Shadow Trouble

For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.
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Post by MidnightWolf »

@Truthseeker...what a load of Bullsh*t!

Post by Zjdena »

shadows are not good, a huge amount of light will destroy them, a small amount will only injure them, the wolf like creature is a gaff...
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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

A gaff?

Post by truthseeker2 »

MidnightWolf wrote:@Truthseeker...what a load of Bullsh*t!
whatever wolf 99% of everything posted here is bs , so why you and not me, piss off!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

Well, seem rather confident to shrug off the experiences of another as fictional...I haven't read many of your posts, but you seem to be one of those people who has a "My way is the only way that is correct" attitude.

Post by truthseeker2 »

ShadowPhoenix wrote:Well, seem rather confident to shrug off the experiences of another as fictional...I haven't read many of your posts, but you seem to be one of those people who has a "My way is the only way that is correct" attitude.
shadow what kind of hypocrite r u huh? whoever decides to shrug off my comments as fake is behaving in the same manner u describe,so cut the contradicting crap and start talking normal
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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

How old are you? Seriously...stop and think for a moment before you reply to things. Re-read that statement and tell me how much sense it actually makes. :?

Post by truthseeker2 »

it makes as much sense as any other crazy comment over here
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Post by Moon_Stone »

First of all, knock off the arguing. I understand that there's a fine line between defending one self and lashing out in an attack... but exercising caution in any direction, is never a bad thing.

As a reminder, please refer to the New Forum Rules post and it's accompanying disciplinary action section. I'll be sending PM's to those of you who clearly need the reminder of what is acceptable here and what isn't.

Please remember, If you don't agree with information that has been offered, RESPECTFULLY reply or just plain, old ignore it.

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Post by Melindrose »

My only concern is weather or not you have practice controling shadows in this life as those controled tend to not be happy about it and will seek to destroy the one controling. My only word of caution is don't leave any unprotected energy sources they could use lying around
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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

Yes, I do (somewhat regrettably) have such experience. So, it wasn't that I was really worried...I actually started this thread as sort of a diary of my...encounters, but I do appreciate anyone's assistance with the matter or just to hear how another would approach the situation. I DID study them until a few months ago, but after a while I banished them and cleansed the house, but later (recently) summoned a large mass of them back...I s'pose I'll learn my lesson someday, but I think it impudent for one not to pay any heed to something simply because it is considered evil. In my experience there are several different types of shadows. They can be just as we all think/know them to be, which is, entities of pure negativity. They can be as lowly as simple residual energy. However, there are much more powerful ones, which can appear to have faces, if you can actually see them you can see teeth/blood spots/eyes or any other 'feature' it may exhibit. Finally, a type of entity...which to be quite honest, I'm not sure WHAT it is...They usually appear cloaked, a very dark colored cloak, or another I've seen, reminds me of an old western undertaker. Now, with all these they all have a common feature, the skin color is faded...more like a gray than anything else...I think they may actually be some sort of advanced shadow, which if I am correct, would drastically alter the way we think of shadows in that they are thought of as low leveled spirits of negativity, who cannot evolve or advance themselves.

It seems as though I'd written a book lol, perhaps I'll stop this here.
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Post by Melindrose »

that would depend on if you are pulling them from the plane of shadow or not. if you are you do need to be carefull the most common beings you will pull are knights to mages but you might also accidentally pull a prince and be extremely carefull not to pull a prince
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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

What do you mean knights/mages/princes? I've not heard that type of terminology to be associated with Shadow people before...
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Post by Melindrose »

It all depends on where you are calling the shadow people from. If it's from this plane then those terms don't apply; however, if you are calling them from the plain of shadow then you are possibly drawing shadow daemons and there is a structure to them there are knights, those that can use magic known as mages, then there are those who rule the realm who are considered royalty in that realm. The possibility that you will pull something other than a regular shadow person from this plane goes up the more people get pulled from there. Now for roughly every 10 knights that get pulled you risk pulling a mage which is slightly more dangerous as they can use magic. The next is princes these are the hardest ones so far to control as they know both advanced sword play and how to use magic, the hardest by far is the ruler of the plane as in order to safely control him you must have two princes under you control already and then you must be strong enough to bend his will and maintain control of the princes. Of course this is all dealing with beings from the plain of shadow which is more dificult to summon beings from.

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