Question about a spell

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Dreamy Mermaid

Question about a spell

Post by Dreamy Mermaid »

Hey peeps,

I started practising a spell earlier this year and then I asked a psychic if the situation I was going to achieve with the spell would work out and she said it would but the only thing that was preventing it from happening or making the process slower was that I would sometimes doubt it would work. I believe that the psychic was reliable because she described things about my life that were spot on and not obvious and without me giving clues. A short time later I got side tracked with my final year exams at university and stopped working on the spell and focusing my energies on it and instead focused on my exams. About a month after my exams (two months after I gave up on the spell) I started practising the spell again and focusing my energies on it and then recently I asked another psychic if my desired outcome of the spell would be achieved (without mentioning I was working on a spell) and they said that it was not going to happen and that I should give up and move on.

I would like to know if it is still possible to achieve the desired outcome of a spell even after a psychic has told you to give up? I mean if I truly believe that it will work and channel a lot of energy into the spells can it work against what the psychic said? The second psychic (the one who said I would nt get my desired situation) said it over a single sms whereas the first psychic told me over a 6 minute instant messaging convo we had on the net so I think she was more reliable than the sms psychic.
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Post by [SanityIsLost] »

You used an online psychic? I don't know much about psychics but I always thought they needed to be in your presence to work. That's interesting. Well, is this spell that you are working on really huge? I'm not sure I exactly understand what it was you were trying to do. In my opinion anyhting is possible but depending on how big it is, it just needs time to work. You don't have to spend every waking moment focusing energy on it, you just have to believe that it is working for you and send some energy when you can. Having an exam shouldn't throw it off just because your mind wasn't on it 24 hours a day. Without knowing what the spell is or how big a spell it is, I can't say for sure it will work. But, if you believe it will you shouldn't give up the dream. Just, don't put so much time into it.

Post by Tinu »

There are a few ways a spell will not work:

a. You don't believe it will work. Doubt is the fastest killer of any magic you perform no matter how much energy you put into it. Your doubt disperses all the energy you've put into it.
b. You don't put any energy into it. Magic is energy put forth towards a specific purpose. No energy=no magic.
Dreamy Mermaid

Question about a spell

Post by Dreamy Mermaid »

Thanks for your replies SanityIsLost and Tinu. I did n't want to mention what the spell was because I believe that telling people will obstruct the momentum of it. I think spells work better when they are kept secret, but I can assure you that I am not dealing with black magic.

I guess I just need to be more patient and a lot of the time I believe it will work but occasionally the thought of it not working does pop into my head so I need to work on that.

Do you think that asking the psychic in the first place if my desired outcome would be achieved is what obstructed it? Maybe the Gods interpreted this as doubt and were offended by it and so stopped the process from happening?
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