Spirit Conjuring

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Spirit Conjuring

Post by Ababwa »


Just wondering if you guys know any really simple spirit conjuring spells.
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Post by [moondance] »

I think this could potentially be dangerous esp so if you are inexperienced ... why do you want to conjure them .. ?

Post by chatterbox661 »

i've thought about it but have ever actually done it for fear of something terrible happening!

Post by Tinu »

Alright, story time.

I have a friend who conjured a spirit. She was an experienced witch of 20+ years who knew what she was doing, cast the correct protection circles (which involve a large degree of ceremonial magic), conjured the spirit she wanted to, and made the deal she wanted to with it. Unfortunately, she didn't realise that the spirit she conjured was also a lying, deceitful spirit.

She ended up being possessd by the spirit (who will remain unnamed), losing her mind temporarily (until the possession was broken), and ended up in a mental hospital until she was healed.

This is the type of thing that can happen to even experienced witches, I wouldn't even want to think about what could happen to an inexperienced witch.
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Post by moonwitch* »

Very ture.. you never know which spirits are near.... and they WILL jump for that " opening" ... it is ALWAYS risky and should not be done alone.... be careful!
Moon Witch

Post by Awakened1 »

if you are going to conjur spirits, you better have a good reason, there is difference between communicating between dimensions and bringing one into this one by your will. I practice what I would label as Shamanism, have you tried communicating with your guides first?

I'm not saying dont do it, but KNOW what your INTENT is.

Peace and Light
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Post by Sobek »

also if you plan to go ahead and it doesnt go quite right have it known that with cruel spirits they will play on emotions. it would be a good idea also to have a cleansing spell ready so afterwards you can proceed with that.

Post by dq369 »

what is conjuring spirits anyway?
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Post by [Epothes] »

dq369 wrote:what is conjuring spirits anyway?
Calling and invoking them is basically conjuring. You're basically inviting them in to come and hang out with you. The reason why someone would conjure a spirit would be to make a deal with it to have something done. This is advanced magick in the sense that what you're trying to accomplish is much harder to do alone without the invokation of other sources to put their energy into making what you want happen.

I personally don't like to deal with spirits since they scare the hell out of me (pardon the rudeness) from previous experiences with them...never again will I do things like that. :shock:

Post by dq369 »

what were they like?
the spirits i mean
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Post by [Epothes] »

dq369 wrote:what were they like?
the spirits i mean
Well, as Sobek said they can sometimes play with your emotions. As an example I'd be doing something and something would fall or make a bang. I'd look and check things out and see nothing. Mind you, this is in the silent darkness as I lay home alone with absolutely nothing on except my computer. Another example would be seeing things disappear that you swear were there before, search around the house to find the thing that was missing where you'd checked earlier. Anything can happen and it's not fun. Fear is something that causes intense stress on your body both physically and emotionally. I lived in a house that I swear was haunted.

Post by sagart »

This is the way a summoning works for the average person:. They choose a spirit's name. Now, they walk over to their phone. They look down at the numbers and mash a few buttons randomly. It rings. It rings. It rings. A voice answers. A young woman's voice. They ask if this is the spirit you're looking for. She says that yes, of course it is. They did call her, after all. They invite her over for dinner, give her directions to their house, and tell her they've left the door open.

In the real world, this ends with stab wounds. Who in their right mind would invite random strangers into their home? Apparently, occultists. It almost convinces me that people don't really believe in spirits, because they believe spirits always tell the truth, have our best interests in mind, and will behave and leave when asked, because they were asked.

Don't conjure anything. When you're able to properly deal with the consequences of conjuration, you won't need to ask how to do it. Practice with the spirits that are already around you and test them, test them, test them. Create deep and lasting relationships with the things already around you and the mechanics of calling something else will become clear on their own.

Whatever you do, don't just dial a number someone gives you and hope for the best.
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Post by Rein »

I completely agree with that! And great use of analogies, I couldn't have said it better myself!

Sagart, you have much to teach us. :o


Post by sagart »

Kayako wrote:Sagart, you have much to teach us. :o
lol, nah. But one question I always do suggest: if I were doing this on the mundane plane, instead of in the spiritual realms, would I be doing it?
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