Making oils tips please .....

Make your own oils, incense, dream pillows, teas, aromatics, magickally charged bath salts, candles, soap, yummy pagan holiday treats, and more!
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Making oils tips please .....

Post by [moondance] »

Heya ! I have decided to make some of my own oils - jsut got a few questions if some of you can help me with please.
I am not sure what base oil to use yet ... but I have some olive oil I use to cook with - anyone know of this type of olive oil is ok to use or is there another kinda I need to get? I will use my brews on my skin as perfume so not sure if thats the wrong kinda oil to be using?
Also anyone have any advise or tips about timing that might be best for brewing? I think I will start i the waxing moon or around the full moon.
Finally, can anyone advise preparation cermony .... ? I mean does anyone light candles or maybe say a special prayer or something ....... ya I know ppl will say to do whatever I feel is right and not use other person routine / words etc ... but I am just wanting something to use as a guideline to then create my own routine from .. thnks x
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Post by Leo*Moon »

I don't have any experience with making my own oil blends but I can say that Olive Oil will not harm your skin and it makes your hands soft. I come from an Italian family so I'm no stranger to it.
The fool thinks himself to be wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool. ~Shakespeare

Post by Tinu »

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is good if you're going to use olive oil, there are tons more oils you can use depending on food sensitivities and such. I'll take a look around the net and see what I can find.

Post by Tinu »

Alright, this is from Scott Cunningham's book The Complete Book of Oils, Incenses and Brews:
There's no magic secret for blending and mixing magical oils. Here's the basic method:
1. Assemble the essential oils (and bouquets) called for in the recipe.
2. In a clean sterilized jar, add 1/8 cup of one of the following vegetable oils: Safflower, Sunflower, Almond, Hazelnut, Coconut, Grapeseed, Apricot Kernel, or Jojoba. I've found jojoba best to use. Because it isn't truly an oil but a liquid form of wax, it never becomes rancid and can be kept for longer periods of time.
3. Using an eye dropper or the convenient single drop dispensers which are included in virtually every bottle of true essential oil, add the essential oils in the proportions recommended in the recipes that follow.
4. Swirl the essential oils into the base oil, don't stir. Gently rotate the oil clockwise.
5. Finally store all oils away from heat, light and moisture (not in the bathroom) in airtight, opaque or dark-colored glass bottles. Label and keep for use.
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Post by [ravenwing] »

The oil you mix your essential oils into are called "carrier" oils.

The best three I am aware of are Sweet Almond, Grapeseed, and Apricot Kernel.
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Post by [moondance] »

hey everyone ! thanks soo much for your help and advise ! xxx
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Post by moonwitch* »

WOW great info everyone thanks for posting it!
Moon Witch

Post by Tinu »

You're welcome. I've got tons more information on each base oil (aka carrier or vegetable oils)
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