Rob899's blog :D

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Rob899's blog :D

Post by Rob899 »

So, This is my first blog.
I really hate my computer xD. It shuts down whenever it feels like it, Especially when im in the middle of a huge forum post, Or a big photoshop project xD And it all gets losssttt, And i have to start all over -.-
Extremely annoying at times :\
I need to cut down on my smoking. I Smoke way too much :\ And im broke.

What do you guys think of my pic btw?
I made it today xD Its originally a harry potter book XD lol
I got the idea from Buffy the vampire slayer, The episode Willow sucks all the dark magic out of the books. Her line is "I need power". *Shivers* Hail willow :]

Now its 01:51 am, And im gonna try and get some sleep :]

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Post by Rob899 »

Its now, 16:01. And i just recently woke up.
Sitting here, Listening to music, And refilling the nicotin i didnt get while sleeping.

Full moon is coming up, Wich means time to cleanse and charge crystals.
I just found out that, We have some ancient, Stone things, Like a fort or something, Close to my home. Well close, And close. I can walk tho xD
I cant wait for spring, Im gonna head up there :D

My runes are now done. I just need to read alot more about how to use them. And what each rune means.

I also found out that, There is a crystal shop not too far from here aswell. :D
Im gonna ask my dad, If he can take me there xD

Now i need to find a good herb store.

I dont like online shopping >_> I always end up buying way to much of things i dont need. xD

I wonder if they have a sun catcher.. I need one for my plants.
This one plant, That ive had for AGES. Grows really weird. And un logical.
Its like, All over the place. And i soon need to get it a bigger pot.
But im glad, That it can grow as it want.

Ive also tried to make energy balls.
I can feel the energy build up in my chest. But the problem is getting it out. And i easely lose my consentration.

I need practise i guess :]

I also tried to send my energy on the candle flame. I guess that it goes alittle higher, But im not sure if im doing that, Or if its just like that? :s
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Post by Rob899 »

Today i woke up at 17:00 pm. xD
I slept so good, I havent slept this good on ages :D

Ive started focusing my energy through the third eye, Instead of my chakra. (Chest) xD
And really, I get headaches from it. but i can really feel it. Wich is good :D

Thanks for the advice Sobek! You're awesome :]

Ive just been reading about talismans and symbols.
I think im gonna make my own Eye of horus talisman :O
today maybe? :D

Yesterday my computer toally crashed one me. Luckely i have my old one! It never lets me down :D Pluss, I have all my precious things on here :D So im kind of happy :D

Listening to Colbie Caillat - bubbly. Its so pretty :] Warms me inside :)
Im in an extremely good mood at the moment. Thats weird :o
Maybe some planet or moon is in right position for me today :D

Thats another thing i wanna read about, Astrology!
Looking forward to full moon 22 or 21th january :D Gonna look it up later :)

Havent had time to check out the crystal store i wanted to go to.
Oh well :] One can only do so much at a time :P

EDIT: After posting, I can see what good mood im in, By all the emoticons LOL XD
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Wierd dream :S

Post by Rob899 »

Today i had a really short, Really wierd dream.

Me and a friend of mine were in this haunted house, But i wasnt afraid of the ghosts, They walked around like normal people right. And there was this alarm in this house, Like a ghost detector, It made a tiny beep repeatedly, When there was ghost activity, And i walked down this loong coridore, towards the beeping sound, Suddenly, My friend yelled "THey are gonna hurt you!" And this ghost appeard infron of me, Running towards me, and yelled "You're dooomed Robert!", I could feel the ghost walk through me, then i got this horrible feeling, Like my breathe was taken away for a little bit, And woke up, But it was still kinda hard to breathe.
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Post by Rob899 »

Another gorgeous day, with beautiful weather :D I must say, I just love the sun. Waking up with the sun shining in my window, And my whole day is made :]

Im thinking about doing a spell on my mom, For good luck and fortune, She has alot going against her lately :(
Also after my dad left, Shes started seeing other people, Wich is good, She deserves to be happy.
Maybe ill do a protection spell aswell.

And maybe a spell to keep me from smoking too much xD

I try not to use magic, to soulve every problem i encounter.
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Post by Rob899 »

I finished my Ouija Board on saturday. Unfortunatly ive been too sick to even think about it. However, Soon :)
My runes have been calling me lately, Its about time i give them some attention. Too bad being sick messes up my concentration :(

Me and my mom are gonna move soon. We have to.. My dad is throwing us out. Not that that is a bad thing really, I need to get away from him.
Luckely he lives at his moms place now. Peace atlast.

Green tea is my miracle cure.

I need alot of strenght in the days to come.
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Post by Rob899 »

AH! :D I got my weather :]]

It was so cloudy last night, And foggy. But i needed the sun to do my magickal work today. And i got it :D

And according to my cup of coffee, Its gonna be a clear sky tonight.
Maybe the moon is coming to visit :]
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