Encouraging empathy

Questions and discussions about psychic ability, mediumship, channeling, automatic writing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, dream premonitions, telepathy, empathic/empathetic ability.

Encouraging empathy

Post by seishinmahou »

Ok, so I might get some criticism on this, but for a long time now I've felt that I am an empath. A lot of people agree with me because of my ability to listen, relate, and then help people.

Now I don't know much about empathy really (besides the skewed versions you see in movies and TV-- my favorite being Phoebe in Charmed!), but I was wondering if empathy can also manifest in a more physical way?

For instance, I never had this arm acne problem until I started dating my ex many years ago (he had it). I also later developed a weird medical issue that he had that went away about a year after we stopped seeing each other regularly. My current boyfriend (and technically fiancé), has major memory issues and now I've developed them.

Those were just a few examples but I have a bunch more and not all related to my significant others. Some are from friends and coworkers too.

So I guess what I am asking is for some knowledge on empathy and what you guys think about the physical manifestations.
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Yep, it's quite possible that you are having physical manifestations of those around you due to empathy. The untrained empath can actually inadvertently "absorb" some or all of the ailments and emotions of those around them. That's where grounding, centering and shielding come in- to prevent our just absorbing what others want gone. Here's a great post by Travis Sanders on grounding, centering and shielding. Give that a try and see if some of these absorbed physical manifestations slow down some. Don't give up on it either, it takes practice sometimes, and you may find that you have to shield multiple times in one day too.

I know it's irritating at times, and very painful others- but being empathetically inclined is truly a gift, when you think about it. :28:

Bright Blessings~

Post by seishinmahou »

Thanks MoonStone! I do enjoy having my ability, albeit I can't do that much with it. I just didn't know if physical manifestations could happen from empathy or if I was just being weird. ^_^
Chaos Shaman
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Post by Chaos Shaman »

Yesh, sounds like what I refered to as empathic healing, intersetingly enough alot of males tend to be physicaly empathetic, What do guys do when the see some on get hurt? Pay attention, I bet the grab themselvs where the person got hurt. Of course this is the most minor version of it.

I have diverted sorry about that, essential it is possible for empaths to absorb some types of physical dis-ease, however, and this is important, you should find a way to dissipate it asap after you do this. I use to breath it out onto/into a tree. I woul imagine/understand the trees branches would get rid of it into the air, and its roots into the ground. This was also meaphoric of the upper and lower worlds. The tree, in my mind was able to fliter this dis-ease, and its branches and roots spread it out, so I was not hurting the tree.

Post by seishinmahou »

hmm.... that sounds really interesting! I shall give it a try along with shielding and centering exercises.

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