Just a question about visions..

Questions and discussions about psychic ability, mediumship, channeling, automatic writing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, dream premonitions, telepathy, empathic/empathetic ability.

Just a question about visions..

Post by Mika_03 »

Hi all!

I have a question for anyone who may know what this means..

I was sitting in my friends room when I suddenly kinda blacked out, but I knew I was awake. I saw myself walking at my school oval and I was laughing with a shadow figure next to me. As soon as I faced the shadow, I twisted my foot and fell over and the shadow lauged at me. I then came out of that 'trance' and was really weirded out by it.

The same thing happened again as I was walking to the train station after school. It was the exact same vision but I was walking on the basketball court at school.

I have no idea what this means, and if anyone has any idea could they let me know what they think I experienced?

Thank you!

P.S - I have just called these things visions, because they felt like it to me.. but I am unsure of what they are exactly..

Post by Amazonite »

1. you have issues of bullying somewhere in your life (school, work, past or present) and this is reflecting into your "visions" like dreams or 2. something of a bullying nature is going to happen to you in the future. What stage in your life are you at, if you do not mind me asking? You mentioned school... Are you preparing to leave for University, work or something like that?

I see it as a fear that you have of someone more powerful than you think you are.

Hope this helps, just my opinion of course.

Blessed Be on your journey ahead.

Post by Mika_03 »

Thanks for the help Amazonite..

I am going to be doing my final year of school next year.. but it has taken me an extra year to do it.

I have been hurt and bullied alot in my past.. I also came out at 15 years old..

Is that what you were looking for?

Thanks again.

Post by Amazonite »

I think your fears have manifested themselves and perhaps when you "blacked out" you may have lost a certain element of control they you once had. I also think you could have been astral plaining or dream-astral plaining rather than "trancing" as you put it. Please read the astral travel forum and see if these experiences match up to your own.

Yes, the experiences you have described would probably cause you to react in this way, or at least in my opinion and in my experience I ain't surprised.

Being bullied is a horrible experience for anyone to have to go through... I know that to be true as I have experienced bullying first-hand even today as an adult.

Coming out must have been so difficult for you to do. I am proud that you achieved this. How have your friends and family reacted?

When I read your post, I had images of a shadow; someone being bullied, pushed to the ground and cowering in a corner. Just because you have different likes and dislikes regarding your sexuality doesn't mean to say that people have the right to bully or tease you.

You have accepted the way you are, so if other people have a problem with it then highlight that their lives must be so boring and full of @?!# to be worried over you and your b/f! Tell them you would rather be the way you are than have their narrow-minded thoughts anyday.

Regarding school, what seems to be the crux of the problem - if you do not mind me getting straight to the point? Do you have problems with attention, concentration, confidence, subjects are boring or what??

I am glad I have helped and am more than willing to help you help you through difficult times. My best friend has loadsa friends who are either homosexual or lesbian. You know where I am if you need to talk here or PM me anytime.

Post by Gregory »

or you might be epileptic, and need medications.

I'm not saying what happened to you is not real, or shouldn't be explored.

But anytime you blackout it is cause to go and see your doctor. If you simply say "it was a vision!" and a month later a serious stroke kills you, well, that sorta speaks for itself...

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