Tell or Not

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Tell or Not

Post by saianalyd »

my friends dont know im a witch. sometimes i do little spells to help them but since no one but my sister knows im a witch, i dont tell them. like i said in my last topic, i have heard it is bad to do this. do i need to stop?
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Post by [Epothes] »

I don't see anything as "wrong" or "bad" unless you are hurting someone. Clearly you aren't so why worry? I don't really think much of my studies in occult, psychics, and other paranormal sciences. If you think you MUST tell your friends about you being a witch then do it. If they care enough about you as a good friend then they'll understand. They won't necessarily take interest but they'll still support you. That's what friends are for.
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Post by thatguy »

It's really up to you. I believe there's good helping, there's bad helping, and the line between the two is very thin. One is based in goodwill and love and the other in self-aggrandizement. I don't believe there's anyone that can give you a concrete rule for determining which is which.

It's also very easy, in my humble opinion, to deceive yourself into believing that a self-aggrandizing action is truly based in love. If the type of 'help' you're giving isn't based in love, there's a good chance it will directly interfere with someone's free will. There's also a good chance that the interference occurs in a way that you'd never consider.

Since the mind is capable of justifying almost anything (possibly everything), logic is no good here. I guess my point is that you are the only person who can find out if what you're doing is good or bad.

hope that helps,

T. Guy.
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Post by [Epothes] »

Hmm...your incredible answer amazes me. Tell me. How many days did you spend coming up with such an answer? :shock:
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Post by WolfWitch »

As long as what you do doesn't infringe on their free will or ability to choose, then I don't think any harm will come of it. Your intentions are right and if your methods are equally prudent, then I think you'll be okay.

Blessed be.

The greatest advice I was ever given: It matters not what you believe. Only that you believe it wholeheartedly.
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