I have to know! What’s a mirror book?

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I have to know! What’s a mirror book?

Post by Tinu »

What is a mirror book? This is the first time I've actually heard the term.
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Post by WolfWitch »

This is easy, I keep one myself. Very handy little bliter too.

Scott Cunningham mentions them in his Solitary practitioners guide. In essence, they are a journal or diary but, for your spiritual growth. You write down your thoughts on things or the magick you tried or whatever you feel the need to place to paper.
It's a great way to set your thoughts in order and go back to them at a later time and maybe discover something you missed the first time through. Mine is the first of the three books that make up my BOS.

Hope this helps you.

Blessed be.

The greatest advice I was ever given: It matters not what you believe. Only that you believe it wholeheartedly.

Post by Tinu »

I read it in his book too, which was the only place I had ever seen it. I was hoping there was perhaps more info on it.
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Post by Addalaide »

I havent gotten to read the book it isnt at out library. But is it like a diary where you keep all the spells and results so you can go back and see what you did right/wrong?

I have 3 books one i keeps as a diary like book, the other has spells in it and the 3erd had information like the holidays, the mening of words, and just general information.
Merry Part
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Post by WolfWitch »

Addalaide: Yes it is in a way. You set down in your mirror book any spells you tried and the results as well as if you learned anything from them spiritually. It also is a place for you to write down your personal discoveries and revalations on your faith and spiritual well being. Your thoughts and ideas about the greater mysteries of life. Whatever you need to set to paper in regards to your faith. Mine is an integral part of my BOS. It is the third of the three parts and accesable only to myself and my mentor should he ever decide to ask to see it. A mirror book is for you and you alone. (I will allow my mentor to view it as I have a very deep, deep respect and love for the man.)

Blessed be fellow seekers.
The greatest advice I was ever given: It matters not what you believe. Only that you believe it wholeheartedly.
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