In A Pit of My Own Digging

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In A Pit of My Own Digging

Post by Risingpanther »

The difficulty of my life is escalating. Seriously, I have some major bad karma from lying to my "boyfriend" about random shit (I put it in quotes cause he lives in Washington, where I used to...) and deceiving my family regarding his status in my mind (he's older than I am...) Yeah I know that I put this on my blog, but who will look at it? I need advice.

I have begun to work with angels recently, but suspended my work with the Dragons for these same reasons...and my self-judged immaturity. I am struggling with some strange addictions (not narcotics, internet-based) that are driving me mad. I need some help...soon.

Please dont let this affect your opinion of my Tarot readings...I am completely objective when I do them, and this just means it'll take longer to get to them.

I dont know how to dig myself out of it. Any suggestions?
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Post by Eretik »

Ok.First rule of Douglas Adams.DON'T PANIC.[lol. but seriously] I'll read your blog,catch up and come back later.I like your Tarot readings.I like your 'style'of reading.[Just thought I'd mention it.] I have to go out now,but more later.
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Post by Starwitch »

My suggestion is that you make a commitment that from now on you won't do anything that you think could hurt others in any way. If your intentions towards others are always good, you will quickly find that the drama in your own life sorts itself out and you won't create new drama. Read books by the Dalai Lama and follow his advice. He is a very wise man.

I don't know what you mean by "working with dragons". I hope that if they are spirits, they are positive spirits. But I would definitely advise you to continue working with your angels and spirit guides. Getting in touch with your higher self will help you immeasurably. If you need any help with that, feel free to PM me. I'm all about spiritual solutions and I live a DFL (drama free life.) Spending time in meditation and contemplation are a huge benefit when trying to sort your life out.

Bright Blessings,
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