Pretty Shiny Things: A Crow's Collection of Shiny Baubles...

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Post by jcrowfoot »

Graphics, part VIII: Nearly There....

Ok, I called it early. I'll be finished in two or three posts.

These blasted retrospectives are getting the better of me.

Here's Gebo again... I think I like this version better than the others, but I'm not sure why. It doesn't make sense, but I do like pizza. You can't even tell the sky is full of roses...


More Ansuz action. Here's two more. I'll find the correct backdrop if I have to pry it out of my own cold, dead hands!

I'm almost embarassed to admit it, but I really like this one. It's kind of... well... "Sunday School Inspirational Poster", but it feels pretty right.


This is ONE of my sattelite pictures. It's Hermes, one of the first sattelites put up in the air...


Oh, and here's the first backdrop I did... and it's starting to grow on me.
Dunno if it makes sense to anyone else, but I like it. It probably won't be the final pick, but I can't dispute that it's nice.


And now what you've all been waiting for: new runes.

Manaz... Return to Yourself... AKA You are unique just like everyone else.

Some logs are harder to trip over than figuring out how to represent this rune. I will probably be wrestling with the proper form for Ansuz until my last breath, but Manaz was like.... almost too easy.

My only beef with it is that THIS was the only representation of Earth that looked right... and anyone not from the northern portion of the Western hemisphere is going to feel left out. :knife:

Just trust me that there are other bits on that globe and I'll try to find something a little more... inclusive. (The definition of irony is having to say that about an image of the whole freaking world when as far as I know our planet and other planes near by (+ visitors and planar rastabouts ) are the only audience...) Oh, and the stone is Larimar.

Without further ado.

This is the base image.


This is my most current, 3D version:

Personally, I think this is awesome and unless I come up with something super terrific I'm going to leave it as is... but I digress. Also, I'm thinking of taking this 3D technique and applying it to all my runes... unless it looks like crap.

Here's another rune that was a Joy to work on. ;-)

Wunjo is a fun rune. I tend to think of it as the "Thor's happy" rune. I know, I know, that Thurisaz is his Hammer, but this one screams "Party Hammer!" It's also a healing rune, but no one seems to talk about that. It's one of my stabilizing runes when I'm working on migranes, broken hearts, depression and listlessness. Also works wonders on the ill effects of having been bedridden, even the bed sores, atrophy and the blahs that go with it. Mends bones too... which is why I put Daisy in the background. Not only is it the ultimate in care free symbolism, (the only way to get there otherwise (with massive baggage) would be to use the Greatful Dead teddy bears!) but it is also a healing plant useful for staunching cuts and healing bruises. Even writing about this rune makes me feel happy. Wunderbar!


I hope you enjoyed the show. That 3D effect that Manaz taught me is really cool... or it makes the runes look too computer generated. I haven't decided which yet. Well... I'll figure it out eventually.

Have a nice life, people!
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Post by jcrowfoot »

More lame text...

Ok. I know I haven't posted in a while, but I've been busy. I have got all the runes with stones and proper backdrops, so it's all tweaking from here. My new batch of works will be posted tomorow. When I'm finally set, I'll post all of my final choices for the "deck".

I'm debating on whether I should just use that last bit float MY blog, with a link from here so it's easy to get to. On one hand it feels like being a traitor, on another it will save her the bandwidth of dealing with my image-heavy posts. On another I'll have more control over how the actual blog looks and a few other nice things... but I dunno. I'll figure it out.
Now, I'm really really tired.

Gnight folks.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Graphics, Part VIIII : Needs no subtext

Ok. Here's a few more.

Reviews.... Kenaz, again. This one is THE one, I think. I tried a few other ideas that didn't fly, but this really stood out. I may need to tweak the glow on it a bit, just so it sparkles a little more but I think a step in the right direction. Hope you like!


Ok. This next one is FINALLY a good backdrop for Algiz. I think this is the ONE.


New Runes! YAY!

Ok, I have a completed Jera for your perusal. The stone is petrified wood.
This one was also remarkably easy to do.


Oh, and as a last thought, I wondered what my readership thinks of re-doing all the runes in the new 3-D style I came up with when I finished Manaz (Mann).

What'tcha think?

I'm also thinking of re-sampling the Kenaz rune so it's a little thicker so it doesn't look too... skinny when I do the 3-D effect.


I'm also not feeling well today, and didn't feel like dealing with... humans. So I'm being lame.
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And now for something completely different, yet again!

Post by jcrowfoot »

Ok. Yeah, I promised to have all the runes done by now. But I've been busy. I have had to get yet *another* laptop, and there are... problems. Suffice to say I don't always have a steady and trustworthy internet connection, despite things upstream being fine. (Ie... it's not my network.. it's the laptop) Neither I nor my systems administrator sweetie can figure it out at this time. My laptop just... decides at random it's not responding to either the wired or the wifi connection for no apparent reason. Well... anyway, I'll stop bitching now. Also, my birthday just happened, and so did life. I'll be around, and I'll have that final tally of the runes... I haven't forgotten about that. I'm just going out of town for four days (to CONVOCATION!) and I'll be writing about it here.

Oh, and about the A. J. Drew scenario: My current theory is that both parties over-reacted badly. Shame on both of them. Now, kiss and make up dammit! (Snowball's chance, I know, cuz everybody loves a witch war) I'm going to the con because I want to meet M. R. Sellars before I die. Bite me.

Now, I still have to see what was actually said on the list (my friend is forwarding the list info to me, but it's too late for me to read it before con)
and all I've read is net-based banter, and a friends live, blow-by-blow reports of the emails, not the emails themselves. So I don't feel quite qualified to give a full blown detailed report.

Frankly, I'd really like a better pagan con option other than Convo.

I'm really hoping to find something closer to where I live than... Troy. I HATE the commute! I'd like a chance to meet locals and the like, and Meetups are so flaky I want to spit fire. I have watched at least three different groups collapse and die and I haven't attended a single event of any of them... and NOT without trying, I might say. I show up, but no one else does. Frustrating....

Over and Out.
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Post by hedge* »

Nice graphics crow.


Dagaz and Radho speak to me the most and this one

*points down


But what's it called or did I miss it?
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Post by jcrowfoot »

That one is Perdho. I think I did name it... but it was a while ago.

I've been out of the loop because I went to the con. There, I got sick and was unable to come back until today. I've got a massive case of bronchitus, but I finally got to the doctor and medicated. My grandmother also just had a stroke, so I had to spend extra time with family. But I'm back. Hi!
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Well mostly back. I haven't had much time for this blog thanks to wedding planning, some technical work I've had to do, going back and forth to Michigan to visit my grandma (who's now at a nursing home), and relapse.

I also failed to get that Sprint internet everywhere thing working, thanks to my laptop problems. Sigh. Maybe I should have gotten another mac.
So no more graphics for now, but hopefully I've enriched your lives at least a little bit with some herbal stuff in the herbs topic.
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