Killing Spiders

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)(Apollo the Good)(
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Killing Spiders

Post by )(Apollo the Good)( »

Hi everyone,
Weird question, I have had a couple spiders in my room the last few days and I have killed them both. Do you think that is hurtful or disrespectful to the Divine, or do u think it's ok to kill the spiders?
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Post by Rifts »

I just leave spiders alone.

like 99.9 or 99.8 percent of all spider bites aren't venomous and the ones that are are hardly fatal.
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Post by Crowfeather »

Hey apollo.
That's a controvertial topic, I'd say.
Some say death is part of life, and it's not worth losing sleep over.
Some say 'harm none' means literally that: harm none.
As for me, I don't kill them unless I have to.
Like, if it's a Brown Recluse, I'll kill it. I usually feel bad, but those things could kill me, and you get the idea.
Sometimes, like if it's a harmless wolf spider, I'll catch it in a jar and let it go outside. They prolly come right back in though, lol.
But right now I've got an ant problem, and I don't have the heart to just go spray Raid on them all. They aren't hurting me. But I do need to call the exterminator...
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Post by kuotetsu »

Well in my personal experience, spiders often bring me goodluck. So i let them be wherever they are. Well in my opinion, i feel it is quite disrespectful in my part to kill something/someone which gives me luck..

However, depends on what you believe in..
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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

Well, if they aren't taken out of your house...they can become a problem and anything that doesn't pay rent here gets an eviction notice via my boot. :P I have had a spider problem before, believe when I say it's not pretty at all.

Post by Hallucinant »

Well, I always call my dad to kill the mosquitos in our house, but I just can't make myself kill spiders. I think it's sad for the poor little mosquito-eaters, so I always put them in a glass and keep them in there with a paper on top of the glass and then free them in the garden.

But then again, if it is disrespectful to kill spiders, it should be nasty to kill mosquitos as well. We could even start about bacteria or the tiny little flees on your dog that use kill with evil shampoo. Or the little ewww-ies on your carpet. :?

Ethics are crazy. I think only you can decide if the spiders in your house deserve to live or not. xD
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Post by RuneGeek »

I am one who tends to catch bugs and take them outside when it's reasonable to do so. On the other hand, a poisonous spider, a bee, or a mosquito in my house is probably going to die. :shock:

The way I see it, death is a natural part of the cycle. Neither matter nor energy can be created or destroyed... death is not the end of anything, merely a change in its state. To say that nothing can be killed means that we would die ourselves... we have to eat. Sure, we could become vegetarians but hey... plants are living things, too. :)

I look at nature ("as above, so below") and I see that some animals eat bugs, some eat plants, and some eat other animals. And some animals kill their own kind not for food but simply because they were sired by another male. It's not pretty, but it's natural.

So I don't needlessly kill anything - including bugs - and I respect life in all its forms. But in all things, balance. If my pets get fleas, for instance... yeah, the fleas are gonna have to go, and I'm not gonna pick 'em off one by one and carry them outside. :wink:
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spider q

Post by Witch13 »

i ersonally dont kill spiders, i have heard its bad luck to kill one in your house but besides that since they dont hurt me why should i? if they make a web up my ceiling so be it!!
i got a roomate spider i call Meg in my room right now she is shomwhere out there but i am not sure where.

ps if i see cocroaches i call(scream) someone to keep em
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Post by emmi116 »

my great grandmother said it was bad luck. so i don't kill them although i'm very afraid of them.
love always,
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Post by Release.the.bats »

I don't kill them.
If it was poisonous that'd be different, but otherwise I free them in my room.
They help aid me in my dreams and offer me their medicine to help with my writing and spellwork.
I used to have a baby yellow sac on top of my monitor and she'd play and hide and seek with me. I also let her sit on my finger once and she loved attention.
Spiders are very mystical creatures, but they are creatures you don't want to make angry.
I was having horrible problems last summer and everywhere I turned I saw spiders. They all kept looking at me in this really irritated way, they were angry because I wasn't listening to them when they'd come to me in my dreams. Everything is fine now, but yeah, spiders are very unique creatures and you really shouldn't fear them [unless it's poisonous], most spiders will leave you alone unless you A. kill it's mate on purpose [because it will know, spiders have a sense of mass consciousness, that's why when you kill one more show up], or B. roll over on it or otherwise threaten it's life [that's why they bite you when you sleep. You would too if you were a small bug and some huge person rolled over on top of you!].
Generally, they just like to help and mind their own business.
It's good to tell them what is their territory and what isn't, they are very good listeners.
I tell them not to get under my feet, or my face/jump on me without me knowing it or crawling on my bed. And i've got at least 7 spiders in my room and I have no problems with them.
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Re: Killing Spiders

Post by LaFiamma »

)(Apollo)( wrote:Hi everyone,
Weird question, I have had a couple spiders in my room the last few days and I have killed them both. Do you think that is hurtful or disrespectful to the Divine, or do u think it's ok to kill the spiders?
I don't have a problem with killing insects or spiders. I generally flush them down the toilet. Spiders I'm more likely to put outside, mostly because they're generally harmless and eat annoying insects, but killing them isn't problematic for me. And I really don't like them in my bedroom- they tend to get tossed out the window.
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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

Release.the.bats wrote:I don't kill them.

They help aid me in my dreams and offer me their medicine to help with my writing and spellwork.

Spiders are very mystical creatures, but they are creatures you don't want to make angry.

It's good to tell them what is their territory and what isn't, they are very good listeners.
I tell them not to get under my feet, or my face/jump on me without me knowing it or crawling on my bed. And i've got at least 7 spiders in my room and I have no problems with them.
Reading that made me decide to perform an experiment. I saw a spider as I was in the shower the other day crawling on the shower curtain towards my face. I told it to stop unless it wanted to be hit by water and die in a drain....amazingly it stopped, at the very moment I said stop. I apologized to it for killing it's companions so mercilessly and asked it to aide me in my dreams, to show me things I so desired to see. Well that night I had a dream which I did post in the dream interpretation/sleeping section under the topic 'Dreams' if anyone is interested.

Also, interestingly enough, when I told it to turn around and go to a safer did exactly that!!
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Post by Release.the.bats »

Told you.
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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

:lol: Well I honestly would never have thunk it. :P
Normally, I would have splased my scalding hot shower water onto it and let it go down the drain...I told you, merciless. That has inspired me to seek their help even more and let them have sanctuary here. :) Especially after the dreams I had the other night and the thing with the calender.
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Post by Moon_Stone »

"If you wish to live and thrive, let the spider run alive" --Old English Proverb

-My personal philosophy is to harm none, though there is a very personal meaning to that concept for each individual. One cannot drive, sleep, or eat without causing harm, nor even step foot on some grass without causing the earth dwellers and the blades of grass harm... so it's realistically up to the individual how far and in what ways (if any), they choose to follow the Rede in that respect.

There are some ways to encourage a spider to find a new home though... simply destroy their web (when they're not in it, of course). Either they'll go through the trouble of making a new one or they'll move on elsewhere- but generally in my house, once I destroy their web, they move to a new location. Also, spiders living near plants actually works out quite well. (And they seldom stray for human-snacks). If you like the spider's location for also housing a plant, stick one there- the spiders will kindly take "care of" any little gnats or other dirt-lingerers that your plants may be harboring. It's a win-win situation for the plant and the spider. I have a nice little spider "farm" in my kitchen right next to a plant that loves to house gnats. No bites on us, no gnats in the house and the happy little spiders are quite content to just be spiders. :28:

Though, if we're talking about the poisonous spiders, no matter how much I dislike hurting them, I can't allow them to stay in my home or somewhere they might hurt my dog. (Though the garage is fair game, they're more than welcome in there because the dog and the kid aren't.) :wink: --In those rare cases where I have to take their life to protect the well being of my family and dog, I make a point to apologize to the critter before I smoosh, and I always make it fast. Poor little guys.

-And ShadowPhoenix, depending on how far away that spider was from your face, I do know that in the arachnid world, any breath getting on them is considered an insult to them, and a possible challenge to a fight (which is why they say never name your pet tarantula "Pinky" or something that causes a puff of your breath/spit to expel onto it when talking to it and calling it by name)... so you may have just caught it off guard and in a sense "challenged" it when you told it to stoP. :wink: (... though, don't get me wrong, I think all living things should be respected. Next time, if you don't want him in your house, get him into a cup or on some toilet paper and take him outside.) :28:

~Great post! :wink:
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