I hear voices what does that mean

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I hear voices what does that mean

Post by Rifts »

What do you all the voice in my head that wants to bun the world, but then a gain doesn't because eventualy there will be no more world to burn. Also he tells me to
a) Severely Injure
b) Kill
c) ....bit embarrassing think I'll keep it to myself...

And i see me do it when this happens fyi

also wtfun is an indigo/star child?

Post by Matticus »

see a doctor immediatley.
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Post by Moon_Stone »

I agree with Matticus on this one, Rifts... if you are hearing voices that are telling you to cause harm to yourself or to others, that is not normal and is a huge warning sign.

Please talk to a school counselor, an adult friend or your parents/grandparents, etc. about these feelings and voices you're hearing, immediately. The last thing you'd want is to not only have to live with these feelings, but also to live with the guilt you'd have if you acted on them. PLEASE, talk to an adult that you trust immediately and tell them what you've shared with us. Internal voices are not something that should be ignored.

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Post by Starwitch »

The part of you that says to kill others is your ego. The part of you that tells you not to kill is your soul. The reason we are on this planet is because we have to prove that we can control our egos and not let them control us. This is basically a school (or prison) that we have to go through until we can prove ourselves worthy of being in God's/Goddess's presence at all times.

Imagine if you were in God's presence in your current condition. You haven't learned to get your thoughts under control yet. Your thoughts are telling you to harm others. By visualizing your thoughts, you are acting them out on the astral plane. In the spirit world, thought is the only true reality. If you were in God's realm, you would be creating havoc there. Of course, this isn't possible since God's realm is peace and love. Anything that is not peace and love cannot stand to be in the presence of God. That is why you're here until you can get those thoughts under control.

Your thoughts are real and God does see them in all their gory detail. I used to think that was impossible until I experienced the phenomenon for myself and I was so ashamed of my thoughts. I just wanted to hide myself from everything that was good because I didn't feel I deserved to be there. But that judgmental attitude that I had towards myself is the same attitude that made me miserable in the first place. Had I been loving and accepting of everyone, most especially myself, I wouldn't have felt so ashamed of my thoughts.

You CAN control your thoughts if you want to. Consider it a challenge (because that is precisely what Earth life is.) See if you are able to dominate the altar-ego and make him go away. We all struggle with our bad side (though most of us don't perceive it as an actual voice). The people who are weak are the ones who lose this struggle and end up harming others. You've come to the right place. My whole purpose in life is to bring people from the dark side to the light. I'm glad you are here.

Wikipedia wrote:According to New Age belief, Indigo children are highly sensitive with a clear sense of self-definition and a strong feeling that they need to make a significant difference in the world. They are strong-willed, independent thinkers who prefer to be self-guided rather than directed by others. They are empathic and can easily detect or are in tune with the thoughts of others, and are naturally drawn to matters concerning mysteries, spirituality, the paranormal and the occult, while opposing unquestioned authority and contradictory to convention. They tend to think outside the box, and are often referred to as "system busters." Indigos allegedly possess wisdom and level of awareness "beyond their years." They are also said to have a strong feeling of entitlement, or "deserving to be here."

Some beliefs hold that Indigo children are often labelled with the psychiatric diagnoses of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Dyslexia, and also Autism, and that they become unsociable when not around like-minded people. They are also believed to be prone to depression and sleep disorders such as insomnia and persistent nightmares.[citation needed] Indigo children also possess defining characteristics in learning; indigos tend to be more visual, kinesthetic learners and so they remember best what they can picture in their minds and create with their hands.[citation needed] Movement is required to keep them better focused.
Source: Indigo Children on Wikipedia

Brightest Blessings,

Post by Matticus »

wrote:The part of you that says to kill others is your ego. The part of you that tells you not to kill is your soul. The reason we are on this planet is because we have to prove that we can control our egos and not let them control us. This is basically a school (or prison) that we have to go through until we can prove ourselves worthy of being in God's/Goddess's presence at all times.

Imagine if you were in God's presence in your current condition. You haven't learned to get your thoughts under control yet. Your thoughts are telling you to harm others. By visualizing your thoughts, you are acting them out on the astral plane. In the spirit world, thought is the only true reality. If you were in God's realm, you would be creating havoc there. Of course, this isn't possible since God's realm is peace and love. Anything that is not peace and love cannot stand to be in the presence of God. That is why you're here until you can get those thoughts under control.

Your thoughts are real and God does see them in all their gory detail. I used to think that was impossible until I experienced the phenomenon for myself and I was so ashamed of my thoughts. I just wanted to hide myself from everything that was good because I didn't feel I deserved to be there. But that judgmental attitude that I had towards myself is the same attitude that made me miserable in the first place. Had I been loving and accepting of everyone, most especially myself, I wouldn't have felt so ashamed of my thoughts.

You CAN control your thoughts if you want to. Consider it a challenge (because that is precisely what Earth life is.) See if you are able to dominate the altar-ego and make him go away. We all struggle with our bad side (though most of us don't perceive it as an actual voice). The people who are weak are the ones who lose this struggle and end up harming others. You've come to the right place. My whole purpose in life is to bring people from the dark side to the light. I'm glad you are here.

Wikipedia wrote:According to New Age belief, Indigo children are highly sensitive with a clear sense of self-definition and a strong feeling that they need to make a significant difference in the world. They are strong-willed, independent thinkers who prefer to be self-guided rather than directed by others. They are empathic and can easily detect or are in tune with the thoughts of others, and are naturally drawn to matters concerning mysteries, spirituality, the paranormal and the occult, while opposing unquestioned authority and contradictory to convention. They tend to think outside the box, and are often referred to as "system busters." Indigos allegedly possess wisdom and level of awareness "beyond their years." They are also said to have a strong feeling of entitlement, or "deserving to be here."

Some beliefs hold that Indigo children are often labelled with the psychiatric diagnoses of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Dyslexia, and also Autism, and that they become unsociable when not around like-minded people. They are also believed to be prone to depression and sleep disorders such as insomnia and persistent nightmares.[citation needed] Indigo children also possess defining characteristics in learning; indigos tend to be more visual, kinesthetic learners and so they remember best what they can picture in their minds and create with their hands.[citation needed] Movement is required to keep them better focused.
Source: Indigo Children on Wikipedia

Brightest Blessings,
Im speaking as a schitzophrenic on this one, That hearing voices is uncontrollable... Only by therapy and properly dosed medication can the symptoms decrease or stand to cease completely. This sounds like a mental health issue, not a spiritual matter. But usually (in my expierience), the voice appears on the outside of my body, not from within my skull.

I just dont know, Im no doctor. But i still suggest see a doctor immediatley. If harming yourself becomes an issue, pm me if you feel you want to. I may be able to shed some light on it.

Thats all i can say,
I hope you improve your thought track/issue.
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Right- there is a delicate balance between intentional/unintentional thought and mastery of it versus that of mental illness. Mental illness is a chemical imbalance in the brain, which, I suppose could potentially be moderated via intent, but to those lost in the struggle of their mind, a medical intervention to gain control is usually necessary.

Look back at the times of old, for example: lobotomy was the "right way" to correct these sorts of imbalances, because intent and therapy alone weren't enough.

Potentially though, if one is only in a "state", they can be master of their emotions and any "voices" that may accompany that-- and those who are very, very advanced may be able to control their mind's rampages as well- but the majority of folk out there need help-- and there's absolutely no shame in that at all.

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Post by Rifts »

wrote:The part of you that says to kill others is your ego. The part of you that tells you not to kill is your soul. The reason we are on this planet is because we have to prove that we can control our egos and not let them control us. This is basically a school (or prison) that we have to go through until we can prove ourselves worthy of being in God's/Goddess's presence at all times.

Imagine if you were in God's presence in your current condition. You haven't learned to get your thoughts under control yet. Your thoughts are telling you to harm others. By visualizing your thoughts, you are acting them out on the astral plane. In the spirit world, thought is the only true reality. If you were in God's realm, you would be creating havoc there. Of course, this isn't possible since God's realm is peace and love. Anything that is not peace and love cannot stand to be in the presence of God. That is why you're here until you can get those thoughts under control.

Your thoughts are real and God does see them in all their gory detail. I used to think that was impossible until I experienced the phenomenon for myself and I was so ashamed of my thoughts. I just wanted to hide myself from everything that was good because I didn't feel I deserved to be there. But that judgmental attitude that I had towards myself is the same attitude that made me miserable in the first place. Had I been loving and accepting of everyone, most especially myself, I wouldn't have felt so ashamed of my thoughts.

You CAN control your thoughts if you want to. Consider it a challenge (because that is precisely what Earth life is.) See if you are able to dominate the altar-ego and make him go away. We all struggle with our bad side (though most of us don't perceive it as an actual voice). The people who are weak are the ones who lose this struggle and end up harming others. You've come to the right place. My whole purpose in life is to bring people from the dark side to the light. I'm glad you are here.

Wikipedia wrote:According to New Age belief, Indigo children are highly sensitive with a clear sense of self-definition and a strong feeling that they need to make a significant difference in the world. They are strong-willed, independent thinkers who prefer to be self-guided rather than directed by others. They are empathic and can easily detect or are in tune with the thoughts of others, and are naturally drawn to matters concerning mysteries, spirituality, the paranormal and the occult, while opposing unquestioned authority and contradictory to convention. They tend to think outside the box, and are often referred to as "system busters." Indigos allegedly possess wisdom and level of awareness "beyond their years." They are also said to have a strong feeling of entitlement, or "deserving to be here."

Some beliefs hold that Indigo children are often labelled with the psychiatric diagnoses of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Dyslexia, and also Autism, and that they become unsociable when not around like-minded people. They are also believed to be prone to depression and sleep disorders such as insomnia and persistent nightmares.[citation needed] Indigo children also possess defining characteristics in learning; indigos tend to be more visual, kinesthetic learners and so they remember best what they can picture in their minds and create with their hands.[citation needed] Movement is required to keep them better focused.
Source: Indigo Children on Wikipedia

Brightest Blessings,
Ihave ADHD and a major time OCD
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Well, then it appears (if you've been diagnosed with these conditions) that you have a therapist you're already dealing with. Depending on the severity of your conditions and whether you are taking medications for them, some of these issues could be due to the meds you've been prescribed. Definitely, definitely, talk to your therapist.

Bright Blessings to you~

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