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Post by brokenxdreams »

Colubra, I feel very thick for asking this but no matter how many times I go over it, I simply don't understand your last post..

Is December 21, 2012 suppose to be a time when massive wars, chaos, and violence occurs, or is it a time for humanity to begin anew?

Once again, my apologies for sounding dense.
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Post by Tymar »

On New years day or a day or two after my head clears....

Wow, 2012... This is the furture!!
whoophoa.. i made it.

So far for me turning into 2000 was an event for me...
Just clicking over that 1999.. to 2000 Nice and fresh.
All the fears the world would end, the computers would get "the bug", traffic lights would stop working, Atm would spill out money onto the streets ( that wouldn’t be to bad now), and so on and so forth.

Either way for the oncoming 2012, I would be spending my time much the same as I did in 2000, with special people, filling happy and joyful that another year has come and gone..
And hope im older and wiser for the experience.

BB. Tymar
BB Tymar..

Don't wait for a light to appears at the end of the tunnel, stride down there and light the bloody thing yourself" - Sara Henderson;

Post by PoisonIvy »

In my opinion whatever happens, happens. I really think a lot of people need a spiritual change and should appreciate things that are taken for granted today. I'm not really sure if I believe anything will happen that year or date... I do believe anything can happen, but there have been many false predictions. I don't know, we will just have to wait and see!!!!!!!! None the less, on December 21, 2012 I will be waiting for something extraordinary to happen!!! Whether it is good or bad. :D
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Post by Colubra »

brokenxdreams wrote:Colubra, I feel very thick for asking this but no matter how many times I go over it, I simply don't understand your last post..

Is December 21, 2012 suppose to be a time when massive wars, chaos, and violence occurs, or is it a time for humanity to begin anew?

Once again, my apologies for sounding dense.
The chaos and violence is supposed to occur before during the transition period. Then 2012 is supposed to herald some kind of rebirth.

Post by Fallen. »

yea i remember y2k lol . But hopefully 2012 will be a rebirth period in the world but i mean as a good rebirth not an apocalypse or anything, just change for better like oil would be gone so we can finally stop polluting or something of that sort that would help Gaia in the long run.
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Post by watershield »

I have read various articles in National Geographic, to mention one, that the climate changes we are seeing is a result of earths magnetic field weakening.
In essence, great amounts of solar radiationa re able to reach the earths surface due to the reduced reflective ability of the magnetic fields.

As the earth heats up, the polar caps melt causing a wieght shift (the water redistributes itself). The earth has the potential then to come off of it's 13 degree axis and possibly even flip north to south.

It's thought that should this occur, the magnetic fields will again strengthen, the earth would cool taking us into an ice age and the whole cycle starts over again.

Appearently there is geological evidence to suggest that this has already happened a number of times and has a cycle of 100,000 - 300,000 years.
The last time being about 143,000 years ago.

So, is dec 21, 2012 the day the earth flips?
The mind is a window to the universe, but for many the window is closed
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Post by Makbawehuh »

December 21 2012 is the day I turn twenty nine, which means I'll be one year from being thirty.

Which means that dire things WILL happen, because I intend to have my midlife crisis while I"m still young enough to enjoy raising Hell.
~St. Makupuff the Awesome~

"The human race will begin solving it's problems on the day that it ceases taking itself so seriously." – Malaclypse the Younger

The Hell Law says that Hell is reserved exclusively for them that believe in it.
Further, the lowest Rung in Hell is reserved for them that believe in it on the supposition that they'll go there if they don't.

-Holy Book of Truth; The Gospel According to Fred, 3:1 (Principia Discordia)
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