Suggestions regarding mediumship

Questions and discussions about psychic ability, mediumship, channeling, automatic writing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, dream premonitions, telepathy, empathic/empathetic ability.

Suggestions regarding mediumship

Post by esseiker »

A few years ago I was fairly decent at being a medium. I was able to clearly sense the presence of a spirit, could see the spirit in my mind as if I was recalling a friends face, and could even sometimes "hear" the spirit. Now I cannot even use a Ouija Board and get results... I've come out of practice but can still sense a spirits presence from time to time. I was wondering what you guys might suggest to get me back into the flow of things.
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Joined: Thu Jun 17, 2004 1:51 pm
Gender: Female
Location: Where the Wild Things are

Post by Moon_Stone »

Focus on concentrating on what you don't see and hear... that which "isn't", right in front of you. You seem to definitely have the ability to connect with them once they are there, but the trouble's lying in your making the contact to start with, right? If you can more or less get yourself into a state of suspension, you should be able to see, hear, smell and even touch the spirits that are around you, I think.

An exercise I used to do when calling specific spirits (not sure if it'd help you in this particular case, but it's at least something to try out, especially when attempting to establish a spiritual connection) ....was to go outside and stare blankly but intently at a distant mountain (I was in a meditative state but didn't realize it at the time; I was a kid, afterall)... and I would stare until I was able to see a visualized reflection of the animal spirit I was calling to me, coming over from the other side of the mountain toward me. I'd just sit there and watch it come to me, until it arrived; all the while offering my hands for it to rest in. I'll never forget the first time I was able to feel weight in my hands. It was so totally awesome. :grin:

I have also had connections (again, through meditation), via scrying through a bowl of water and candle flame-- that was a totally different experience, but very cool none the less. :28:

Hope that helps a bit!

~Bright Blessings~

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