psychic muscle and sensitivity

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psychic muscle and sensitivity

Post by [Obsidian] »

Hi all, quick question. It seems to me that over the past few months, as I've been trying to develop my psychic muscle, I have become increasingly emotionally sensitive. A few weeks ago I started balling in the office while watching the music video to "hurt" by Christina aguilera and just now I was reading a Terry Brooks novel and balled. Is that a normal development? Is this why shielding comes into being important?

The Judge
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Post by The Judge »

As far as I can tell it is, I went through some of the same things when I was eight, needless to say I wasn't ready for that, and in th end I learned to seperate myself from strong emotions, I've been trying to remove that block for while know with little success, so don't follow my route.
Anyway, I wouldn't be concerned with some eratic emotions as you mind becomes more open to the universe, it happens.:) Just make sure your ready for it.:)

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The Judge
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Sounds like the empathy muscle flexing. Yes, it's pretty normal. This is why you need to shield and GROUND more often. This is why, to get rid of that excess sensitivity.
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Post by [Obsidian] »

man, it hits me at the most unexpected times. I can't remember what I was watching but the slightest things will set me off. I'm reading that book about wiccan shielding. I'm sure it has stuff about that in there too.

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Post by thatguy »

Go swimming. Exercise vigourously until you exhaust yourself. Spend
time talking with utterly mundane people.
Fall asleep.

These things will pull you out of that ultra sensitive state and ground you
without dulling your abilities or hindering your progress.

In my tradition, what you're talking about is a symptom of being
perpetually 'open'. After any mystical work, one such as yourself must
'close' yourself. The most natural solution is to fall asleep, part of the
natural sleep cycle involves a natural 'closing'.

I will only talk in terms of my own tradition so as not to misstate myself
and perhaps lead you astray.

Here are two simple ways you can screw up with mystical practices:

1) Leave yourself too 'open' to mystical influences in your everyday life.
When you are 'open', the flow of your qi is no longer constrained,
however, without your constant attention (as during some ritual practice),
your qi's flow is overly susceptable to outside influences, accidental or
otherwise. Imagine opening all your doors and windows, turning on all
the faucets, opening the fridge and freezer, then leaving your home to run
errands for the day.

2) You end up with too much or too little qi in your system. During your
practices, you may absorb too much qi into your system which causes
problems with its flow. It will become blocked or turbulent, leading to
lethargy, sickness or wild and inharmonious emotional and physical
oscilations. Also, if you failed as described in #1, you can lose too much
qi to the environment. Simply standing in the wind while 'open' can
syphon away much of your circulating qi.

For a better description, which will likely speak more clearly to your own
practices, please refer, to our most excellent lady hedgewitch's post about
grounding: ... php?t=1725

This humble woman is so pragmatic and knowledgeable that you should
dote on her every word, etching it into your mind.


T. Guy

Post by mothernature »

im glad to know its not just me. i have noticed i cry for everyone. its like your sensitivity is going crazy.
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