet blanket. I'm not judging either, to be honest, my viewpoint comes directly from my own mistakes. Again, I don't think you caused any harm at all.

Please take my opinions with a grain of salt.


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Post by hedge* »

Was it wrong?
Only you can answer that hun.

As a side note - I don't see anger as a bad thing. Sometimes it gives us the kick up the pants we need to react to situations and to make things happen.
It's all well and good to take a step back and wait 'til you are calm - but that's not going to fuel any passion now is it.
I don't see anything wrong with cursing and I don't see anything wrong with cursing in the heat of the moment. If I feel injustice has been done and I'm angry about it - I WILL act there and then.
And I still sleep soundly of a night time.
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Post by WolfWitch »

Thanks guys. I guess I was just feeling bad because i don't like confrontation even when it's nessesary. I am seeing a few returns on my actions yesterday. (A couple of Base command people are looking long and hard at the department for similar issues with other commands. I am now one complaint amongst several and action is now happening.

I guess sometimes I have a lot of trouble realizing that you do have to take hard actions sometimes. I guess for all of my auto-reaction and violence prone nature I am, at heart, a slight bit of a passafist.

Who knew?


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The greatest advice I was ever given: It matters not what you believe. Only that you believe it wholeheartedly.
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