Never Ending or a set distance?

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Never Ending or a set distance?

Post by OceanBlue »

i watched a show tht said the universe is can it expand if it never ends to begin with!!?? someone said like they measure or something...but how do we kno how big the universe is?
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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

Well, in truth, I don't honestly believe we really know how large the universe really is...I mean we are the race who once believed the world was flat and that if you went too far out you'd fall off of it LOL.
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Post by level »

I watched a show that said the universe is can it expand if it never ends to begin with!!?? someone said like they measure or something...but how do we kno how big the universe is?
The expansion of the universe can be explained on two levels. I myself faced this dilemma for quite a while, until I sat down and thought about it. Before, I was just asking the question without really trying to develop a point of view that might form a logical explanation.

The first factor that contributes to the expansion of the universe is the constant collapse of gravitational field’s trough out the universe itself. That collapse makes matter to expand and to occupy bigger chunks of space. This also makes space also to contract. Overall there is an endless collapse and contracting within space. Those two factors create “rivers” in space that define the overall movement of space itself. For example if our Sun was to die out we are going to witness a collapse of gravity and an expansion in the space that originally was bonded by the gravitational pull that the Sun maintained when it was active.

The second factor is the density of space and the diapason of energy that is constantly released by stars. This is a little harder to explain but it occurs constantly around us. There are many levels when it comes to energy and all its states. The very basic and most obvious is gravitational energy, a step higher is energy released by stars or suns. That energy contributes to the expansion of space by simply being shot from the reactions that occur within a star. We know that energy as sunlight or light. As we know light does have its own levels and properties. Never the less it is energy that travels to the furthest reaches of space. Here I have to mention the simple fact that as we all know energy cannot be destroyed. Hence light in itself is a factor that contributes to that expansion. The only factor that can stop light from continuing to expand space just by continuing to travel is very dense objects like planets other stars and black holes where that energy is transformed to another level.

In allot of ways planets, stars and black holes are the end of space. It is reverse logic. And yet energy still does continue to exist on a different diapason/ level. If you read the previous post about parallel universes you will see that this energy is just transformed/ thinned down and contributes potentially to the creation of new universes that have different set of physics and laws since energy does have the potential to exists on a untold level yet to be measured by us.

Hope that this gives you a starting point to understanding the universe by knowing its boundaries. I did not go into describing energy and all its states and potential behaviour, but I think I covered the basics. You can take it from here and add or subtract from my line of thought.
I love Infinity, where we get to loose our self and catch whats important to us.
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