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Post by Eretik »

Me - I 'm well known for my diplomacy and tact -hahahahahahaha thump! whoops just fell off my chair laughing at myself there! We argue and debate here,strong people strong views,that's ok. This is a good place, better than most,if not the best. It's my favourite and I 've been involved in some strong arguments myself here. I like it when folk defends their beliefs,I may not agree with them but - my oft used phrase 'courage of their convictions' comes to mind,it's ok to agree,in the end,to disagree. I hope we all agree on that.lol.
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Post by Sobek »

"it's ok to agree,in the end,to disagree. I hope we all agree on that.lol."

mmm, i dont know...depends on who's right and who's wrong(!)
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Post by Elem »

Jcrowfoot - I've found problems with that too, since I've been back. I'll log in and the system doesn't report new messages like it used to. If it does report them these days, it never reports all of them... And I don't know why.

I've found myself having to manually check the dates on the right hand side to see which threads have new posts - ergh, effort! haha have the forums been having some problems lately? I notice that wanted to change the forum to a new board.. But then put this one back up temporarily until she could get it done?

I'm also inclined to agree with your post, spiralwind. This is the first pagan board that I've actually consistently come back to and enjoyed being a member of. Many others that I've been a member of in the past ended up packed full of silly nit-picky arguments, or unregulated and full of spam-bots because Mods just gave up. Personally, I think that our Mods do an absolutely brilliant job of keeping these kind of things away from our boards and I can only applaud their efforts :).

As well as this, I think that EUTM is different to many other boards, since the members here are from such a wide range of backgrounds. We all tolerate and understand each others' beliefs, and are willing to discuss topics / help each other out no matter what the situation. Even when a point of contention between members arises, it is never long-lived and never degrades into all-out 'wars' between members. Such is the way here, I guess. Like you said, spiral - Friendly first!


Post by spiralwind »

Thanks Elem! I know sometimes I've over-reacted to posts because never looked completely at all that was said. Checking back later would notice they were NOT attacking at all. Then once was going to start a new thread, but felt wasn't enough time. So, added it to another thread and people noticed that should be a new thread. Oh well, we all make mistakes sometimes. It really is being lazy, to not spend time and make a quality new topic (if needed).

New people need some of us older ones, to give advice or instruction. I can remember asking many questions of local experienced Wiccans, even though was taking mail lessons. It takes more than just a book knowledge. Wisdom is the result of knowledge applied...

Yes Sobek, I agree on your last 2 posts as well, being friendly must be what keeps some older ones here. Where else can we find true friends?
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Post by [ravenwing] »

Well, I've been around a while now, so if its OK I'll chime in on this one.

IMO, in most cases it isnt anything wrong with the forum itself, but its a combination of three factors. For me, its spring here at the beach in Massachusetts - a great time to watch the Cardinals feed on the feeder, watch the trees and flowers bloom, and enjoy the afternoon breeze for the first time in months.
Secondly, the real life responsibilities of my daytime job as well as trying to rebuild/repromote our website after a serious server crash that occurred a couple months back. We lost literally hundreds of members of our shop due to the crash and sales dropped 90% in the three weeks it took to get even a small version of the site up and running again. A work in progress to be sure, but we'll get there!
Thirdly, my interests seem to at times be somewhat different than whats being posted upon here at the forum. I have stopped by repeatedly and found there have been lots of posts, but not necessarily to something I can intelligently speak or offer advice to. For example, I wouldnt be able to give an answer to most Tarot questions I see -- I dont read Tarot.

I will offer this for everyone to think about though - not too long ago I made a post here, and repeated that exact post at over a dozen forums I happen to belong to. At this forum its been read more than twice as much as anywhere else out there. That leads me to believe this place is if nothing else active - people are coming, they dont necessarily reply though - thats something youllfind anywhere. Things are cyclical - and this too will pass.
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Post by Elem »

Good to see you, ravenwing :). I'm terribly sorry to hear about your shop.. Know that I'm thinking of you and wishing you the absolute best in recovering those lost sales / customers! If I lived in the USA I'd absolutely purchase something, but the big puddle that separates is kinda a problem :) haha. I'll be sure to recommend your store though, I promise.

I have to agree about the seasonal fluctuations, as well as the point made about 'sometimes posts just aren't something I can comment on'. I can certainly relate to the latter - sometimes there's posts that I don't feel it'd be worthwhile me getting involved in, since I don't have relevant expertise. As for the original point.. I'm sure that once it gets a little nicer here in rainy England I'll be tempted to go outside again too.. That is if it gets nicer.. Haha.

Anyway, as I said, good to see you! Good luck with the store, I'll be sending you some positive energy :).


Post by spiralwind »

I see ravenwing, you had a server crash also! I have a domain of my own, from a couple years back...fell for one of those get-rich-quick home business ideas you see advertised on TV. My server crashed, just the administrative control panel, mail server, but not the pages which are still there. This happened at the time wildfires started in California recently. It is still down, have not contacted them yet. Got my own web hosting, learned to build a site in the computer, make backup CDs. Like I said, fell for the home business thing. People really are not too enthused about cheap products from China, they can find them almost anywhere. But learned how to make my own shopping cart, using PayPal code, page templates with the cart, borders at top and bottom which actually display another page with things such as banners. Made all my own graphics.

After getting everything together and working good, found out what scams the company had for those who take their free offer of a website for life.

I'll put the trap in numbered order.
1. The site is free, but only this certain web developer company is authorized to build it.
2. The shopping cart yearly upgrade is very close to being $300.
3. The shopping cart was offered on special, about $600 off which is a 15% discount.

Glad I built my own for free! I closed out that business because didn't have enough patience to wait for it to get going. The domain, I've been using it to keep photos for like my avitar, any used in a post. I would get a different domain name before using it for anything spiritual...talking about web pages.
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Post by Orion »

Best of luck with your shop ravenwing. Scary how fast things can get to be a mess.

I am very orbital with my dealings on the net. Certain things I do every day and other things get touched on after longer periods. Most of my email accounts go two or three weeks, lol. I bounce around here a couple of times a week, but I am jumpy with my time. And a good portion of the time, like ravenwing said, I can't answer Tarot questions if I am not a Tarot reader, lol. I find there are better people to answer and reply to most questions, so I just keep my ramblings quiet.

At least I am out of the university for a couple of months. Even before I started taking things out of my truck, I was put to work at the house, lol. So the last week has become rather long. Even now, I have paint on my arms. Oiy.

A random note, I finally finished my english classes and so I have time to read my own books and I finally got a chance to pick up Destiny of Souls. On recommendation from , I read Journey of Souls awhile back. Excellent book.

End Ramble.
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as judge in the field of truth and knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods." -Einstein

There are always facts, the best most of us can do is try to continuously adjust our opinions to become closer to those facts. For that, there is Science and Philosophy. One to argue facts and one to argue opinions. The result: The big bang is some sort of sexual innuendo resulting from your subconscious.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

I'm so sorry to hear about your store, ravenwing. :-(

I will point out that big public hosting companies seem to be big green lights to spammers... they crack the system and take it over so it sends out spam. You may suffer from IP blackouts and the like due to this. :-( I hate giving people bad news, but I used to work for a web hosting company, so I know some things about it. :-(
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Post by [cherokeewind] »

My hosting company seemed to be down. Actually, when I called them, they had upgraded the server for more storage and a hacker safe system which tested out good. Now my spiralwind profile is down. No way to contact anyone except to fix the problem (reason for new profile).

My server which offered 800 MB storage now gives 300,000 MB storage with 3,000 MB file transfer, plus linking to images from other sites, some hosting companies don't allow that or must get photo album to do that. I found a good domain name to now make a change, shorter, sounds better, good for spiritual things.
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Post by Leo*Moon »

I didn't leave!!!! lol I just haven't been around much. I still check in from time to time. Now I'm here for a while. My life is art. That's about the only thing I do now.
The fool thinks himself to be wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool. ~Shakespeare
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Post by Draconis »

I havnt been online for a while because my internet and computer have been on the fritz but also cause ive been soul searching
All of lifes little problems can be solved by beating the buggers on the head with a broom.
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