What attracted you to Wicca?

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Post by [WitchMomma] »

I am Wiccan, and have always just been drawn to it naturally. I was raised Christian and appreciate it as well, but always picked up books about Wicca, Witchcraft, etc. I always from a young child just listened to what my intuition told me and this is where it lead me.

Personally I like the freedom of Wicca and how it is based around the elements. I just feel more at "home" if you know what I mean within the religion. I feel I can just be me!
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Post by ATraveller »

I apparantly can't get away from the fact that sometimes I have feelings inside my chest that are apparantly not my own. That sometimes I affect the Universe in strange ways. That I know things, mostly mundane stuff, but at times, I've known how to be a god, how to walk off the face of the earth, how to make it stop raining.

So, either I'm delusional and suffer from disassociation and magical thinking, or there's something more out there.

I have the word of two shrinks that option nr. 1 is not the case. So, that leaves nr. 2 I guess. This is what keeps drawing me back to the occult world.
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Post by SugarCharmz »

I had always been attracted to things that were "weird", and I had always been a person who enjoys magic, illusions, and all that stuff. I'm in a Christian family, and I've studied Christianity, so i know how [nearly, i'm not a genius] everything in it works. So, to a Christian, Witchcraft is taboo -- something that just isn't done or talked about.
Of course, little ol' me was curious to learn about Wicca and Witchcraft. I love psychology, so the things like the "manipulation of energy", and the "third eye" just really caught my interest. This new stuff is really interesting, and I'd love to be a part of it, but at the same time, I'm scared to leave the side of God because I have no idea what'll happen to me then. :shock:
I want to be both, but i'm not sure how. Guess I'll just have to figure that out. :wink:

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Post by wiccachicken »

I became a Wiccan because I was at first attracted to the fluffy side. I was really young so forgive for that one! lol! I thought it looked quite exciting. I was at that stage when everything was confusing. I bought a book that sorted things out though. I learnt that it's not like it is in the movies. But I was still attracted to it. It made sense. However, I think my mind was still in the Christian mindset so I felt like I was doing something wrong. I gave up in the end.

I always kept the book. Over time I lost my faith completely in Christianity. It was such a hypocritical belief....I didn't like it anymore. I didn't feel safe and it just didn't make sense! Then when I was at University and away from home...I was finally able to take charge of my own life and make my own decisions. So I dedicated myself and it felt right!

I guess you could say I'm attracted to Wicca because it makes me feel complete. It feels right...it feels comfortable. No-one tells me what to believe. I feel like my whole life has been leading up to it....even from when I was a child. My grandma used to tell me all about nature and its glory. About plants and crystals....it all adds up.

However, I found something out last night which gives me more reason to be drawn to Wicca. Having come out of the annoying proverbial broom closet...my Mum also tells me that she is a witch. So I'm a hereditary witch!! So there we go....several reasons why I was drawn to Wicca ;)
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Post by Heka »

im not quite sure what attracted me to wicca/paganism/witchcraft. as a little kid witches were always cool to me and when i found a book called 'a beginers guide to wicca and witchcraft' (written by writers of witchcraft magazine, highly reccommended for beginniners) i was absolutely intrigued. I think i was about 10 at the time. read the book from cover to cover then forgot about it.

got back into it in the last aprox. 3-4 years because i love crystals, herbs and believe that women are more than the abrahamic religions say they are. though i was never brought up christian so there was no conversion or 'finding myself' as such.

when i was a kid i also had an obsession with ancient eygpt and its gods and astrology. so that was kinda a bit of a step as well.

I totally agree that having to wait for someone to give you your tarot cards is a bunch of hooey. If your friend thinks he is so intuned maybe he should get them for you, lol. My best advice is to buy them in person.
i argee with AmberRose here to. thats pathetic. if you want tarot cards go to a good shop with a large selection and jst let your intuition lead you to the right ones.

Blessed Be

Blessed Be and Merry Part



Water, my blood...
Earth, my body...
Air, my breath...
Fire, my spirit...

Post by arcanedancer »

I was raised in the Deep South, so right off the bat that should tell you about my religious programming and upbringing. I even toured with a contemporary Christian show choir (anyone ever heard of the Continental Singers??) for a summer! I wanted very badly to hop on the Christian bandwagon, but I knew deep down that I could never be a part of a faith that considers me automatically vile, since I'm gay. It just seemed to me that on so many levels, there were inherently things not "right" about Christianity. So I moved from the world of "I'm a Christian" to the world of "I'm just spiritual" and the amorphous world that entails.

And I was partnered with an Israeli for many, many years; so I got the whole tour of Judaism as well.

Then last year, as if some cosmic clock sounded an alarm, I decided to delve into researching wicca and witchcraft. I can't imagine why I never did before (especially since I was a D&D/fantasy geek); but I suppose that I wasn't meant to do so - it happened for me when the Universe was ready. And I was shaken to my core. A lifetime of hunches, too many coincidences, and a strong intuition that (aside from being gay) I still was...different...somehow - started to coalesce into a pattern that I could finally understand. It was as if I started to finally make sense of where I had been, why some of it had happened, and where I'm meant to go.

I finally realized that I had always done magick; I just didn't know I was doing it.

Now, I'm learning again - about myself, the world we live in, and so much more - and I'm happier than I've ever been. It's all about finding your own way and forming your own path.

Now go buy some cards!!!

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Post by nini »

for me, i believed that man/woman by nature are curious being. as such we are always in search for truth and the supernatural. with this thing in mind we tend to look for someone who will give us enlightment with all the things we have in mind and wicca is one of time. that's the reason why i am here
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Post by Risingpanther »

I think what brought me into Wicca was my dissatisfaction with Christianity....all my life I tried to be a "good Christian girl" but being left-brained I had to question everything. I put on a facade to make everyone think I wanted to be a woman of God, but secretly ate up all the literature I could on the ancient Egyptian religion and gods. I think my real breaking off happened when I prayed to Osiris and had to force myself to feel guilt...that was in 5th grade, and my religious programming spiraled out of shape and unraveled from there. I found Wicca through a friend that was studying it when I was 14, and ended up keeping the book, partially by accident, partially on purpose...

I found that it was a breath of fresh air to find a religion that agreed with all the beliefs that I had heald secretly all those years, that assured me I wasnt crazy when I felt the pulse of the earth or sang softly to a plant as I watered it. It was wonderful. So, there it is for ya, my entry into the Craft.
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