very hurt by what his family has done to seperate us...

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very hurt by what his family has done to seperate us...

Post by hurtbutstillbelieving »

First of all...let me say thank you for taking your time to read my post...
i'm new here and thought maybe this forum would help me with my problem....
well my story is a big complicated, so hope u have the time and the open mind to understand and the generosity to help me.

10 years ago, i met my husband in high school...after we graduated we had a mutual break up because his mother was against it and was very rude to my mother...5 years passed , in those 5 years we never spoke to ecah other at all, but we knew in our hearts that we still had strong feelings for ecah other...we tried to move on with others, but couldn' 5 years later, we started dating again, without letting our parents know, we dated for about 2 years, then my parents found out...they wanted to meet him, so he came over and he was the sweetest thing, the first thing he said to my parents was 'from now on she's not your responsibility, she's mine..i will always take care of her.' my parents liked him, but they were concerened about his mother and sisters (he has no father) who were very nasty with me in high school, since our culture says after marriage we stay with the husband's family, my parents were very scared for my happiness..but he assured them that if there is ever a problem, he'll leave his family but not me. well we got married in 2005, and right after marriage his family started being so rude to me, yellng at me, accusing me of things, trying to put my husband against me by saying we dont like her kick her out etc...but my husband always stood up for me...he even slapped his sister one day for saying these things....his mother would yell and make fights if my husband took me out to dinner, movies, anywhere. but i never said anything, and he thanked me for that, he said i'm here for u, i dont want anyone pointing fingers at my wife, i will always take ur side. but even when he took my side, their answer was 'oh she's making u fight with us'. he started becoming so depressed, it was hard for him to leave them too sicne it was his mother alone and he was the only son, plus she told us that she had cancer, which i found out recently was a lie but he still doesnt know this. in our society its very hard for a son to leave like that without people saying stuff, plus his mom was emotionally black mailing him, and i todl him its ok, as long as u stand up for me dont worry i have no complaints. well a year later we bought a house, we kept his sis and mother with us, and his other sis wo is married lived just 5 minutes away and came over every day. yet if my family stopped by his family would make faces. well towards june or something of 2007, i started noticing that his family wasn't complaining much, they were instead trying to show him that they don't want any problems etc..i was shocked whats going on..but i just assumed maybe they've learned they were wrong...but then my husband started complaining about me..he started going against me little by little...everytime his mother complained about me he would agree wasnt like him...well in sept, he left during lunchtime , we work at the same place, he left for 3 days, finally on the 3rd day he called me to pick him up from a local park, he seemed so out of it...during these3 days his family left out house and took their stuff bc he had written them a letter that this is my wifes house u need to leave etc...well when he came back we were alone in our house for a week...his family did call him everyday and when they did he would become depressed again bc they wre saying things to make him feel bad ...on thursday of that week my husband asked me ifi can take him to a priest or spiritual healer i said why, he said bc he feels someone did something to him, he feels like something is inside of him making him do things he dosnt want to do, makin ghim feel things he dosnt want to feel. before i could set an appointment with anyone, the next day while i went to the store, my husband left, he didn't take anything with him, no clothes, nothing. since that day, its been almost 5 months now i have not heard or seen him. i was sent divorce papers in october, but found out the lawyer is his sisters lawyer. we tried to contact his family, they changed their numbers, we went to their house, they wouldnt' open the door. their were 2 court dates, my husband never showed up, but since there was a lawyer it didnt' matter to the judge. now theres another court date on march 4, he has to be there, and i think he will bc i found out he had gone to our country for these months and now i sback. now heres the thing, i found out from two diferent spiritual healers that his family did black magic on him, one of them even told me how, usng some white powder in his order to get him to listen to wha they say and get him against me and my family...well thats exactly what they have done. if u knew my husband u would know how much in love we both were with each other, so yes i do believe this. especially since he himself told me befor ehe left that he was feeling something like that. i've heard they want this divorce finished so they can try to get him married off again fast. probably to a girl that would be like a slave for them. i contacted another spiritual healer, but nothing improved, and now i found out that his sis hacked into my email and read the emails i wrote to this spiritual healer so they all know that i was getting prayers done to reverse the bm they did on him, so i'm assuming they did more. i dont know if this spiritual healer is going ot help me now, becaue hey have been very rude ot me saying i should have been careful etc. i contacted another person to help too, emma from anyone know about her?

i'm sorry i wrote so much...but i need ur help. if u know how i can get him back to me , because while he is with his family i'm assuming the bm affect will just keep getting worse. this is not forcing anyone, bc i still have emails and stuff from him telling me how much he loves me and he's sorry for the way his family is treating me etc. this is not like him.

pleae help me with any spells that are easy enough for me to do, or if u can let me know about emma from caringspirts and ur experience with her. thanks.

Post by amunptah777 »

gut feeling...not so trustful


Post by hurtbutstillbelieving »

what is not so trustful?
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Post by kuotetsu »

seems your problem's a bit complicated, please tell more, I'm relating to it

what else?

Post by hurtbutstillbelieving »

what else do u want to know? i've basically said everything i guess. just need someones help in this situation...pleaseeeeeeeeeee
my tears could make another ocean thats how much i've cried in these 5 months. its terrible. and his family....his sister emailed me that they found out i'm getting the black magic removal done to cure him of hwat they did and she said do wahtever you want he wont come back to you...i assume they got more black magic done on husband and i were inseperable ...we went to work together, shopping, everything. i need this divorce to stop, but the only person who can stop it is my husband, but hes under their bm influence.
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Post by juliaki »

Well, first things first, that "Emma" character (who probably doesn't actually exist, mind you) is a con artist. To charge a $110 "donation" for claiming to work a spell... sorry, but if you paid money to something like that, you've been taken. And given that you've gone to these other "spiritual healers" for the same type of stuff, it sounds like you've been conned over and over and over again by those kind of con artists that prey on people who are obsessive about trying to force together a relationship that is completely doomed.

Now, about your particular situation, given the time frame involved, your marriage entered the phase where "the honeymoon is over". Your situation is not unique. More than half of all marriages end in divorce. When you combine that with a relationship that has family issues, that rate goes up. Then, when you're both lying to each other, there's really no hope for it to work out. It doesn't take magick to break apart a marriage like that...only time.

In your post, you admit that your husband lied to you from day 1 of your relationship and you admit that you have been lying to your husband as well (a lie by omission is still a lie). If you have no honesty in your marriage to each other, why do you think it would survive?

If things were so bad with his family, why did you have them move in with you? It seems like you both were in agreement to try and get your marriage to fail.

The whole "white powder" bit... sounds like an old con game. Usually it's corn starch, flour, or MSG. May look creepy, but it doesn't do a thing magickally.

So the two of you aren't going to be together... sounds like that will make your life a whole lot easier. Why not go out and enjoy your newfound freedom and really build a healthy relationship instead of trying to put yourself into situations where you're used over and over and over again.
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Post by juliaki »

Also, keep in mind that there is no black magick more powerful than love. If he truly loved you, no amount of black magick could keep you apart. If black magick *does* keep you apart, it's because one of you doesn't love the other one.

no lies

Post by hurtbutstillbelieving »

i'm sorry but i dont recall saying we lied to each other, we never lied or kept anything from each other.

we stayed with his family bc it is part of our culture for the son to keep his sister and mother inthe house , if u leave people look down on you, and he stood up for me all the time...

about statistics,,,just bc half the world is getting divorced doesnt make it right in all situations.

i really felt that people on this forum would understand that bm really does exist and it can influence a person who does love someone to start hating them.

i can't blame you, i didn't believe it first either until i experienced it myself.
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Joined: Fri Mar 24, 2006 8:46 pm

Post by juliaki »

Magick is magick, neither black nor white... given what you've said thus far, the only magick that's being worked on you is the power of suggestion that paying hundreds and hundreds of dollars to con artists can get someone who doesn't love you anymore to come back and try and make another go of a failed marriage.

You started out your relationship by lying to your families.

From what you said, he stated that if there was ever a problem in the marriage, he'd leave his family for you. Two years later, he's STILL with his family and there's STILL problems. That means HE lied to YOU.

By your own admission, you found out that his mom didn't actually have cancer, but you didn't tell him. Yes, that means YOU lied to HIM, too.

So... a relationship built on a lie, where two people lie to each other. Both of your families aren't happy about the marriage (albeit for different reasons). Most marriages end up in divorce. You're unhappy. He's unhappy. He makes the smart choice to end a failed marriage quickly and simply, and you decide to seek out con artists to find some other mystical reason aside from "it wasn't meant to be".

If you're a believer that there's a difference between "white magick" and "black magick", then understand that *ANYTHING* you do to force him to come back to you is black magick. Are you willing to accept that you must hurt him beyond all hurt to force him back into a marriage that he doesn't want? Do you hate him that much that you want to hurt him that bad just so you can have a marriage that you think you want?

Hmm...maybe the con artists aren't the most evil folks in this equation. Think about it. If you love someone, set them free. Do you love him enough to let him go?

And honestly, given your paranoia and rabid obsessiveness, I'd divorce ya...and I've only seen you here for a few minutes! Figure out how to be your own person, do some healing, and move on with your life so that maybe you can have a fulfilling relationship sometime in your life. It isn't easy...I know this from experience. But it can be done, and the rewards are more than you could imagine.

Post by hurtbutstillbelieving »

i found out his mother did not have cancer after he can i tell him if he has no contact with no i never lied.

u know , sometimes its betternot to say anything at all if you can't say anything nice. u dont know me for you to say mean things like that u would divorce me too...thanks a lot for making someone who is already hurting...hurt even more.

still wish u happiness.

take care.
Posts: 347
Joined: Fri Mar 24, 2006 8:46 pm

Post by juliaki »

You came here asking for advice.... having been through a situation very similar to what you describe, I gave you the advice to stop paying con artists, accept that the marriage is over, and move on. Just because you don't like that advice doesn't mean that it isn't good advice. You've said nothing to make me change my opinion of your relationship, based on what you've said about it all... so I'll keep repeating the advice. By not listening, you show that you don't have what it takes to be in a marriage right now, as a marriage is a partnership, and not just one person trying to manipulate the other one.

You're very correct that I don't know you. I have no desire to know you because you're engaging in some very unethical life choices from my ethical code. But I can say, from experience being married to someone who is hardheaded and obsessive that I would divorce someone with those kind of behaviors. I did several years ago, and thankfully I've made better choices in relationships since. ;)

And that's what I'm hoping for you is that you can get over the idea that there's something more than a failed marriage at work here and that you can go, find someone else who is better suited for a relationship with you, and then not build a relationship the next time based on lies upon lies. It can be done, if you make the choice to do so. *shrug* That's on you, though.
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