Satanic Feminism

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Satanic Feminism

Post by Eretik »

This is an interesting article,Blanche Barton, for those who don't know,was a consort of Anton La Vey and a powerful figure in the COS. I thought I 'd put this up for perusal,as it stimulated some good debate on another forum recently. What say you all to this? I will offer my opinion too.Later.


by Blanche Barton ©1997

The smartest, most passionate, most beautiful women I've met have been Satanists. I don't mean "beautiful on the inside where it really counts;" I mean gorgeous, vibrant, curvy women. Most non-Satanic men find Satanic women intimidating - too intelligent or too pretty, or worse yet, both at the same time. It takes a special woman to be a Satanist. Only the most truly liberated are summoned to Satan's legions. Up until quite recently, the ratio of Satanic men to women had been about 10 to 1, but that seems to be shifting. More and more young women are going through the process of exploring feminism and Wicca, seeking feminine pride, identity and power, and discovering only impotence, limitations and puritanical self-righteousness. Wicca and feminism share a flaccid, lackluster attitude and presentation. Satanic women like drama/adventure and know how to conjure it for themselves. Satanists have an innate complexity of mind that hungers for uncompromising examination and speculation, not superficially-comforting pap. We don't need to be comforted; we prefer the invigorating, bracing winds of truth and terror.

Our culture has been influenced enough by Anton LaVey and his books so that it's now cool for young women to dress like Satanic witches and think like the Devil Himself. Camille Paglia and others now get honorifics for challenging traditional feminism, defending women's rights to wear heels and makeup. Those who study such trends are calling this "lipstick feminism" (from the more honest "lipstick lesbians"), "nontraditional feminism" or "antifeminist feminism." Big news. So The Satanic Witch came out 26 years ago, girls. Did you just get around to reading it? To me, it's still the same old game of cribbing from Anton LaVey's books, catering to the new Satanic generation, but not wanting to acknowledge those blasphemous philosophical roots. Jayne Mansfield recognized that, for the first time in her life, she had found a philosophy through which she could be a businesswoman, an intellectual, a mother and a sexpot all at once. She wouldn't be criticized for committing the ultimate sin of reconciling irreconcilables.

Satanic women don't want to gain their strength by castrating men, or by making themselves out as victims. Whether they're providing healing and inspiration to those under their roofs, cracking the whip in corporate circles, managing their own home-based businesses or maneuvering whatever they need to survive, all are applying and increasing their power - not whining about why they don't have any! We don't need "feminism" on our sleeve as our primary identity. We have our identity as Satanists. Satanic women are fierce; fierce defenders of their men, of their children, of their ideas and values. Wiccans understand the female archetype in a completely different way than Satanists do. We know that Woman is Nature - Darwinian law as well as peaceful, awe-inspiring sunsets. Women can be conniving and ruthless, plotting and vengeful. "Mother Nature" isn't loving and all-embracing. She's selective, cruel and unyielding.

Wicca is trying to keep up with Satanism by sprinkling in Valkyries, the Dark Goddess, and other more menacing images of the Mother Goddess. But it still remains lackluster and uninspiring because it's isolated - dependent on internal references and icons. It becomes shallow, stilted and flaccid. By trying to ignore or deny the authority or existence of great men, they're disconnecting their religion from ennobling music, poetry, literature, art, architecture, science and philosophy. Satanists recognize that the force of Western civilization has always been a masculine, heroic, Promethean drive toward adventure and exploration. Feminist/ Wiccan cant is ultimately "soul candy," like the term that's evolved for pop-science and psychology - this is the equivalent. You may seek it out when you need bolstering up, thinking that you'll be inspired and spurred to greater achievements, lured by promises of unique feminine perspective and strengthening. But ultimately it's not satisfying. The illusion of strength is superficial; the nagging victimization becomes insulting. Not like reading Dostoevsky or Will Durant, Wuthering Heights, or Jane Austen, or Plato's Dialogues or Erasmus "The Praise of Folly", or, obviously, The Satanic Bible. I refuse to limit my role models only to other women just because I happen to be one. I gain power from the metaphors and heroes I choose, regardless of their gender.

Our decisions are based on real-world concerns, not in defense of an inadequate ego. When a Satanic woman and her mate decide if they'll have children, or who will work in the outside world and who will stay home with the kids, it's a pragmatic question - who has more earning power? Who's invested more money and time developing their career? Who's more capable of earning money at home as opposed to in the workplace? Who's better able to have the patience and other attributes necessary to raise a child? The Satanic woman doesn't need a job to define her capabilities; nor does she need to have children to feel fulfilled. She reserves her "nurturing" for those who deserve her help and encouragement - namely: herself, her mate, and those few she chooses to call friends. She finds a man who can express her Demonic or she conjures up a Lover for herself; she isn't desperate for love, vulnerable to ploys from fast talkers.
Many young bottom-of-the-clock women who are looking for gothic strength in a man, can't find it in the simpering she-males around them - so they manifest their Demonics themselves, dressing in black leather, black stockings and carrying a big black whip. A compleat, Satanic witch can best spend her time in constant, intimate spiritual and sexual contact with her strongest Demonic archetype - Satan Himself. In practicing her arts of enchantment, manipulation, inspiration, and protection in the real world, she strengthens both herself and those she chooses to love. She becomes a direct line to our Source. That's why a powerful sorceress must be cautious about aligning herself with, and transferring power to, unworthy men.

Identity and stimulation. Dr. LaVey has pinpointed these two elements as primary commodities. Satanism provides us with both. I don't need to be pigeonholed as a "feminist," or any other convenient label. None of us are so charitable to the weak-minded that we allow ourselves to be so easily categorized and dismissed. I am proud to call myself a Satanist, thereby aligning myself with the strongest minds, bodies, and Will on Earth.

Post by [Melissa] »

OMG, where did you find this article and how crazy is this lady.

Firstly: (and I have to state this are all my own opinions and feel free to contradict me I really don't care) Wicca isn't about feminism, I may not be Wiccan but I damn sure know that isn't what its about, and does she not even know Wicca was all brought about by a guy. :D

Secondly: how can she even begin to compare Wicca with Satanism since Wiccans dont even believe there is a Satan in the first place, you have to at least believe in the Christian God before you can believe there is a Satan.
Many young bottom-of-the-clock women who are looking for gothic strength in a man, can't find it in the simpering she-males around them - so they manifest their Demonics themselves, dressing in black leather, black stockings and carrying a big black whip. A compleat, Satanic witch can best spend her time in constant, intimate spiritual and sexual contact with her strongest Demonic archetype - Satan Himself.
How is this?
...based on real-world concerns,...
And lastly: And oh course she's going to be proud to say she's a Santanist since she herself has said Satanist women are:
I mean gorgeous, vibrant, curvy women.
What a way to boost your own ego there.
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Post by Eretik »

The Church of Satan [La Veyan] is auto- theistic i.e. - do not accept deity as godhead but believe that we[individually] can be 'as gods' and that we each contain our own inner demon and god,personally. Ritual and 'psychodrama' are enacted to provide the backdrop to personal empowerment,I will bring some info. on this later. Satan is an 'archetype' to COS.COS are not Theistic.[Satan as God,deity]
The article raises some valid points , but the Satanic witch is also encouraged to use her sexuality to trap and use men,for her own ends and I find that a little contradictory to the argument provided here,re:empowerment - though I believe[personal opinion] if you have it[ sexual magnetism,charisma etc.] , then it is a useful skill - depending on situation and circumstance.Feminine wiles against brute strength - an equal match? Morally justifiable? or Reprehensible deceit? What about the reference to images of femininity,in Wicca,particularly the 'pastoral mother' deity view of woman hood, valid point?
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Post by Eretik »

What "Satan" meant to Anton LaVey


Here's a quote from Anton LaVey on p. 205 of "The Secret Life of a Satanist" ---

"People, even those who consider themselves 'practitioners of the Old
Religion,' can't conceive of a philosophy beyond Christianity, beyond good
against evil. It's like 'worshipping the Devil.' We don't worship Satan, we
worship ourselves using the metaphorical representation of the qualities of
Satan. Satan IS the name used by Judeo-Christians for that
force of individuality and pride within us. But the force itself has been
called by many names. We embrace Christian myths of Satan and Lucifer, along
with Satanic renderings in Greek, Roman, Islamic, Sumerian, Syrian, Phrygian,
Egyptian, Chinese, or Hindu mythologies, to name but a few. We are not limited
to one deity, but encompass all the expressions of the accuser or the one who
advocates free thought and rational alternatives by whatever names he is called
in a particular time and land. It so happens that we are living in a culture
that is predominatly Judeo-Christian, so we emphasize Satan. If we were living
in Roman times, the central figure, perhaps the title of our religion, would be
different. But the name would be expressing and communicating the same thing.
It's all context."

This is Dr.Lavey's own description of Satan as Archetype. It is a common misconception that Satanism requires a belief in Deity,that it is 'inverse' Christianity. There are Theistic Satanists, mainly Setian and Luciferian, but the 'original'[disputed] or best known, is still La Veyan -COS.

So, empowerment or flawed view of femininity? Is the 'sacred whore' Babalon ,an archetype that needs readmitted in our psyches, beyond the traditional male view of 'stripper/hooker/mistress' -good for fun- but not wife material? Can't we be both, why not?
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Post by Sobek »

I quite liked that article.
Melissa wrote:Wicca isn't about feminism, I may not be Wiccan but I damn sure know that isn't what its about, and does she not even know Wicca was all brought about by a guy.
That may be true, but i feel she has a point, she is not Wiccan herself and she see's Wicca through filters of her own Satanic philosophy. I personally think her view's about that are interesting because there is no doubt in anyones mind that Wicca is a Feminine influence, with masculine accompanyment. Among the sect's you also get some who are strictly Goddess with no God in attendance.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Personally, I think that the writer of the article was making loud snarking noises at Dianic Wicca. Just a thought.

Personally, her commentary does score good points, voicing some of my issues with feminism. (my mom was a rabid feminist... don't get me started!) I guess I have issue with the idea of equating self-empowerment with evil. Good-vs-Evil is a good metaphor for a limited number of subjects, and is certainly overused... but please. Going "ha ha I'm evil" has never been very appealing or empowering to me. Not only that, but Satanists of any stripe seem to deliberately misunderstand the relationship between most pagans I know and their Gods.
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Re: Satanic Feminism

Post by kuotetsu »


by Blanche Barton ©1997

The smartest, most passionate, most beautiful women I've met have been Satanists. I don't mean "beautiful on the inside where it really counts;" I mean gorgeous, vibrant, curvy women. Most non-Satanic men find Satanic women intimidating - too intelligent or too pretty, or worse yet, both at the same time. It takes a special woman to be a Satanist. Only the most truly liberated are summoned to Satan's legions. Up until quite recently, the ratio of Satanic men to women had been about 10 to 1, but that seems to be shifting. More and more young women are going through the process of exploring feminism and Wicca, seeking feminine pride, identity and power, and discovering only impotence, limitations and puritanical self-righteousness. Wicca and feminism share a flaccid, lackluster attitude and presentation. Satanic women like drama/adventure and know how to conjure it for themselves. Satanists have an innate complexity of mind that hungers for uncompromising examination and speculation, not superficially-comforting pap. We don't need to be comforted; we prefer the invigorating, bracing winds of truth and terror.

Our culture has been influenced enough by Anton LaVey and his books so that it's now cool for young women to dress like Satanic witches and think like the Devil Himself. Camille Paglia and others now get honorifics for challenging traditional feminism, defending women's rights to wear heels and makeup. Those who study such trends are calling this "lipstick feminism" (from the more honest "lipstick lesbians"), "nontraditional feminism" or "antifeminist feminism." Big news. So The Satanic Witch came out 26 years ago, girls. Did you just get around to reading it? To me, it's still the same old game of cribbing from Anton LaVey's books, catering to the new Satanic generation, but not wanting to acknowledge those blasphemous philosophical roots. Jayne Mansfield recognized that, for the first time in her life, she had found a philosophy through which she could be a businesswoman, an intellectual, a mother and a sexpot all at once. She wouldn't be criticized for committing the ultimate sin of reconciling irreconcilables.

Satanic women don't want to gain their strength by castrating men, or by making themselves out as victims. Whether they're providing healing and inspiration to those under their roofs, cracking the whip in corporate circles, managing their own home-based businesses or maneuvering whatever they need to survive, all are applying and increasing their power - not whining about why they don't have any! We don't need "feminism" on our sleeve as our primary identity. We have our identity as Satanists. Satanic women are fierce; fierce defenders of their men, of their children, of their ideas and values. Wiccans understand the female archetype in a completely different way than Satanists do. We know that Woman is Nature - Darwinian law as well as peaceful, awe-inspiring sunsets. Women can be conniving and ruthless, plotting and vengeful. "Mother Nature" isn't loving and all-embracing. She's selective, cruel and unyielding.

Wicca is trying to keep up with Satanism by sprinkling in Valkyries, the Dark Goddess, and other more menacing images of the Mother Goddess. But it still remains lackluster and uninspiring because it's isolated - dependent on internal references and icons. It becomes shallow, stilted and flaccid. By trying to ignore or deny the authority or existence of great men, they're disconnecting their religion from ennobling music, poetry, literature, art, architecture, science and philosophy. Satanists recognize that the force of Western civilization has always been a masculine, heroic, Promethean drive toward adventure and exploration. Feminist/ Wiccan cant is ultimately "soul candy," like the term that's evolved for pop-science and psychology - this is the equivalent. You may seek it out when you need bolstering up, thinking that you'll be inspired and spurred to greater achievements, lured by promises of unique feminine perspective and strengthening. But ultimately it's not satisfying. The illusion of strength is superficial; the nagging victimization becomes insulting. Not like reading Dostoevsky or Will Durant, Wuthering Heights, or Jane Austen, or Plato's Dialogues or Erasmus "The Praise of Folly", or, obviously, The Satanic Bible. I refuse to limit my role models only to other women just because I happen to be one. I gain power from the metaphors and heroes I choose, regardless of their gender.

Our decisions are based on real-world concerns, not in defense of an inadequate ego. When a Satanic woman and her mate decide if they'll have children, or who will work in the outside world and who will stay home with the kids, it's a pragmatic question - who has more earning power? Who's invested more money and time developing their career? Who's more capable of earning money at home as opposed to in the workplace? Who's better able to have the patience and other attributes necessary to raise a child? The Satanic woman doesn't need a job to define her capabilities; nor does she need to have children to feel fulfilled. She reserves her "nurturing" for those who deserve her help and encouragement - namely: herself, her mate, and those few she chooses to call friends. She finds a man who can express her Demonic or she conjures up a Lover for herself; she isn't desperate for love, vulnerable to ploys from fast talkers.
Many young bottom-of-the-clock women who are looking for gothic strength in a man, can't find it in the simpering she-males around them - so they manifest their Demonics themselves, dressing in black leather, black stockings and carrying a big black whip. A compleat, Satanic witch can best spend her time in constant, intimate spiritual and sexual contact with her strongest Demonic archetype - Satan Himself. In practicing her arts of enchantment, manipulation, inspiration, and protection in the real world, she strengthens both herself and those she chooses to love. She becomes a direct line to our Source. That's why a powerful sorceress must be cautious about aligning herself with, and transferring power to, unworthy men.

Identity and stimulation. Dr. LaVey has pinpointed these two elements as primary commodities. Satanism provides us with both. I don't need to be pigeonholed as a "feminist," or any other convenient label. None of us are so charitable to the weak-minded that we allow ourselves to be so easily categorized and dismissed. I am proud to call myself a Satanist, thereby aligning myself with the strongest minds, bodies, and Will on Earth.
good piece of 'Litt'..
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