My Litha (mid-summer) Ritual

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My Litha (mid-summer) Ritual

Post by JackRabbitSlims »

I wrote this ritual the day of Litha, as I realized I was very unprepared.

There are multiple parts, and this can either be used for a solitary or a group gathering. Before doing this ritual I bought cake mix and sangria (non-alchoholic wine for zee babe.) :) I would reccommend making the cake early in the day, around sun rise. Then you have plenty of time to let it cool and to frost it.

So the ritual goes like this:

Welcoming: "Merry meet and welcome to the celebration of new hopes, re-birth, and growth. Today we celebrate the goddess overcoming the god, the day over coming the night, as the days from now on will be longer."

"Tonight/Today is a time to celebrate for the world and land is in a fertile, living, and ever-changing mood. As the earth brings light upon itself, let us also do the same in our own lives."

At this point we made Mugwort energy bags. I used mugwort because I had loads of it and its said to help bring visions of the future. But you can use any herb that consumates change, positivity, ect. You'll need to use a fire pit of some sort, even if its a bbq pit. :)

Ah, you will also need a dead flower to burn, and a new flower to keep.

Start by handing everyone a piece of paper and a pen. Make two columns. In the left column, write things you feel about your personality that cause negativity. Things like worry, rage, whatever you feel isn't good for you, or you want to let go.

Next, in the right column write the positive things you want to bring into your life. It can be anything to more meditation to laughing more often. I suggest doing 3 in each column.

Now pass out a pinch of herb to each person, as well as a dead flower. Have them place them in the center of the paper. Bring all four corners of the paper together and twist them so it creates a satchel. (It doesn't have to look pretty :) )

Next take the satchel to the fire. The leader or person whose reading reads the next part:

"Because Summer and Litha are the celebration of new hopes and life in or own earth, we also intend to bring that same encouragement and light to ourselves."

"By putting both positive and negative energy into this natural element of Fire, we release both an energy larger and more powerful than ourselves."

"Call out your new hopes and goals, and as the fire burns away old negative habits, see them disapate within yourself as well."

"Now, see the fire's power from a different way. As it burns your new goals, visualize the powerful, passionate, and raging hope that now burned with yourself, to achieve your goals."

"The celebration has ended for now, but as the wheel of our year turns, let us know that even as we go into the darkness, light will always come again."

Serve wines and cakes. We did dancing and music at night as well.

Hope this is helpful. I'll probably write some more and post them soon. :)

.You are Beautiful.
Posts: 221
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 2009 2:06 pm
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Post by JackRabbitSlims »

Shiza! No wonder its so short I left out the closing prayer! Here it is.

"Today is the sabbat that represents light, growth, and new hope."

"Goddess, we call on you to give all of us the strength to act as you do. Give us patience, love, kidness, fertility, and the power of understanding."

"God, we call on you to give us all the strength to act as you do. Give us courage, strength, wisdowm, guidence, and the pride to stand behind the things we believe."

"We now call on the elements to give us their strengths as well."

"Water, for its everlasting ability to change and move. We call on its strength for as we know, even water can break a rock."

"Fire for its power to bring darkness to the light. Let us all have the power to see the light at the end of the tunnel through lifes hardships. Keep us passionate and our love for life ever-burning."

"Wind, for its strength, although invisible, Let this represent the hidden power within us, always accessable, but sometimes under estimated. This is the power we have to change our life whenever we deem it neccasary, just like the wind chooses to move whenever it likes."

"Earth for its stability, and fertilness. The earth sustains itself. It created life and without it, we could not exist. Let us always remeber to keep that same stability, growth, and life within ourselves at all times."

"Let us go now, honoring these strengths and use them to better our lives. This our will, so mote it be!"


Haha :)
.You are Beautiful.
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