Responding to Blessed May You Be

Discussion of the different types of witchcraft and pagan paths.
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Post by [ForestWitch] »

You are making bold assertions here, ForestWitch. I am not certain with respect to dark matter not existing for sure. I prefer to advice people that we should be cautious to state that it does exist. It remains a theory with some institutions such as Nasa believing it does exist, but other physicists working in some Universities deny its existence, prefering the old ether theory over dark matter.
Huh? What assertions? I ASKED you about your certainty since you said:
The ether and dark matter are closely believed to probably not exist at all.
I didn't assert anything; as I said, I'm under the impression that the jury's still out but if you can tell me which physicists and which universities deny it's existence then I can read their publishings and compare to what I already know.

Perhaps you didn't read my post carefully enough to realize that I'm actually AGREEING with you, to some extent at least, that science and spirituality aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. For instance:
Enlightenment wrote:
Anyway, "What is the Source?" you ask The best way I can answer that is, the Source/Divine/Higher Power/etc, just is. It's everything, it is the All in Everything. It's you, it's me, it's the rain drops, the clouds, the rocks and the trees, it's EVERYTHING. It always has been and always will be! It's indescribable in words, but it's where we come from and it's where we will return to.

Blessed May You Be wrote:
I don't agree with this source being indescribable. This source you speak of is known as molecules, which are broken down into atoms, and further broken down into protons, neutrons and electrons (believe it or not these latter particles are even further broken down into smaller particles named quarks). It is a scientific fact. Everything in this universe is constituted from atoms, they are the building blocks of everything. But I conceed and acknowledge that you might not know this.
I think this was a rather condescending and incomplete description, but in essence I agree. I think that the divine energy which connects us alll may very well be described some day in scientific terms. There's an awful lot of evidence which suggests that at the deepest levels (definitely not the atomic level, but at the particle or string level) all matter is connected; particles seem to be able to influence particles that are a very great distance away.

If anyone's interested in this, a good, understandable (for non-physicists) book to read is Brian Greene's The Elegant Universe. It was made into a NOVA special, as well.
Blessed May You Be

Post by Blessed May You Be »

ForestWitch wrote:Huh? What assertions? I ASKED you about your certainty
You asked? From your previous comment you wrote, "I'm curious, though, BMYB, about your certainty that dark matter doesn't exist", this gives the impression you were asserting that I was certain about the non-existing dark matter. I could've misinterpreted you though. You know how it is sometimes, I didn't mean to misread anything.
ForestWitch wrote:Perhaps you didn't read my post carefully enough to realize that I'm actually AGREEING with you, to some extent at least, that science and spirituality aren't necessarily mutually exclusive.
It's possible I misread your post.

By the way, here's an interesting read: ... atter.html
Posts: 157
Joined: Fri Jan 05, 2007 12:01 am
Gender: Female
Location: Wisconsin

Post by [ForestWitch] »

Sorry, edited and added to my post AFTER you replied. Thanks for the link.
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