
Discussion of nature and nature spirits and dragons.

Have you ever poisoned, or thought about poisoning someone?

Yes, I would want it to kill them.
Yes, but only to make them slightly sick, miss a day of work etc.
No, but now that you mention it, I might want too.
No votes
NEVER! It is completely wrong in any form, neither light poison nor deadly poisioning is acceptable!
I do other things when I'm mad at someone.
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Post by hedge* »

amunptah777 wrote: I thought the point was "would you?" not "how to..."
If it was my only way then yes I would.
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Post by Sobek »

thet wrote:Say you're in a bar and you overhear someone ranting about someone else...and "I'd like to beat the shyt out of that guy...etc.."
Maybe you've got zanex...maybe he's got a beer?
ROFL ... what a stupid question. Anyone who drugs randoms at a pub because they are talking about beating someone up(Or any reason) seriously needs to walk off a bridge :P
thet wrote:In the case of an abusive husband...same theory.
Actually completely different thoery, An abusive husband by the idea behind the question I would assume is rather consistent where as a potential occurence in a pub? how does that equate to the same thoery? But ofcourse what do I know.
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Post by ATraveller »

amunptah777 wrote:Again, about the mechanics of the idea...who knows?

Well, question would be I guess what is gained? Has anyone learnt something new? What are the chances your supposed attacker will learn "Ok, so I was talking about beating this guy up, and then I can't remember anything for the rest of the evening, obviously the Universe doesn't want me beating people up!"
amunptah777 wrote:Say you're in a bar and you overhear someone ranting about someone else...and "I'd like to beat the shyt out of that guy...etc.."
Maybe you've got zanex...maybe he's got a beer?

As I said before, if I can get close enough to slip someone a mickey, I can get close enough to talk, and I find that most people will give up such an idea if you simply ask the right questions (or just keep nagging them long enough). A second response could be to go up to the intended victim and give them backup, by simply standing close to them. Most of these instances happen because the attackers feel superior and sure to win - even out the odds a bit and they loose interest. So, I guess my answer is no - but then, I have a huge thing about drugged drinks :(

amunptah777 wrote:In the case of an abusive husband...same theory.
Again, no. From everything I know, abusive husbands tend to be repeated offenders. So, IMO unless you're prepared to drug them permanently, it's not a real solution to the problem - the best solution would be to get the abused person out of the situation any way you can.

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Post by Pav »

In the case of the guy at the bar example, why should you or anyone who isn't involved get involved? For all you know the guy might have a damn good reason to want to beat the shit out of a person, maybe the other person wronged him in some way. If you do ask questions and find out that he's after the guy for something petty then I could understand trying to help stop him, otherwise its just not anyone else's business

Post by amunptah777 »

I donno gyz, u tell me.

Apparently we've misunderstood, I am certainly not advocating the use of sedatives/hallucinogenics personally...I'm stating a hypothetical.

I was offering this as a rhetorical outgrowth of the o.p.s supposition.

"would you poison?"grows into "would you sedate?"

I kinda felt it was up to the rest of you to discuss it...if that makes sense.
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Post by Sobek »

apparently not, because it seems either everyone here is a total dunce or you are unable to express yourself either way, we are all beyond the point of simple bloody misunderstanding. As far as our constant nature to misunderstand you goes, if I didn't know any better I would fathom a fantasy that it was in fact deliberate because you seem to do no more than piss people off one way or another!
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Post by juliaki »

Sobek....I totally want to buy you a drink next time you're in this half of the world. :)
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Post by ATraveller »

Pav wrote:In the case of the guy at the bar example, why should you or anyone who isn't involved get involved?For all you know the guy might have a damn good reason to want to beat the shit out of a person, maybe the other person wronged him in some way. If you do ask questions and find out that he's after the guy for something petty then I could understand trying to help stop him, otherwise its just not anyone else's business.
Because too often people get beat up for looking like the underdog; I'd never assume people had a valid reason for beating up someone else, and always make it my business to find out what was going on.

Myself and my SO were attacked by four "nice young men" on the street at 4 am. Our offense? We were pushing around a shopping cart with papers in it (I was working as a paper-deliverer at that point). Does that constitute a valid reason to attack us? We'd not spoken with them at all before hand, and had no indication anything was amiss before they came across the street and grabbed me.

Also, the most recent case of beating in the newspapers here has been that of two gays who got severely beaten and one had his nose broken. Reason? They answered "yes" when they were asked if they were gay. Again, I find myself questioning if that is valid grounds.

As for an example of a valid reason, then not long ago there was a woman who risked having her children taken away from her by her husband. They were living in a muslim country and he had her passport and 100% control over what happened to the family, although they were westerners. We knew some people who were willing to "take care of business" as a favor to us. In the end, we opted no. Because even though he certainly deserved a good bonk on the head, we simply couldn't see how it would help in the long run - most likely, it would just give him further ammunition, and a reason to try to disappear with the children. That woman and her kids are now safely back home - it took some threatening, but no actual physical harm.

In conclusion - to me, beating people up is at best a momentary gratification, and if you're really lucky you can get sent to jail. Self-defense, yes, but pro-active beating is just a sign of inferior ability to argue your case, in a "me hulk, me smash" kind of fashion.


Post by amunptah777 »


Perhaps it's because more than a few people get on forums with the expectation that they are going to argue and rabble rouse while I'm only here to exchange ideas.

And therefore the difference is that I'm interested in others opinions and others hearing my opinions vs/ everyone who seems to think that the only way to communicate is to fight?

I'll use the ice cream example again;

Someone says "I think butternut ice cream is the best ice cream in the world"

Now, my point here is that many people view this as an opportunity to shout to the high heavens that butternut ice cream is vile and "how could anyone eat such stuff" and that this is what they think forums are for...whereas I view it as an opportunity to read this opinion, respond with my own opinion on the matter and that is that.
We have had an exchanged opinions and I am grateful to the Internet for having provided me with the opportunity.
My own view of ice cream in general is that I don't eat it, but I'm not interested in shouting down people who like ice cream, butternut or any other variety.

So what seems to happening is not so much that I or my opinions are upsetting people but the fact that I'm not interested in arguing with anyone about them.

The message then is "we want to fight you because you don't want to fight"

Which literally boils down to "we just want to fight"

Sorry Sobek, that's how I see it.
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Post by Sobek »

The message then is "we want to fight you because you don't want to fight"

Which literally boils down to "we just want to fight"

Sorry Sobek, that's how I see it.
Well get your perceptatrons checked ... In countless posts all over the board you make rediculous claims. And sadly, what you learn through divination and however much you choose to praise your ancestors is not good enough for most of us here ... personal sacred experience is all well and good, but you pass around your opinions in absolute and throw around a superior martyr complex and patronise a good many people, as much as you choose to say thats not your intention. But ofcourse how could I forget ... you don't believe in agression for whatever reason ... And in the beginning you were tolerable, marginally. But I am beyond the point of being pleasant. As for fighting ... we don't enjoy fighting, what we enjoy is healthy debate! but in your case ... when we see shit we call on it!
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Post by Eretik »

Now, my point here is that many people view this as an opportunity to shout to the high heavens that butternut ice cream is vile and "how could anyone eat such stuff" and that this is what they think forums are for...whereas I view it as an opportunity to read this opinion, respond with my own opinion on the matter and that is that.

Utter nonsense.You do not give opinions,you make contentious statements of your opinions as if they are immutable facts.When this is questioned,you react further with patronising and condescending rubbish,aimed at causing dissent.Pretending to be upset when you get the reaction you've been trawling for, is no excuse.

Your responses are not definitive,sorry to burst your bubble on that,but I've yet to see you make an able or reasoned response to a challenge.Contentious/Ridiculous/Offensive posts will be challenged.Fact.Why do you keep trying to tell us that this is not a normal part of forum life?Refusing to discuss what you say,after making a highly controversial statement is in fact, not a normal feature of a discussion forum..Are we clear yet?

We have had an exchanged opinions and I am grateful to the Internet for having provided me with the opportunity.
My own view of ice cream in general is that I don't eat it, but I'm not interested in shouting down people who like ice cream, butternut or any other variety.

Stop with the ice cream allegory -it's nonsense.Speak plainly.

So what seems to happening is not so much that I or my opinions are upsetting people but the fact that I'm not interested in arguing with anyone about them.

And there is the rub.DISCUSSION is the main theme of forums.Don't want your ideas challenged? Then stop making offensive/ridiculous/contentious statements.Problem solved.
The message then is "we want to fight you because you don't want to fight"

Which literally boils down to "we just want to fight"

Sorry Sobek, that's how I see it.

Any one who disagrees with you 'just wants to fight' oh my, how very narrow minded,condescending and patronising you are.We are a diverse group of people,with different ideas on many things.We get along quite well, despite this.However,we all just want to fight with poor old you.Grow up and get a clue.You are all alone in the 'poor you' corner.You have passed being funny/odd/humourus.You are offensive and in all honesty,you should trade in those 'spirits' of yours for ones who at least have some notion of how history actually happened.I smell troll on you.
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Post by hedge* »

I am locking this thread - it has gone completely off topic and is no longer enjoyable.

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