I've always wondered what they call this....

Questions and discussions about psychic ability, mediumship, channeling, automatic writing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, dream premonitions, telepathy, empathic/empathetic ability.
Helena Handbasket

I've always wondered what they call this....

Post by Helena Handbasket »

Hi All, I'm new. But I really have enjoyed reading a lot of the posts. Trouble is, I haven't read anything that seems to describe what I've always called my little "party trick."

It's not so much that I can see the future (so I don't think of it as clairvoyance) I can't initiate anything like that. If you ask me what you kid is going to be when he grows up, your guess is as good as mine. But to follow that example, if you say "My son/daughter has an interview with a top law firm that really wants to hire him/her," I sometimes get an overwhelming knowledge of what will happen. Sometimes, I just immediately know the interview isn't going to happen, or the kid won't show up, or I'll know he/she will get the job for sure.

Another example, the day I married my now-ex husband, I always new we wouldn't grow old together. I thought it would be because he'd die sometimes before we got old. I never, ever envisioned what he would put me through during those 11 years of marriage. Anyway, all I knew was that there would be no retirement years together. And when I know these things, I *know* them. Like you know your house will still be standing when you wake in the morning. Otherwise you wouldn't go to sleep.

Another time, I said to him "You're going to get an offer for a new job today. Be ready." And he did. It's not usually so clear. It's usually that I hear of an even that is supposed to happen and I know for certain that it will or it won't.

More recently, I sent my new partner an email at night before I went to sleep that said "Something very good will happen for you tomorrow." Well, he was in a rush and didn't get to read the email before work. That evening, he said he was offered a large contract for a big project. Kind of a quadruple blessing in these hard times.

So, what would you call this? It doesn't happen often, maybe three to four times a year, and I guess I really started noticing it happening when I was around 20 (nearly 40 now). I think it was happening before that, I just wasn't cognizant of it. But they are never wrong. Ever. A little detail may be off, but the overall gist is never wrong.

BTW, I've learned to trust it and go with it now, but I would like to develop it and nurture it to see if it could become more consistent.

Any and all input is appreciated. Many thanks!

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Post by Release.the.bats »

I do that too.
It's called Claircognizance, which is just knowing things.
You cannot explain how or why, you just know it.
I like it for the most part, but sometimes it's not so nifty.
Helena Handbasket

Post by Helena Handbasket »

WOW! Thanks for that quick reply. Can it be developed? Being claircognizant, would it increase my chances of having other abilities? Or would they have shown up by now?

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Post by stormer89 »

wow thats really intresting. im sure there is something you could do to make it more accurate. who knows.
good luck!
peace and love and blessed be
~ * ~ stormer ~ * ~

Post by WillowWand »

You know I do the same thing except it normally more of the category friendship and stuff I can tell how long a friends going to be with you and whether or not they're going to turn out to be a complete scuzz bag. I find meditating to be quite helpful when it comes to my development. And when it comes down to those awful feeling when you know something terrible is going to happen. I find a cup of green tea and some peace and quiet to be quite effective for relieving the worry. I hope that helps you a little.
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Post by Release.the.bats »

@Helena: You can develop it just as you can any ability. Just practice.
You can have other abilities along with Claircognizance, sometimes you won't notice them till later.
I'm clairaudient too, but only with dead people and I never noticed it till about a year ago. But i've known about being clairvoyant for as long as I can remember.
@Willowwand: That's not exactly Claircognizance, it's your intuition and your ability to understand energy patterns(it would be more along the lines of empathy), which is why you can read peoples intentions well. My boyfriend does that too.
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Post by Imalorki »

It is an awesome gift to have isn't it? It also ties with Insight. on *knowing* things. :P

Just practice it. Try to make it voluntary. and try energy works which you can find here. some of it may be 'fluffy' as you guys put it, but it helps exercise your mind.

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