Dressing Candles . . . Help!

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Dressing Candles . . . Help!

Post by Shadow_Kitten »

How on earth do I dress a candle??? Is there a certain way to do it? I'm so confused!
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Post by [ravenwing] »

Dressing refers to coating the candle with oil while concentrating on the intention for which you will be burning the candle. This is done after you inscribe it.

One thing to remember, and this is never written in any books that I have seen, is that there is a definite direction to rub the candle. You always should do the dressing in one direction. For example: If you are doing a spell to bring something TO YOU then always rub the candle towards you. When you rub the candle from top to bottom, rub it towards you. When you have to rub it from bottom to top, then TURN THE CANDLE AROUND so it is still rubbing towards you.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Here are some other ideas about candle "dressing". I agree with ravenwing, but there are a couple of things I felt I should add:

You *can* dress a candle in a glass container, but you do not want to put oil on the glass. The glass gets hot on those kind of candles, and if there's oil there... well, it's just bad. Get a layer of oil on your finger, breathe on it three times (or use your standard technique for charging) and draw a circle on the wax of the candle with the oil around the edge, or just around the wick. Either one works.

Some people draw the circle (using clockwise for drawing, and counter-clockwise for banishing) and then put a dot of oil on the wick to seal it, rather like the way some people put a dot in the center of a pentacle when they trace it in the air. Also, you can trace symbols on the top of the candle. I've also been known to dress a pillar candle using the circle method, because I find the whole "entire candle dripping with oil" an unappetizing prospect. You can even dress floating candles by putting oil on the wick.
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