Possible Demon in my Friends house?

For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.
Silver Eyed

Possible Demon in my Friends house?

Post by Silver Eyed »

Ok, so my friend Katherine was the one who really opened me up to Wicca and every now and then we have our own discussion about ghosts/spirits.

She always told me about some thing(I'm not sure that it is) in her bathroom. She says it looks like a little man sitting indian-style with his arms out in her bathtub. Also his faced is scrunched up and if he were confused, with his eyes squinted. She sees him only at night, and only in her bathtub when she goes to use the bathroom. She always just ignores it and does her business.

One night she went into the bathroom and he was there. So she just looked at him and said "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever." and continued to the bathroom. While she was walking out the bathroom she took a glimpse in the mirror, and the man look different. He was black with round red eyes in the reflection. Of course, it wasn't a pleasant sight, but for some reason she couldn't look away. The reflection scared the crap out of her, but she couldnt look away. When she finally did she darted to her room. Now she is afraid to look in mirrors.

Could this possibly be a demon? Or anything of the sort?
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Post by Greymalkin »

It's all relative.

If she thinks it's a demon - then it quite possibly is. To me it's not a demon because I don't believe they exist.

It could be a number of things, a grounded spirit, an elemental or maybe even a psychic projection. It could even be the result of her over active imagination.

I find it interesting she only sees it at night. I presume while she's just woken from sleep. People who have just woken up are more psychically suggestive than at any other point in the day (other than if they are really drunk!).

In my opinion I wouldn't worry too much about the little man in the bathtub. He's obviously not causing your friend any problems - he may even turn out to be quite useful.

Post by MARA »

Maybe wash the mirrors with wholy water or something similar would help.. since mirrors can be a portal..
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Post by Greymalkin »

I don't think the mirrors are the problem here but yes, if your friend feels this might help then it certainly wont hurt.

Post by Torey »

Everyone is entitled to believe in what they will, but in my experience, true Demons are not like this and do not exist to make mischief for humans. It could have been something like a kind of imp or lesser spirit of some sort. Even what's called an Elemental (the ghost kind) - although I have heard that Elementals are usually unfriendly and don't just sit idly around whilst near humans. *shrug*

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