House Cleansing

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House Cleansing

Post by moonlit »

Ok. So my friend has this house that was in need of some major cleansing, there was a lot of negative energy and a being there that wasn't so nice. So, Having done tons of cleansing, I bust out my best ritual and go about my busyness with her and my cousin as usual, but .............the cleansing didn't work, as a matter of fact the being actually resisted quite easily and gave us a run for our money.... rare... but it happened and we are stumped. The smoke (we do smoke cleansing) actually turned itself around in the hallway and traveled back to the bedroom instead of flowing out the door as it usually does. A lot of unusual stuff happened and we are stumped. Any Ideas?

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Post by Sobek »

banish as opposed to cleansing
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Post by Adiens »

Yes, I agree with Sobek. If you try cleansing again, chances are you'll just piss off this entity and it will do more harm. So banish and then cleanse of the negative energy.
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Post by [ravenwing] »

I'm going to agree as well, but state it a bit differently.

There's a difference between "energies" and "entities". Said in its most basic form an energy is a product of an entity. You can cleanse the energies all day, but if you havent banished the entity creating the, its only going to reproduce more..............
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Post by Eretik »

Yep, and once you've done that,you should ward in some way to stop return.
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