Eleusinian Mysteries

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Eleusinian Mysteries

Post by SapphireRoad »

Anyone else drawn to Eleusinian Mysteries merely by the sound of it?

I think I lived there, I wonder what was the treasure veiled to be of worth to be called mysteries over there at Eleusis.
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Re: Eleusinian Mysteries

Post by SpiritTalker »

I think of The mysteries as the soul’s evolution through reincarnation, rebirth, cycles of renewal.
The symbols used might be wheat - bread/ flour + water = life.
The seasonal cycles of annual renewal.
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Re: Eleusinian Mysteries

Post by Firebird »

I think I mix up Eleusinian and Elysium. There was, once-upon-a-time, a nudist colony in Topanga cyn called Elysian Fields, (a place that is apparently the good neighborhood in hell. LoL.) The word just was similar in my mind, yet I haven't discovered their related-ness, if there is any.
I believe the "mysteries" are revealed to the individual when they are ready. Much of the rituals involved amanita mushrooms and other psychotropics. A way of getting serious insight to ones soul and the way of the world, though it could also be achieved through contemplative meditation.
As Spirit mentioned the cycle of life, ...frequently depicted in the "grain cycle" as an excellent visual.
Also the ideas is grounded in initiation rites, as one is born into their new roles as Priest or Priestess.
BB, Firebird
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Re: Eleusinian Mysteries

Post by michaelmontgomery »

You know the secret magical potion everyone was drinking during the great festival was called the kykeon, Socrates and Plato both remember drinking the stuff, and theres a reason why frescoes of the goddess Demeter are sometimes decorated with a very particular flower motif, because the main ingredient came from papaver somniferum flowers. The magical stuff was in fact opium mixed together with roasted barley and golden honey, very strangely a little goat cheese too, making a very strong mug of beer. Stories say that everyone graduating from the Eleusinian Mysteries discovered the verifiable proof of the much yearned and hoped for afterlife, which is very true. It's reasonable to believe that drinking the elixir merely kickstarted your spiritual engines because probably very old magical charms and music helped get you to the promised land after walking from Corinth if I remember right to Eleusis? Demeter and Persephone. The golden harvest season. Beer and golden barley. Wow what a great party.
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