Gamers Unite

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Post by Natresse »

hooboy, lessee... i do online games when i'm not in school. Wow, Anarchy Online mostly, tho I have played Ultima Online and dabbled in SWG, Sociolotron and a couple others for beta etc. Currently just have the subscription to Anarchy open, only play during school breaks. I got an invite to the Pirates of the Burning Sea open beta..i may check it out, not sure if my system can handle it tho.

I love love love sim type games. Pretty much anything with 'tycoon' attached to it, sim city, the Sims 1&2, for the last two years someone has gotten me the Zoo tycoon 2 expansions. I have yet to recieve or buy the actual Zoo tycoon 2 game...i'll get around to it. I have all the expansions,and no basic game, le sigh. Virtual Villagers was intersting. Civilization..all of them, console and computer. I pretty much like the strategy type computer games.

I don't get to play console that much. I'd LOVE a wii, but i really really want xbox 360 so i can play Dead Rising. I have a thing for zombie bashing. I played 1 FF game, i Think it was 7 or 8.. whichever one had Sqwall or something in it. I liked it but i ended up getting bored with lvling to 100 so i could go fight the final boss. I never did finish it. Grand Theft Auto is fun for maybe an hour, then i get bored being a social deviant since i don't play the storyline.

I'm just learning pen and paper, D&D. I made my first ever character, a halfling ranger formly known as Tia and now known as Fluffybunny. (my husband is my DM and i take pleasure in driving him batty) Had our first adventure last sunday. I like it so far, kinda slow tho, i'm just to used to the computer doing the rolling for me :P

Right now i'm trying to stick with, mostly Bingo and Poppit. I tend to get too involved in my games and i'd hate to forget things like, ya know, Christmas shopping or..working.

OOH and some card games. 3 Dragon Ante, helping with a Munchkin demo tomarrow at work. And there is this board game i'm addicted to right now, Blokus. soooo much fun. puzzle/strategy game. If you like that sort of thing you should check it out.

That's it. Guess that kinda makes me a gamer girl.
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Post by Suppose; »

I just started playing Zelda: Phantom Hourglass on my DS.

It is definitely one of the cutest games I've ever played. Ranks right up there with the Mario games.

Of course, because I suck at puzzles and all things puzzle related, I spend most of my time playing it, sitting in front of my computer, with the online "Super Walkthrough" pulled up.

I'm such a cheater.

Post by LawrenceDreaming »

I'm just waiting for Smash Brothers Brawl to come out, and kick some butt with Meta Knight :twisted:
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Post by Spell_of_The_Isle »

Yay! Gamers unite! This seems like a fun thread to post in. :) As far as games go, I like Final Fantasy X2, Resident Evil Outbreak 1&2, all the Lara Croft/Tomb Raider games- especially Legend, Haunting Ground, Clock Tower 3, Chrono Cross- my all time favorite! Umm.. Guild Wars, I loooove the Bloodrayne games.. The good ole Rampage games like World Tour, that one was my favorite!

I *almost* liked The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, but it turned out I ultimately didn't. I kind of found it disappointing, especially without all the "great" mods you can find out there.

Also, a question I'm sure *all* of us have asked before: Where are all the freaking witch games!? Yeah, yeah. Mages, wizards and magic-users are fun, but I just don't get the enjoyment I would get by actually knowing my character is a witch. And I'm not talking about the type of witch they just throw into a game, give him/her mage spells and call it a day.

Even a Charmed video game would do! That would be fun. :)
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Post by KaidaPyralis »

Where do I start? I'm a gaming nerd. Lol. Let's go with the short version of the list.

Metal Gear Solid is one of the greatest, if not the greatest PS2 game I've ever played, MSG3 is probably my favourite game. I'm currently trying to get my hands on the "Subsistence" version. I also like Resident Evil 4, though I die alot lol, Devil May Cry 2, Tekken 4, Soul Caliber 2, all the Tomb Raider games, especially the last 2, wasn't keen on Angel of Darkness, just got a game called The Plan which is ace, Fahrenheit is very good, Hitman which I haven't really played yet but looks very cool, and one of the Ghost Recon games which is okay if a little clumsy to control.

I've got a Nintendo DS, but tbh the only decent games I've found for that are nintendogs which I have yet to buy, zoo tycoon is okay, and the brain training is kinda fun. I have however played alot of the pokemon games, and enjoyed them too :oops: lol.

Used to play Nintendo 64, Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2, and Pokemon Snap particularly. Used to play Warhammer too as I saw someone mentioned way back. Used to do both Fantasy and 40k. Our school had a club for it and I was the only girl, got some stick for that lol. I collected Bretonians (sp?) even though they were a bit weedy, they were fun to paint, and Space Marines which were pretty cool.

My little brother got a Wii for his birthday, and that is actually made of awesome, it's SO much fun.

PC games of course has to include the Sims 2 and it's expansions. Command and Conquer is also awesome, particularly the last game, Tiberium Wars, although Red Alert is of course classic. However, since Santa was kind enough to bring me a slimline PS2 with a screen (which is a thing of absolute beauty I tell you) for xmas, I've reverted to only really playing on that.

Yeah, well it started out as a short list lol.
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Post by Suppose; »

KaidaPyralis wrote: I have however played alot of the pokemon games, and enjoyed them too Embarassed lol.

Used to play Nintendo 64, Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2, and Pokemon Snap particularly.
I LOVE the pokemon games.
Diamond (for the DS) is fun, but I think my favorite is blue for the gameboy.

Pokemon stadium was my game. I played that non-stop. I still would if I had a 64 and the game.
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Post by Yellow_day »

I play Guild Wars

Post by Lexi »

I've always loved playing games, which is probably one of the reasons my friends are mostly male instead of female.

I've always been a Playstation supporter, but I play a few PC games too. I bought a Wii and regretted it... Now I'm looking for a person to sell it to so I can get PS3 at some point in the year. The good thing is my father wants PS3 as well because of the new Gran Turismo. Which means I'll spend the first month of buying the console trying to pass the licenses... :P

My favourite games are:
- Final Fantasy VIII, IX, X (I think the best one is VIII, but I haven't got a chance to really play VII yet)
- Resident Evil 2, 3 (epsecially 2. I think after Code Veronica the series turned awful....)
- all the Project Zero games, I wish there were more games like these
- Silent Hill 1 to 4. Haven't played the PSP one yet, Im waiting for the PS2 version to come to Greece.
- WoW. I finally reached lvl60 last week, and from the Lich King rumours, I probably have until September to get to 70. I play Jiyana, a human warlock.
- The Sims 2! I haven't been playing it that much anymore, but I've always loved it. Mostly the storytelling aspect of it, you should see some of my family's albums... Epic stories!

I've always wanted to play Dungeons & Dragons. I'd bought that small starter pack 2 years ago, and i finally got to play 2 adventures with my cousins last week. I think DM's the role for me. Fun!
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Post by Suppose; »

Lexi wrote:Silent Hill 1 to 4
I got 2 at the end of last year and I tried to start friend and I were too chicken though. lol
The angles and sounds messed with us. We're such pansies.

I'll have to look up a walkthrough and start playing as soon as I finish Okami, though. Have to be brave sometime. :lol:

Post by Lexi »

Yeah, Silent Hill can be scary sometimes...
I remember when I first played Silent Hill 1, and near the beginning is a scene when you are trapped with nowhere to go, and these childlike monsters with knifes attack you. The player is supposed to die there, but of course I didn't know that. I kept running around and it was sooo freaky. When Harry died, I was so freaked out I turned off the game and didn't play it again for months!

Silent Hill 2 is my personal favourite for atmosphere and storyline. It's much more psychological than the rest of the games. I loved it so much that the first time I played it, I finished it in a day. Those were the good times... (Of course later I couldn't sleep!)
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Post by Suppose; »

lol Thanks. I don't feel like such a weenie now!

Plus, when I'm stuck, I'll know who to talk to :wink:

Post by Lexi »

Sure, I think I've leraned the first two games by heart by now! :P
Three days ago, my cousin began playing SH1, which I haven't played for more than two years, and I remembered everything! I played half the game for him... (I didn't steal the controller from him or anything, he asked me to play..) When I start with Silent Hill, I can't stop...
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Post by Suppose; »

I can't wait. I just know I'll love it.
Plus, this might sound weird, but I think Pyramid Head is pretty much the most awesome character EVER. I'm not sure which games he's in, though.

Post by Lexi »

I'm a big Pyramid Head fan too! Me and my best friend even made a small comic about a Pyramid Head family once... :D

Pyramid Head is everywhere in Silent Hill 2, and I think if you play in Hard mode, he appears even more often. I'm not entirely sure, though. There's also a creature in Silent Hill 3, Valtiel, who most think is Pyramid Head, but without the, uh, pyramid head on him. But he's not attacking you or anything, just turning valves all the time...
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Post by Suppose; »

You're getting me so pumped up. lol

Honestly, that's the reason I got 2. I thought it was one of the ones he was in more. I don't really know much about the rest of them. :(

I REALLY need to start playing.

-That PH comic sounds hilarious!
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