
Have a question about a spell or witchcraft/Wicca? Ask it here. Those of you who like to help others can help answer questions.
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Post by saianalyd »

please do not think badly of me for posting this. im only curious. I dont plan to try it, i just wanna learn more about magick.

so, with that in mind,
how bad exactly is cursing???
is it like passing notes in class bad or beating someone up bad??'
Is it the kind of thing that would be felony-ish or is it a minor offence??

:?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
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Post by Comus »

I'd go with the latter.
Also depends on who you curse and why.
Idz qaala

Post by Tinu »

Within Wicca there is the rule of Harm none. Cursing someone is harming them. Whatever energy you send out in the world, will return to you multiple times by the Law of Threeforld Return, so why would you want to harm yourself?

Whether you curse someone or not, its up to you, but just keep the above in mind.
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Post by WolfWitch »

A curse is catastrophic. Imagine wishing open harm to someone. Now imagine acting upon it. That's called assault.

No imagine if you put the force of all your hatred, all your rage and anger at that person and alowed it to manifest itself and bring harm to that person on it's own. Just unleashing that kind of negative force and power at someone, bound together by your will and a spell. Unerring. Unstopable.

That's a curse.

Now, imagine if you will, all that power, all that rage and hatred. That mass of negative energy bond by your cursed words and your will and intent. Imagine it growing stronger, becoming more powerfull. I magine it growing three times it's strength and force. Becoming a Juggernaught of it's former incarnation. A psychic engine of destruction seething like an ocean in the gribs of a summer squall. Now imagine that bearing down on you with imutable ferosity. Slamming into your life with the subtlty of a rape and battering you like a train wreck. Imagine the curse you muttered in haste and anger being visited back upon you...only three times as strong. Three times as malevolent.

That's the truth of a curse. No matter how bad you hurt someone, in the end, it is always the caster that suffers the worse fate.

It's the reason I do not like to hear teens ask for them. Giving someone who is, by genetic nature, being ruled by their emotions and passions ore oft than their logic is like handing a suicidal person a loaded gun and telling them to "have a blast."

I hope this answers your question.

Blessed be the peace makers.

The greatest advice I was ever given: It matters not what you believe. Only that you believe it wholeheartedly.
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Post by Elem »

Of course, how bad you personally see it to be is all up to you and how you personally perceive 'right' / 'wrong'..

Hoping that Nyte is around, she'd have something interesting to say on this topic. I can't comment really, since I'm not one for 'curses' / 'spells' / etc.. But, as far as I've been able to gather.. It all comes down to you.

The 'Three-Fold-Law' means nothing if you don't believe in it. If you believe it to be true, then it'll be true for you. If you believe it to be a load of crap.. Then it won't bother you at all. Not everybody believes in 'karma' / '3-fold' :).

I believe the way it's been put on here in the past is.. "Why can't you be the tool through which karma is working?" i.e. Somebody has done something wrong, and you are the tool 'karma' is using to punish them with a curse.

As I say, this is just what I've gathered during my time reading posts on here :). I have no personal interest in curses, and have no true opinion on your use of them. If you want to, then that's up to you.. but you'll bear the full weight of any consequences - be they through 'karma', '3-fold' or otherwise.


Post by Tinu »

WW I couldn't have said it any better!
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Post by Comus »

I have heard of someone cursing someone who has wronged them, e.g. a rapist, wishing him/her only as much hurt as they caused the witch in question to suffer, as a kind of attempt to speed up the threefold law.
Idz qaala

Post by Tinu »

Then why not do a karma return spell, instead of a curse? This way, you're not sending out bad energies, you're just asking the Universe to send to the person whatever karma is due them, whether it be bad or good.
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Post by Rein »

Honestly, it's alright to be curious about such things just as long as you avoid doing them..

Now, the thing about curses is, once you've created it, it cannot be changed. The curse is only as bad or harmful as the user intended, but let's not forget that we as human beings are capable of extreme acts of rage. My personal view on this is closest to WolfWitch, but I'll explain it anyway...

When someone does a curse, all the hatred, resentment, and everything else they're feeling at that one instant is trapped within it. What that means is, even if that person starts to feel differently, it doesn't change the energy inside the spell at all. That's why there are so many counter-spells out there to find your curse and stop it before it goes through with it's mission. Everyone's been in one of those situations where they've gotten extremely inraged about something that was trivial or just stupid.

All in all, a curse is a copy of all the emotions that person had when they created it, only without the moral obligations that keep us from harming, or even killing, other people, and that is what makes them so dangerous.

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