200 Year old Secret History: What am I?

Questions and discussions about psychic ability, mediumship, channeling, automatic writing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, dream premonitions, telepathy, empathic/empathetic ability.

200 Year old Secret History: What am I?

Post by Seraphira »


I came here to tell you since I was a child I seen and heard things, horrible visions and that dreams come true.

My family has a 200 year old secret who came from the old world Ukarane. I found out apperently the woman in our family history has special ablities like premintion dreams including my mother. She predicted the my son's birth and how he looks and it came true, she warned me of dangers with her dreams that came true. Like the women in our family I seem to have it, and also my brother's daughter has it too. She see's spirits and shadows, I tried to help her spirit animal which is an elk, she seemed so relieved.

About me, when I was a child I saw large cat like a cougar and I would play with this spirit. I see spirits everywhere, I am not scared of them as I used to be until the large cat came to play with me. She's always with me even now as I wright, I look behind to my bed and there she is, she talks like a human to or sometimes I just know when she looks at me. She never leaves my side I wonder why that is. Her name is Saiyara and I see her in fully. I have no fear of anything it seems, even when i had a gun shoved in my face when I was robbed. All I remeber was saying I wouldn't do that if I where you. :lol: I told him he was fool for attemping to rob us really loudly. The Police where having their lunch the drop him to drop the gun. He grabbed me, I was so calm I should have been a nervious reck :? we touched skin to skin, and I saw all these images of him all the stuff that happened to him in his life, and images how he picked locks and his knowledge about guns. I saw his death he was shot by police, I told him you're going to die here, I just blurted it out he told me I'm a dead woman, I knew he would it too. I saw his aura disapearing, i knew for some reason that it was comming closer and closer to his death. My spirit animal was so angery she was growling hissing and her eyes started to glow. one of the officers had a clear shot and took it. I remember his feelings he was soul was crying I felt bad, the police grabbed me out of harms way. My spirit animal circled around him a few times speaking something. Then I saw his spirit beside his body all he was saying oh my god oh my god. he came over to me you killed me you bleeep, no i warned you i said, the cops said exuse me, i looked up i rephrazed myself, I said I warned him he was going to die. I saw dark, i sensed pure evil first time i felt scared I felt weak, the police sat me down, i tried to tell them what happened... as i did I saw very dark shadows grabbing the robber's spirit and then they disapeared. The police said I did a great job but didn't feel I didn't because I couldn't stop his death. I told the police I didn't do a good job because he's dead. the cop said he had no choice. the officer touched my hand and like the robber i saw his whole life, I became sick i puked. I said sorry he said don't worry. That day I quit that job at tim hortons.

Everytime when I am close to death or harm i'm always saved some how some way. I don't let people touch me, because when i touch a person i get a flood of all of their life, their past, their loves of their lifes their hates.

If i sense people are near death I rush to them, and in my life time I saved 3 peoples lives. if I touch things from other people I get visions. I also get dreams and visions of this man I know what he looks like, it's like I am seeing behind him.. in the third person and I see these horrible images killing these women. I went to the place where people in the visions as touched something and I get a flood visions and i just burst out crying, and I could feel her die and the last image she see's and feels... fear. :cry: I want to goto to the police and give the information, but i'm worried they will think i'm a nut but it's driving me nuts. I think I know where he is living in an old white house 2 story downtown. I can sense his aura even now, his personality....he likes to be in control, he's an artist too with glasses, and he has computer, the top of the house is empty and looks like it's rundown and no one lives there, but he lives in the basement. I still don't know the street numbers yet. I am not sure what to do with this infomation, I know i must goto the police. He's stopped killing for now, but his rage is growing i can feel it.

I hear voices within my head. I have visions past, present and future both in dreams and when I'm awake. I see the dead walk "spirits" who don't think their dead, I see my spirit animal, I can tell what a persons personality by looking at them, I see people's aura's, even through on pictures, or notes that they wrote or what they touched or what bed the slepted in. Is this my my imagination seeing this stuff. I look at people through the net and see their aura's her feelings. I can feel when I go into a church and sometimes i went to churches that felt dead and a dark feeling, something else is there now, and there's no feeling of good in the churches, all I know that i feel so much hate, evil, and death. I can't stay in those places I have to get away from there as fast as possible.

Since my recent near death last week things have been getting more intensive, I seem to be getting more focus now then I did before, for some reason I feel completly enlightment, I don't know what this means but when I do my own aura I see gold pentical "good side" and yelllowish white and complete white around me. I do have dreams and visions like this too and i don;t know what it means.

I wanted to know what am i really?

ps, Animals never fear me, all seem to love me lmao. :D

Blessed Be

[Silver Dove]
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Post by [Silver Dove] »

Oh sweety....you are so gifted, and so lucky to have saved 3 lives. I somewhat do understand what you go through....but mine its not as intense as what you describe. I am not sure if this will help you, but for me carrying a medium sized jet with clear quartz generally help to absorb the negative feelings that come with visions or dreams....so I still get the feelings but they are more controlled...not as overwhelming, including if I am in a place where dark things dwell.

As far as I know, Pentacle is a suit in Tarot and it represents our bodies, level of vitality, connection to the Earth and Nature, and our genetic heredity. Positive characteristics associated with this suit include our status in society, our personal values and our inner sense of self-worth. The pentacle speak of our feelings of safety, our ability to relax and not fret or worry - to create, enjoy beauty and a zest for life. They also represent our strengths, talents, rewards for effort well-spent, and social/family support networks. Negative connotations include material loss, low self-esteem, pessimism, materialism, compromised values, stubbornness, inflexibility, and the practical concerns that make us worry.

Perhaps since the one your dream is the good side, maybe it has something to do with the positive aspects of the pentacle.....take alook at the suit of pentacle and see if any of the cards match what comes in your dreams...perhaps than you can look up the meaning and see if it corresponds or makes sense to you....and see what you get from it.

I don't know if any of this will help...I just get a feeling of pain, loneliness and feeling of being lost or confused from you so I just feel compelled to try and help....all this is just coming from my heart and I am not sure if any of this is even relevant...I just feel that I need to give you this info and try help you.....

So if this sounds crazy to you and is totally off the mark please ignore it and I apologize in advance.
May love, peace & hope always be with you. Blessed Be!

Silver Dove

Post by Karl »

I don't know exactly what you're going through Seraphira, but you are clearly gifted. That's all I can say.

You've been born with such an amazing, strong gift that was probably passed down by your ancestors. I don't know the extent of your abilities, but the way it seems you have a highly advanced form of clairsentience, that manifests as being able to see spirits, auras and the futures of the people whom you come into contact with.

Many people have your kind of power; in fact, clairsentience manifests commonly as psychometry, but yours is much more spiritual and personal of a gift because not only is your psychometry effective on living beings, you can also see your familiar.

Again, I don't know exactly what your situation is, but right now that's what it seems to me.
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Post by [HangedMan] »

Seraphira-- wow... just wow! i know the last thing you want to hear is someone saying how amazing your gifts are, b/c they're probably very draining on you. but, even though you may go through some rough times with them, they still are amazing nonetheless. and the fact that you can see your familiar is awesome... i never knew of anyone who could do that. very cool.
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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

I'm not sure what this is but, anyone here knows what this might be please enlighten me...this is in response to Seraphira being able to see her familiar...

A few years ago before I began in the craft I had some friends who told me that they wanted to try a ritual and that they needed me b/c they said I was a powerful individual and that I was needed. I was intrigued and had only read a few things at this time, so I agreed and the more time I spent preparing for this (which took a few months) I changed my mind b/c I sensed something horrible from it, however, I was reassured nothing would happen so I was going to go along with it, I won't go into details but during the ritual they began stating they were calling upon a powerful dark entity and as I began to back out I had this overwhelming feeling of power and hatred. Then, someone said they could make me more powerful than anything you know. Thus, I allowed myself to be seduced by the power of the dark side, and I passed out for a few seconds and I heard a voice say, "Do not fight me, embrace me....You cannot win." I woke up and everyone told me they had finished the ritual with no results other than me fainting...

That night when I went to bed, I had a dream where I had come out of my body I walked about the house for a bit and went back to my room, and in the dream I heard someone bark out my given name I turned only to see something that struck fear into me, I also felt that same sense of power and anger that I had felt earlier, and what I saw I am unsure of how to describe it...it looked something like a wolf or werewolf to be more exact with horns on it's head and it seemed to have a tail of fire I remember it's eyes seemed to be like windows of something out of this world like staring into space...and it said, "Fear not, I will not harm you and you shall have my power in time but remember this, as I am yours, you too now belong to me." I will remember those words all my life after that was said I got scared and returned to my body and snapped awake I then saw a big wolf head with horns come at me whith it's mouth open it came toward my face but then disappeared into a dust-like cloud as it got within inches of my face...

I do not know what this was supposed to be but if anyone knows anything about these things I would REALLY like to hear from you.

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