Contacting a spirit...?

For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.

Contacting a spirit...?

Post by Rozzxx »

I'm not sure if this is allowed or not, i'm new here. I'm glad i found this forum because google was not helping much!
Here's my story.
I moved away 4 years ago from my friends because parents wanted me to do high school in the middle east. anyway my best friend back in cali had recently committed suicide. At first i'm sure you all know is shocking and just crazy. you never think bad things happen in your life, until they do.
This happened only a few months ago, i'm still in denial. I kept questioning why why would she do that. the girl i knew bubbly and beautiful. They said she was bullied too much at school. The night before she did it she was at a party and was cornered by the mean girls right out the movie.
I've recently been talking to her mother through msgs. I've found new information on her death. She didn't do it.
Amandas cell phone was cradled in her hands and the gun was under her arm. There was no gun residue on her hands, only on her arm. There had been another person in that room. I dont know how they could, but they though it was suicide. Her family moved out of the house and when her mother went back she found another bullet hole. 2 bullets were shot. She did not do it! And if she did, her cell phone would not have been in her hands the gun would have or it would have fallen out of her hand.

I had my first dream about her after her death a few nights ago. It may seem weird but i have this gut feeling that she is trying to tell me something anything. the dream was crazy breath taking and over whelming. i need to know what this might mean. i want to talk to her, i want to help and i want who ever did this to her behind bars or 6 feet under.
Amanda did not deserve what happened to her and i know in my heart she did not do this to herself.
The cops closed the case because only later did her mother find the second bullet hole and they had already had a cleaning crew in the house. all evidence was lost.
So please if someone anyone can tell me what i can do and how to do it please do so. If this is not allowed then at least tell me where it is allowed.

Thank you for your time.
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Post by Kassandra »

Rozzxx, I have emailed you information regarding your post. I wish you the best with getting to the bottom of this.

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