Uruha's Wiccan Path

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Uruha's Wiccan Path

Post by Uruha »

I have decided to start a blog here with notes, thoughts, and experiences on my spiritual journey. I only have very few supplies since starting out a couple weeks ago and only two books total so far (bills, cats, and food take up the majority of my money). I have also started my own Book of Shadows which I have already written my experiences in so far.

The most that I have been learning are the basic principles, practices, and philosophies of the Wiccan religion and I have taken them to heart. My beautiful wife is fully supportive of my decision and tells me that this is a very good thing for me. You see, she is an empath and has premonitions in her dreams. She is also reading and studying as well. She said that she won't get involved with anything mystical without researching it thoroughly. Before I made my decision, I took out as much time as a could to look through some web sites and I bought my first book. After much reading, I took on the practices and study hard everyday in between work and college.

Later I will post up some of the philosophies and exercises that I have been practicing.

Post by Uruha »

The first book that I obtained is called Fundamentals of Philosophy & Practice Wicca for Beginnners by: Thea Sabin. I enjoyed this book very much and is the main guide that I use for exercises and some fundamentals that I go back to often during my studies. I read this book almost all of the way through before I tried any of the exercises to get a better grasp of what I was doing.

For the first exercise, I went around the house to try and find the best place to focus and where I feel the most relaxed. I found two main places of practice: our room and in our backyard. The backyard is my favorite place for meditation and energy work since it's so peaceful and I don't get bothered by anyone. I also feel closer to the Divine and the elements out there.

For meditations, it helps me to straighten my back while I sit to help the energy flow through my spinal cord easier since I use it as my main energy stream. I also use deep, even breathes while I meditate to get myself to relax even more.

I tried the "hand to hand energy exercise" for the first time on Friday after classes were over and well...I didn't feel the energy at all. I didn't think too much of it and tried over and over again. After about three tries, I was able to feel the energy bounce between my hands clearly and I was proud. Afterwards, (and for the rest of the day) I had periods were I would be hyper then exhausted and anxious for no apperent reason and I wasn't sure why.

I reread the exercise and a chapter or two afterward to discover that I may have built up too much excess energy and I needed to ground to give the excess energy back to the Earth. I did my best to ground and I felt much better after that. ^_^ Since then, I make sure to ground before and after any spell, ritual, and energy practise that I try.

I also have been using grounding to calm before classes, work, and to chill out after being irritated (if I get time, that is :P).

Post by Uruha »

Wow, I haven't posted in awhile! I'm back again after disappearing for so long and a lot has happened. I'm done with school, a new tenet has moved into my house, my depression was at an all time high, and I have grown in knowledge about magick and my wife now participtes.

And just so its clear...despite what the title says I'm not wicca. Wicca is a religion and I'm not too fond of following a religion to a tee. I am a pagan and think I'll leave it at that for now. Don't get me wrong, I bear no negativty towards wiccans, I just don't believe in a single god and goddess.

Unfortunatly, I have to cut this a little short so until I am able make another appearance, blessed be and merry part.
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