Energy sphere

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Post by thasme »

Thankies for the info..I never have tried that... but sounds like it is cool and helpful.
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Post by Guest »

thasme wrote:Thankies for the info..I never have tried that... but sounds like it is cool and helpful.

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Re: Energy sphere

Post by Dancing_Moon_Child »

There's a great teacher, Dr. Wayne Dyer, who has a great quote that I have hanging over my desk........"You'll see it when you believe it". Practice, practice, practice....and believe that you can do it.

Dancing Moon Child

Post by fauna9 »

Actually, since I first posted that, I have been practicing and can now see auras and other energy is still with much concentration and work, but I know with time it will come more easily.

Thanks everyone for the great tips.

Frank N Sense

Post by Frank N Sense »

Hey congrats on your hard work paying off for ya fauna9. Very kewl that you can see auras. Hehe would be afraid what someone would say if they saw mine *gulp* But I'm glad you are sucessful.

Post by fire_without_smoke »

I can see the aura of objects-it is a lot easier especially because objects stay stilll!I can see the Etheric of people but I'm not really sure about seeing their aura's and everything.I have found that the aura does sometimes correpond to the colour of the object, but not entirely.I can give anyone who wants a rough guide how to do this because it was dead easy.
the colour of our school netball court is a fantastic blue!I must have looked weird staring at the floor with an amazed espression but it was pretty good.
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Post by Starwitch »

Please post it here for everyone if you have a easy tips to see auras. I'm sure many of us would be interested in trying it. :)

Eyes of Silver

Post by Eyes of Silver »

I'm nt sure bout any tips 4 seeing aura's cuz the first tim I did it was bi accidnt!!! I'd red bout auras an hd practicd b4, bt wen i wuz in an exm at scul,I'd finishd and ws bored, so i was starin into space wen i realisd mi ruler had purpl round it!i knew wot it was so iv bin practisin, mostli on objects.i fink i mite hav seen sum ppls auras bt it cud hav bin their hair!!!

anywy, iv noticd dat the aura of an object seems 2 be the color dat is opposite it. apparntli if u take da 3 primry colors and mix 2 2gethr, u gt da color dat is opposit da 1 u didnt i rekon its lyk dat.

Post by fire_without_smoke »

Yeh dats rely wot i ment by the colour sometimes corresponding to the clour of the object.
This is a simple and easy way to see aura's of objects and etherics.

Get an object (a variety of coloured pencils are good for this, as you can go through each colour) and place it on a white surface.I did hear that its good to do this with half light but it doesn't really affect me when i do it , but a white surface really is advisable.Now just look at the side or the top of your object so you can see both the paper and the object.relax your gaze, but make sure your eyes don't go out of focus.If they do you can move back a bit and try doesn't really matter if you blink but you might find it helpful to keep it down to a minimum.After a while you should see a sort of outline.Keep at it and you will probably find you suddenly see a colour appearing around the object.As you move your eyes around the object you will see different parts of the aura but it should all be the same color.
I've only ever done this myself and these are from my own personal experience so if you don't find exactly the same thing happens that might be why.Also after doing it a few times it might happen to you unexpectedly, like if you're staring out a window or watching tv.
Hope this helped.Let me know if you're successful!
Mystical Onyx

seeing auras

Post by Mystical Onyx »

:lol: i use to see auras, but now i can feel them. I feel warm on mintue then cold the next. Or I'd feel someone mad at someone else, I know how it it with the "Now can see what my hands feel", but you have to visusalize this in your mind and it takes lots of concentration. Good luck.

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