Am I considered a Witch?

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Am I considered a Witch?

Post by brokenxdreams »

I'm sorry if this question sounds dumb but. . .

A while ago, I told my friend that I was looking into Paganism (or does ssaying "studying Paganism" make more sense?). She asked me if I was a witch. I really did not know how to answer that.

I don't really do spells, I just sometimes say little sentences in my mind (or I guess you can say I do chants inside my mind, if that makes sense). But some people consider that prayers. I usually think to myself "Please let this happen" or "Help this person _____".

So am I considered a witch?
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Post by [Epothes] »

I see this as an argument waiting to happen. Some people call them prayers and some people call them chants and what-not. I say it's your choice what you want to be called.

I personally don't see myself as a witch since I don't follow all of their religious beliefs and paths. I see myself as a philosopher and psychic since that is what I study the most.
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Post by AnuChild »

If you practice witchcraft, you are a witch. If you do not practice witchcraft, you are not a witch.

Plenty of people can be pagan without being a witch. I looked into witchcraft a bit, but I have mostly left that behind. I still do some ritual things, but I consider those superstition, not witchcraft (i.e. dusting rue around the house for protection - I don't see that as a spell).
Come, heart, where hill is heaped upon hill:
For there the mystical brotherhood
Of sun and moon and hollow and wood
And river and stream work out their will.

W. B. Yeats, Into the Twilight
[Ebony Rose]
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Post by [Ebony Rose] »

Chosing Paganism as your path does not make you a witch.

There are a lot of terms like hedgewitch, circle witch, kitchen witch, etc, that you can follow some of their ways. Practicing certain aspects of witchcraft does not make you a witch.

There are many different circles that fall under the umbrella of Paganism.

Post by corrupted_beauty »

Well, I do witchcraft occasionally, yet I do not consider myself a witch. I hate the term and don't want to be known by it. When people ask me if I'm a witch, I say no. It's too steriotypical and when people think of it they think of evil beings. I am far from evil and don't want to be classified as such. I believe you can choose whether you want to be classified as a "witch" or not.
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Post by Elem »

I believe you can choose whether you want to be classified as a "witch" or not.
The only way you can choose to be classified as a 'witch' or not, is to decide whether to practice witchcraft or not.

Could a Christian, or a Jewish person call themselves anything but that if they practice the religion?

"Oh, hi! Yeah, I practice Christianity sometimes.. But I'm not Christian. It's such an old fashioned bible bashing name. So, ya know, I'm not Christian. I just practice Christianity."

See my logic :P? Haha

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Post by brokenxdreams »

I am so very confused.

I don't do spells. I just study what I can about paganism. But once in a while I say 'chants' in my mind, and I'm not sure if that's considered witchcraft for I have heard somewhere that that's only considered 'prayers'.


Post by Raven451 »

Once again..LOL ITA with your logic Elem...very true..

IMO people only associate negative things with the name witch out of ignorance...sad but true..if you look the word witch up in the bible dictionary, you'll be shocked to know it says something to the effect of a woman who cuts out the entrails to practice divination.. In the Merrium Webster online dictionary it lists a Witch as these :

1 : one that is credited with usually malignant supernatural powers; especially : a woman practicing usually black witchcraft often with the aid of a devil or familiar : SORCERESS -- compare WARLOCK
2 : an ugly old woman : HAG
3 : a charming or alluring girl or woman
4 : a practitioner of Wicca

Well at least we ranked 4 on the list...
In this day and age for these other definitions to still be prominant in peoples minds is scary to say the least..

Bright Blessings,

Lori :)
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