Not really an "animal".... dragonfly...

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Not really an "animal".... dragonfly...

Post by Moon_Stone »

Ok, here's a weird one. A dragonfly came into my life today, but it was dead. Dead, but undisturbed, which is really odd for the area I live in. In fact he was laying there waiting for me, it seemed, when I went outside for a "smoke break" at work.
I've read that dragonflies can bring stress relief and peace, prosperity, but I'd kinda think that applies to living dragonflies.
Anyone know anything about what magickal properties a dead one brings? (God, I hope not the opposite... and my bonsai tree just died, not a good sign.) lol
Alright, so dragonflies anyone? Thanx all.

~Blessed Be~
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Post by Dancing_Moon_Child »

LOL.....I'm not sure of the properties of a dead Dragonfly (even tho, I myself having never seen one would cherish the "gift") but Dragonfly Animal Illusion. Dragonfly medicine asks you to seek out the parts of you that need changing. Do you have bad habits? (Ummm...smoking would be a good place to start the changing of bad habits.) Are you avoiding changes that you want or need to make in your life? If so, call on the Dragonfly to guide you thru the smoke and mirrors on your path to transformation. Things are never as they seem. Buying into someone else's idea of how things really are is something that you allow. Stepping back into your own power using Dragonfly as your guide could be the first step towards creating the life you want without all the "illusion".

Peace and Love,
Dancing Moon Child

PS Every living organism has a life were just there to share with the Universe the end of a beautiful one.
If you want to feel rich, just count all the things you have that money can't buy.

"A wee child toddling in a wonder world, I prefer to their dogma my excursions into
the natural gardens where the voice of the Great Spirit is heard in the twittering of
birds, the rippling of mighty waters, and the sweet breathing of flowers. If this is
Paganism, then at present, at least, I am a Pagan."
Zitkala-Sa (Sioux)
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Wow, Dancing- that really hit the nail on the head. I now know I need to spend some serious time with my Dragonfly to get that guidence I so desperately needed.
Kinda weird when you think of it, how much the Universe has to tell you, if you can only learn to listen.
Thanks again, that really helped! :D

~Blessed Be~
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Post by Moon_Stone »

I hear ya -- we smokers are just so abused. (Trust me, never move to Cali!) We're getting to be the ones forced to "the back of the bus" so to speak. Sure, I understand that no kid should be stuck sniffing the stinky stuff, especially when they don't have a choice in the matter, but geesh! We adults really don't need to be told what to do! *sigh* We'll just have to keep puffing in private, I guess. :?

Oh, and also, I never said thank you for that info, Dancing-- I actually still have my little guy in my office at work... he's really quite inspirational.

~Blessed Be~

Post by _Snow_Falcon_ »

Jeeze tell me about it. Two years ago in New Brunswick they banned smoking on all goverment property, so if we wanted a smoke at school we had to climb down a hill covered with boulders twice the size of your body, and then go down another hill covered in ice. We all got pretty pissed with all the scratches, bruises, and sprained ankles, so we "migrated" over to the Anderson apartments, and they called the freaking cops smiley17_snarl . So what does the goverment of new brunswick do? They ban smoking in all public places. Oh, and as if that wasn't bad enough, they closed down our hospital!!!
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Yep! See what I mean-- it's just all a big vendetta against us smokers. And they took away your hospital too !?! They must just want us all dead. :D bigeyed-confused :17:
Nicademus Li Undit

Post by Nicademus Li Undit »

well i dont have any habbits like that but im known for not be livliy enough. im a hermemt when it come to the out side world of civlilation. but i come orignaly from the country and i have had a swarm of dragonflies land on me a awe it was a buetiful sight. and from time to time i see a hand sized astral dragonfly come and watch over me from time to time. usally when i need some help or company. ^_^ well chat later.
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Post by Moon_Stone »

That sounds lovely, Nic. I'd love to be surrounded in dragonflies. But I think it'd completely freak my husband out. (He said he has some natural aversion to the creatures.) Hmm. :28:

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