rEVOLUTION of Consciousness

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rEVOLUTION of Consciousness

Post by Awakened1 »

This is my latest writing about consciousness and where we are heading.

PEACE ... ve-to.html

rEVOLUTION of Consciousness

You have to remember this, life is about experiencing, creating and loving. Its not supposed to be about preoccupation with material objects, money and running the rat race. Somewhere along the line, out of building societies and civilizations, we fell asleep. The knowledge of the universe, our divinity and why we are really here became esoteric and forgotten.

As our species spread out across this vast world, we became distracted. Mostly those of us not in control of running the societies over time forgot about the very essence of why we exist. We fell into the mold of what was expected of us by others, we got jobs, got married, had families, worked to support them, while being force fed more products than you could possibly need. Spirituality became blurred and Religion became molded for an agenda and joined alliance with the political and corporate sponsors to dumb down the masses.

The soul fell second to the ego and we began to live as a society measured not by who you are but by how much you make or your social status. Too busy to ever slow down and contemplate the eluding questions of “why are we here” and “where are we going“. To consumed and blinded buy saving just enough to live on and possibly take a vacation maybe once a year. Separated into classes and labels as if we were the products being sold on the market of souls. Always being told to be #1 in a system built and perpetrated on lies. A mass consciousness polluted by the thinking of always being told to be better than other people instead of seeing each other as equals. Always a competition to acquire riches and wealth in place of attaining enlightenment and truth.

We all contributed to everything we are seeing happen in the 21st century. Over many lives and even this one. Sleep walking, once in a great while actually experiencing something more, a glimpse of what it all was meant to be. Thinking we were awake, passively taking part in this great mystery we call life.
Always wondering , always knowing that something wasn’t quite right with the world around us. But most don’t really delve to deep, after all this entire planet has developed a serious case of A.D.D.

Some do awaken, to a notion. But barely ever seriously think for themselves and question the very foundation of why. To most, the belief systems we have, and information about the worlds constant struggle, we do not know from experience or research. We know from being told what to believe, about life, war, religion, politics, and so forth. We have been mass conditioned to accept this as “all there is” in life. If you think about it, you don’t even really have to think, there is always someone to tell you what to buy, what car to drive, where to eat, who to vote for, basically every single function of life. I never could buy into it, always thinking things cant be this messed up intentionally. I mean you take a look around and observe, you see a bunch of sleep walkers. Personally it scared the shit out of me more than it comforted me. A world view built and contributed to by those who supposedly know what is best for the rest of us.

For me organized religion was always too fear based to buy into. The concepts the world over, the similarties, but It always felt like they were leaving so much out and blatantly ignoring facts and proof. I do respect the freedom to worship God in whatever form someone chooses. This is not to be against organized religion, but to examine and question. We must question ourselves, what we have been taught and what we experience are important, we must beocme aware. No one the world over should be allowed, in any religion, to take a fundamentalist and ideological stance that includes violence in any form. Allah, Jesus, Siddhartha, or any other religions do not condone what is being done in the name of those religions. The fundamentalists talk about the true virtues of truth and equality, but do they simply imply what they felt people needed to know about creation and God. It becomes such a hypocritical lifestyle, and is filled with more discrimination and violence than compassion. I always looked at it from the stance of taking the greatest people and prophets in all of human history and somehow changing the story. The virtues of truth and equality, healing and spirituality. Instead of “if you want to get to god or heaven you better do what we tell you“.

I noticed the patterns in nature early, and always had this pull to the unseen. Always knew there was so much more to everything than what we are told. I started catching glimpses of what things could be like, started noticing the energy that seems to be running through everything. I began to study the ancient teachings and world religions. Reading as much as I could, I began to open my mind to the possibilities that anything was possible and that this was all some sort if holographic world. Patterns mimicking patterns. Layers upon layers of intelligent energy, consciousness, truth. Things people seem to have forgotten how to interact with. Things that native cultures all over the world and every ancient civilization built there societies around. The connection that was the spiritual realm. The connection to their environment and their effects on each other. The very essence of what life is truly about. Experiencing our divinity and being in Human form.

Mainly in the western world we are taught we are separate from God or the Divine source. There is nothing farther from the truth in that matter of things. People are taught that God exists outside of them, that we can not connect to god in this world in certain ways. We are told we are separate from our Divine origin. And anything that goes against that theory is scrutinized and ridiculed. What we have become conditioned to think is that we are human beings having spiritual experiences, when we are not. We are spiritual beings having this human experience. We are here, In this physical dimension to bring in the knowledge and wisdom from the spirit world and other dimensions, to incorporate it here in this physical. We have to remember why. This is the meaning of life. To create. To love and live in peace, truly free. Not a world with limitations dictated by others. But instead look at the world as a whole organism, every action affecting the whole. And the co dependant relationship essential for survival and abundance.

We find ourselves still facing the problems human kind has faced for the last few thousand years. Poverty, War, Hunger, and discrimination. We live in the great age of technology and science. Yet there is a big problem facing us in that aspect. Greed and corruption at the very levels dictating the way the world should be, according to who!? Fueled more by profit than conscience these companies and so called leaders of the world. There are very few world wide who are dedicated to peace no matter what. These people are dictating policies world wide, dictating how others should live and Obey their view of reality. This has proven to be a failed world view. One that no longer fits or serves the purpose of truth.

This year, 2006, really is the shift year in the consciousness paradigm. We are seeing a awakening and spiritual revolution, people world wide questioning the very structure and who seems to benefit the most from it. This is a time of critical thinking and we must always continue to push the envelope, even if that means questioning what we ourselves believe to be true. The leaps and bounds in Quantum Physics and theory, and the experiences that millions around the world have had of the mystical and ESP nature, through energy and the healing arts, meditation and so forth are proof to many, and accepted by a wide range of medical experts. Even the governments know about consciousness and the effects it is having on our world. That everything is “speeding” up. We are on the right track, that we are taking notice of what is right in front of us. This is part of the evolution of this planet, sleeping for so long, then awakening, then realization…..

We have already reached critical mass world wide. That is evident by the overwhelming support, from people of every corner of the earth for peace. We are at the point in history we are questioning and trying to understand, to remember who we are and where we are going.

There will always be skeptics, that is a given. And there are many at least, that wont get it until or if we reach a cosmic awakening that all finally “get it”. There will always be those not willing to accept change, out of complacency or fear. We have all been there, we were all once asleep and unaware of the true nature of this reality, about this matrix of illusions. But remember the things that are occurring in our world, as we co create this new reality are changing everything to the point that we are manifesting physical reality at record paces. We are waking up as a species, as a planet. Take a look around at the effects we have had on this planet, the only way we will be able to survive and initiate change is if we expand our consciousness to accept what is best for the highest good of all, and not just the few. This planet can sustain us and we can all be abundant if we snap out of this self centered coma we find ourselves in and truly work at fixing the common problems facing us all, putting the profit margin at our survival. Is that not more valuable than a piece of paper with no true value to it? Is that not more valuable than anyone could ask for? Become pro active and do something to change things, to wake up those around you. To not compromise yourself or knowledge you hold. It will happen regardless, but wouldn’t you rather be part of the solution, than a passive observer? Remind yourself, Go into nature and really take it all in, breathe the air, feel the energy. There is no doubt, there are no coincidences, there are only illusions.

We can and will change the world for the better. We don’t have much of a choice at this point, and what is happening, in terms of awakening world wide, the collective consciousness is shifting rapidly. There can be no more of the selfishness when it comes down to it. We have a choice to make, to build a world around the true virtues of humanity, peace, love, truth and honesty. We have the ability to heal not only ourselves, but our planet. We have a responsibility as the people of the world to UNITE on the common issues and reject the system of mental slavery. We are all one, connected through the very fabric of consciousness and energy. We can reclaim our divine origins and rise above the illusions of this 3D world. The path isn’t going to be easy, but there should be nothing to stop us from standing up for what is right and just. We can not just sit around and accept anything less than equality and truth. We deserve it and we must demand it. We must work together to realize our true potential and not these false dreams that have been sold to us for so long. We must not be tricked or persuaded to become violent in any manner. Non Violence is the only way to achieve peace and not many have the courage to follow through. War and hatred only fuel more of the same, and there has been enough killing, not one day that we have had true peace. We can no longer kill our own kind. Those who seek to cause and profit from violence and controlling people the world over must relent their control and those with good conscience within those organizations and governments the world over must step up and peacefully remove those in power who support such policy. It is clear to see where we are heading in a few short years if we do nothing. If we watch it happen on TV and allow it to happen. PEACE is the ONLY way.

It is time to rise up and accept our destiny, rather than let it be decided for us, by being told what we need or must do. Free will is something we all have and must become aware of. It is time in human history to take our place and reject the stereotypical labels placed on all of us. We are one people and will not be put into classes or categories and labeled as different or less than any other. It is time to become educated in truth and not this false reality we have become conditioned to. There is no place for ego. There is no place for superiority. We are all equal parts in the whole and its time we started treating each other and the world around us as such. The voices of the innocent, the voices of the silent must be heard and not this model of control. You are only controlled as much as you allow yourself to be.

Don’t just shift the paradigms, break through them and redefine the very essence of the soul and what we are capable of. Do not live in fear, instead choose love in every instance. Even in the face of those who wish to silence the movement of the people. Judge not lest ye be judged. Do unto others as you would have done unto you. Live morally and be respectful of differences that make us individuals. Together we can change everything. Think for yourself and realize that everything you need is within. Contemplate the universe, take risks, and live in a world without walls and boundaries set up to keep you distracted. Reject all that which is not in the highest good of all. Do not simply obey and be one of the heard because of fear. Dream, love, believe in something that makes you strive to be a better BEING. And live in the NOW, don’t get lost in the past or chasing the future.

To put it simply, be a light in the darkness and wake up to your true potential. A world wide rEvolution of the spirit, of truth, of energy. Pay attention to your intuition and find your truths in life. Truth resonates within, there is no denying what you feel in soul. Think for yourself and use discernment in all you read or watch on TV. Do not be fooled into believing you are not capable of it. Remember the saying when you were younger? “You can do anything if you put your MIND to it.”. Read between the lines. The only limitations are those we place on ourselves. Even in the face of great challenge, we must put aside fear and choose life and freedom in all instances. Another world is possible, beyond our Imagination. And it is real.

We can no longer afford to wait around for someone to fix the problems we face. We must fix the problems. There are influential people all over the world who are in positions that they can speak out. People in the masses waiting for truth to flood the consciousness. It is time for change, it is time to become our destiny and truly experience life. Utopian you say? rEvolutionary? Maybe, but I know I AM not the only one. Many think it, but never say it. If not now, when? Is it not noticeable yet? Is it considered dangerous thinking? Or is it completely normal and comfortable, just kept locked away? Well I’ll take that over a world gripped in fear any day.
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