Need suggestions for focus and control..

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Need suggestions for focus and control..

Post by blackswordca »

I have a few .... gifts that seem to be vying for control... for lack of a better term. Ive tried to get some help in focusing and control, but i have yet to find anyone that can offer any real advice. The people that are local here are all nice, and friendly... but what works for them doesn't seem to work for me.

First and foremost I'm pretty sure I am empathic... I don't know how empathic... I know that strong negative emotion directed at me is debilitating... Anger in particular... its like I'm being pushed by a strong wind or a torrent of water... Sometimes I feel like I cant move... can barely breath.

The same with strong positive emotion.. i get overwhelmed but for obvious reason, Its not as bad. I don't pick up on peoples everyday feelings, or even other people in public places. I guess what I would like suggestions on is how to prevent being swept away when this happens.

Ive tried a lot of things, meditation, centering, grounding, and a few mundane things as well with limited or no success.

Second is I have dreams that seem to show me a choice that I have to make in the time to come... they happen completely randomly. Sometimes I can go for years without one, other times I have multiple dreams in a very short period of time. How far ahead also seems to be random as well.

The other things I have had is occasionally I will hear voices... they aren't telling me to do anything, they are just calling my name... the voice is also always female as well... This I have had for as long as I can remember.. I remember a few times when I was very young... 6 or 7 years old, running to my mother thinking she had called me when she hadn't.

This one also seems to come and go. The last time it happened, I went to the doctor and they did a bunch of tests on me... The did a Cat scan, MRI, the whole deal. They found nothing.. I even had several interviews with the head of psychology at one of the bigger hospitals here and he was dumbstruck.

I don't know if im picking up on something telepathically or what. It was at one point a serious distraction at work, my co-workers were afraid I was going nuts. I would react to hearing somebody call my name in a room that was empty.

First I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this impenetrable wall of text. Any suggestions you could pass along would be helpful. With any luck what worked for you will work for me.



Post by EverNight »

Ahh. Yeahhh. I have some of the same..talents, and the lack of control in some ways. I used to, at least. I have found that learning to "shield" yourself is the best way, for me at least. That will help with the empathy and voices for the most part. The voices.. I honestly can't shed any light on helping that. The shield may work. I do not know. But, you must know, the shield <i> may </i> "mess up" your dreams of the future.

Hope that helped a bit! Feel free to PM me!

-- Noel.

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