Choosing A Deck

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Choosing A Deck

Post by Luna*Cat »

How do you go about choosing your Tarot deck?
I mean is it best to get a completly new one that no-one else has used?
Or a deck that has been more used?
Is there certain ones that are best used for certain situations?
The reason I ask is that Tarot is something thathas really started to interest me, and there are so many different deck out there (egyptian, wicca, pagen, begginers, old, new etc...), it is quite confusing as to where to start.

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Post by Leo*Moon »

My tarot deck was given to me, I think it's best to buy a new deck or to make your own. Some people prefer that others do not touch their cards because your energy could corrupt them (I personally don't agree with that) likewise, when using a used deck, someone else's energy is on them. Always ask before touching someone's cards. I think the perfect deck will find you but if you want to go out and buy one, seach for one that feels right. You'll know it when you find it.
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Post by [Chaz] »

Your deck will decide for you. When you go looking (or just happen to see it) you will be drawn to it. I have never bought a used deck but I would think the important thing to keep in mind is that you would need to cleanse and charge the deck before using it.
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Post by BlackenedRose* »

As to the pictures, use a widely used deck that is easy to read and that also attracts you. I bought the Marseilles deck - sometimes it annoys me as you can't tell whether it is inverted or not half the time.
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Post by being-singular-plural »

I was given a used Thoth deck one time and got rid of it right away as it seemed "cursed." If you are just starting out--I would suggest that you get the Rider-Waite-Smith deck (it is the most accessible and most widely used). The images on the cards make interpetation much easier than The Marsailles deck, for example, which has hardly any images at all. That said, I love my Marsaille Tarot deck as it is so "Continental!" (this is important to some of us North Americans!). Good luck and happy readings!

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Post by being-singular-plural »

Emma, that is just so strange. I was posting about the Marsaille deck at the same time you were. I submitted the post and saw that your post was added before mine and lo and behold, you were writing about it too! Very strange!

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Post by Wolf* »

Also, many like to have a few different tarot decks depending on what kind of question they are using it for. For instance, I wouldn't use the vampire tarot for a question on love. Thats the best analogy i can come up with, but I think you get the idea.

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Post by Kyerma »

You'll know the right deck for you when you see it, the imagery will speak to you in a way that no other deck does.

I personally own three decks: Londa which I read; Thoth which I read and meditate with and Gill which I only meditate with.


Post by Luna*Cat »

So it would be quite common place to have more than one deck, say for different types of readings?
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Post by Wolf* »

Yup, that sums it up exactly :)

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Post by Alhandra »

I got 3 decks. 1st one was a cheap one from woolworths. Even though it worked i didnt feel right with them. 2nd one was the star tarot again they worked but i wanted better and then for ma b-day 1yr ago my nan gave me the Unicorn tarot deck and this one s my fav and i usually stick by this one now. :)

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Post by [Ebony Rose] »

I decided to go with a Rider-Waite to learn with. Once I have a "feel" for reading tarot, I will seach for a deck that calls to me.
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Post by Lamaria »

i only have one tarot deck.
i think noone mentioned that's called "cigany kartya" or "gipsy card".i have that deck since i was a's my grandmothers,rarely used.i was atraccted to them since i first saw 'em,but i'm not very good at reading them cuz i can't find rules.
i have one book but rules are not explained very good.too bad...does anyone knows more bout those cards?or a site where i can's learn more bout 'em?
i also have one deck called hungarian playing cards.they are beautifull.mostly used for playing but some say that they can also be used for fortune telling.
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Post by Shadow_Kitten »

I've ordered the Art Nouveau Tarot Deck but it STILL hasn't arrived!

I REALLY want the Archeon Tarot Deck!
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Post by [ravenwing] »

I have both of those in stock......

I also have 15-18 decks total, but my favorite is the Gilded Tarot, great deck with vivid images, and the funny thing is, its probably the least expensive deck that comes with the book thatthere is.

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