The meanings of the different Moons

Paganism, witchcraft, and Wicca as portrayed on TV, movies, and popular culture. Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Practical Magic, etc. If you know of a good show or movie, you can recommend it here or discuss it with others.
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The meanings of the different Moons

Post by Troublesome »

This may have been explained before, but I'm Confused about the different moons. Exspacialy the full, and the last quarter moon. It seems that some say that after the first day of the full moon it starts to wane, and that's when your suppose to do your banising spells and things. If someone can post the meaning of all the different moons.
Thanks in advance.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Juniper Crowfoot's Whimsical Moon Chart
This is my own little reference to what that durn moon phase means. It's based mostly on my own experiences as well as snippets of things I've read here and there. While I have lists for other planetary energies, the moon always makes things a little more erratic and changeable. To complicate things, each month in the lunar year (i.e. a complete phase) has it's own flavor-of-the-month influenced by which astrological sign it's in. Unless you are moon-mad or one of those tricky perfectionists, you don't really have to look those up... but there are good books out there about this. For most spell working, however, this should be more than enough detail. :D If you have suggestions or additions, I'm all ears!

Dark Moon: Nothing or a big black spot where the Moon should be

This is a time of meditation and grounding. Some people say you shouldn't do magic(k) on this day at all. Others say it's a day to do shadow work or other internal issues. It's often associated with the dark night of the soul, the Unsidhe Fair folk, Cerridwen, Nix, Ershkagal, or sometimes the devouring dragon at the roots of the world tree who's name I've forgotten. Some people associate it with Apep too. (Not a nice guy.) Death, and to some, Pluto (It's a planet, DAMMIT!). Some people say binding rituals or curses work well on this phase.

New Moon: This is the barest beginning, the birth of the Moon. Great for new beginnings, turning over a new leaf. Glamoury is supposed to be especially strong during this phase. It is also associated with spring, birth, and growth. A good time to plant things. This phase of spring is the bare first beginnings of it... the snowdrops are blooming, but there's still snow on the ground. The weather is still erratic... giving you a nice balmy day but followed by cold. It represents the beginning or prime mover of an idea or project. Also represents cabin fever, that energy that builds up after long winter and gets you out and about even before things warm up. It's great for "lighting a fire under your. a**." Well, you get the idea. It can also represent a season in Alaska called "Break-Up" which is a time of chaos and energy. Ice melts and breaks, things flood, and the bears wake up, and wander around hungry. Everyone seems to get a little crazy because they've got that fire lit under them and they don't know what to do about it. Babies and newborns especially are charmed by this moon. I don't have a handy planetary reference... suggestions would help!

First Quarter: This is a solid crescent moon, like perfect horns and like the man-on-the-moon pictures. You can tell this moon from the waning moon because it's a "D" curve.

This represents the organizational period of an idea. You have things all outlined, and are just about to implement. This is spring as we think of spring, bunnies, chicks, and chocolate covered marshmallow bunnies. You know what you want to do... all you have to do now is do it. It also represents the Goddess in her maiden form. Purity, beauty, and doing the Amazon thing. It is also the symbol of possibility. As my favorite witch, Granny Weatherwax says, " A new moon gets bigger. A full moon gets smaller. A Crescent moon can do anything." Or words to that effect. To me this has always been a rather intellectual moon, so it's a great time to get ideas or come up with new projects... even if that seems out of order in this list. The snow is gone! Hooray! Rejoice! My grandmother used to say that you could tell of it was going to rain that day if it were tipped over far enough to spill water out of the horn-cup. So think Mars...or better yet, Apollo's twin sister.

Half-Moon: Well, it looks like a half moon, or A cat's eye.

This is the project that's half finished. You have most of the stuff there, but you don't have all of it. This is a good time of the month to do a repeat of your spell that you began in the beginning, if you are building up over a period of time. This moon is summer, of generation. Yes, I know that the full moon is supposed to be of that, but hold your horses. This is about growth, adolescence, learning and building on what you've had before.
This is also about transformation, This is a good moon to encourage things that have good odds anyway. It's also a good time to get energy for moving forward, so breaking out of stasis, such as writer's block or depression. I put Mercury here, for lack of a better idea.

Waxing Gibbous Moon: Looks even more like a cat's eye or a wobbly, incomplete circle

I call this The Changing Moon. It's even harder to tell what's happening in the sky with this one, since you have to see where the moon is "missing" to tell whether it's shrinking or growing. Sometimes, at it's later stages you can think it's a full moon! So I use my desktop moon calendar. LOL
Strangely, I don't perform many spells during this period, unless I've got a deadline to meet or some kind of emergency. It's not that it's a bad idea, it's just that I find the energy is more erratic than any other phase. Traditionally used for wishes, luck, glamour and charms. Another phase popular with the Fair folk. It's also good for transformation and meditation.
Personally, this is when I do most of my shamanic journeys using posture and drums. So visions, yay! Think Hershel. (Uranus for you non-politically correct types)

The Full Moon: A big fat round glowey circle. The light tends to be brighter than usual, and especially when lower in the sky it tends to be noticeably huge. It's All Moon All the Time!
If you are feeling super-charged and restless for no apparent reason (and you've taken your meds), and you feel like you could stay up all night...look outside. Is there a big fat moon in the sky? Well, there's your answer. You are officially a lunatic. Seriously, human beings are hardwired to wander during the full moon. Even hospitals keep more staff on hand on the full moon because more accidents, drug overdoses and shootings happen during the full moon. It's potent, it's quirky, it's fun, it's dangerous... and completely intoxicating. Some people paradoxically shut down in self-defense, but this is uncommon. (and sometimes sensible!) This is the big presentation of your big project. You have completed your first draft, and lo it is good. Showtime! It's a great time to do spells because the entire Universe is feeling generous. Justice is swift, everything is on. Think Jupiter... or Pan. This is also the mother goddess, 9 months pregnant and about to give birth. By the Witch's Calendar, the Full Moon lasts three days... by your desktop calendar, that's the night before and the night after the full moon. The Goddess gives birth right after the second night of the full moon but before the third. This way, you can do any type spell during the full moon... your maiden rituals on the first, your mother rituals on the second, and your crone rituals on the third and still pack a full moon punch. Either that, or if you are a person with schedules and a life outside of witchcraft, you can use those other two days to plan the spell if you aren't available on the night of the full moon. Maximally good time to get in touch with the Sidhe.

Waining Gibbous: Looks even more like a cat's eye or a wobbly, incomplete circle, only wobbly on the opposite side of the waxing gibbous moon

This is the moon starting to close in on itself, shrinking after that massive output of energy. Thoughts and energies turn inward. You start the final editing process on that project, and see those glaring flaws in your first draft. The party is over, and the work begins. You are still optimistic, but know the full face of what you are working on. But again, the energy is erratic. Sometimes you go off the deep end. I put Neptune here. Passions are still strong, and insight is there, but you need to feel your borders and limitations to get a true sense of what you see during this phase. So grounding, habit breaking, and cleansing are good during this phase.
Harvest time.

The Darker Half this is a mirror image of the half moon..
This is the left eye of the cat. It is the darker side of fall... the sudden storms or hail. A friend of mine likes to do bindings during this phase, or nudge the luck plane "when things could go either way".
I find that I tend to be pretty low energy during this phase, so I don't do much, save meditation and yoga.

The waning crescent The darker half-moon the smile is upside down.
This is Saturn. Control is strong, and you know the full breadth of what's going on with your work. Final editing phase. Understanding of Consequences. Reflection. A final break from the path untaken.

The swan moon The last little sliver of the moon

Finally you let your project go, into the world. The time of change is over, but your project can now effect the world. This is the moment you know you are going to die, and look at it full in the face. Everything has changed, and peace meets you. This is Hekate's moon, and crossing over happens here. If you see dead people, this is the time to look, or honor the dead, if you are thinking strongly of them and a handy holiday isn't near by. This is another classic time for the Unsidhe Fair folk.

This is not a complete listing... I've forgotten a lot of my dark moon lore. I'll add more later. Would people prefer to have me edit it in, or to add new versions as new posts?
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Post by hedge* »

Excellent post crow.
It would probably be easier to edit your post but then you'd have to make a new post letting us all know when you've updated it.
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Post by Kolohe »

I haven't done many spells, but generally notice the phase of the moon seems to effect my energy level and ability to do mundane tasks. Right now I am feeling a bit of a crash after the full moon, at the full moon I really feel a need for grounding meditation, now maybe a time to cleanse and meditate to balance energy- or maybe I will take it as a sign the universe is telling me okay to rest up a little- lay on the couch with a good book, light the fireplace and pet the lazy cat.
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Post by Eretik »

My own interpretation of the phases. As I'm one of those who works at Dark of the Moon. I am at my strongest,intuitively and Spiritually,then.I am energised at Full Moon but don't work actively then as the' flow' is too strong and difficult to organise,I go with it and store some energy for Gibbous-3/4, when it's easier for me to do things. [My path is Shamanic for those who don't know, so don't be surprised if this is a little different to your usual practice.] I 'Journey' at Liminal times of the day, often using liminal spaces/places,so I don't rely on Moon phases for this aspect of my practice,though it's good to know when the Moon is amenable for this kind of work. [ liminal time: the time of 'twilight' between Sunrise/Moonset...Moonrise/Sunset,also the points of Midnight/midday]
[ liminal places: between two things,literally.Doorways/entrances/bridges etc.]

Dark Moon:
For me, germination/conception,Liminal space, the start of the cycle, which is invisible,but ripe with potential and also the best time to see stars and astronomical phenomenon[ comets etc. too] - I begin new projects at this time. I see it as the ripening/pregnancy of dreams and visions, about to issue forth. The unborn sentient.[The Dragon is NIDHOGG.]

New Moon: Sliver to quarter
Trickster moon, a time for illusion.Step warily but boldly.Impetous and daring ideas work best at this stage.Instinctive logic.Take chances.The gambler's moon. Good for plotting growth in finances too.Think 'fluid', gather your resources. Establish territory. Magpie.

Quarter to Half
implement plans and ideas, consolidate what's begun. Communication. a time to gather and influence those whose help you may need. Interpretation.Intuitive logic.Charm and Diplomacy time. fast Flow.

Half to 3/4

maintenance and addition,budding and lateral growth.Extrapolation.Applied logic.Multiplying and the work process involved,think farmer and husbandry.Steady increment. Expansion.

Gibbous wax
Excitement and agitation.Potential of snags and disruptions,unforeseen complications [sometimes beneficial but complex].Check your plans well and prepare for next phase.Deductive logic.Penultimate tension.Flowering.

Full Moon

Time to dance,Hunter's moon.I culminate many workings begun on Dark moon now,While the light as at maximum intensity.Dark to light and light to dark. Illumination. Intensity. Honour ancestors.Remember. I do not begin anything new now.If I have urgent need then Beginnings will be on Gibbous[either way,depending],the light is too strong for inception processes. I am energised.Emotive logic. Maximum State of flow. I socialise. Full bloom.

Waning Gibbous:
As waxing, can be disruptive.Abandon the unworkable.Finalise ongoing processes. I will begin baneful applications /work now.Begin any work that involves dissipation processes:sending away from,returnings.Interpretive intuition.Look for secrets.A time to reveal what's hidden.Ripening fruit.

Waning 3/4 to half
Almost there.Accumulation , recognition. and attainment.Empowerment of dissipation,let go of outdated ideas. Begin thoughts of new processes.Instinctive interpretation.

Waning half to Old moon
Accumulated wisdom,gained insights,Resolution.Completion of works started at New moon.Time to reflect,dream,create in the mind, illuminate the unconscious with the darklight.Preparations for the Darkmoon[my 'Sabbat' rather than Full Moon].
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Post by jcrowfoot »

For some reason, a lot of my shamanic journeying work is lunar-centric. I always find myself journeying during the same phases every month whether mean to or not.
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