Extreme Possibilities

UFO's, extraterrestrials, abductions, the Universe, planets, stars, galaxies, black holes, white holes, wormholes, and everything beyond.
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Extreme Possibilities

Post by Peregrine »

During the 1990's, I was an avid X-Phile (and Mulderphile). The show got me to thinking again about alien encounters and such.

I do not rule out the possibility of life on other planets. In fact, I think it would be a bit silly and even self-centered to think this planet is the only one in the whole universe with life on it. While I no longer own the book and thus cannot quote the exact numbers, the statistics by John Gribbin in his book Cosmic Coincidences are an interesting read. He begins with the likelihood of planets similar to earth in size and climate, then to statistics of these planets having carbon-based organisms. Reading his calculations, it is most likely other life is out there. Whether or not the lifeforms are "intelligent" or, if intelligent, are they technological in any way is the next question.

As for encounters and sightings, could they happen? Sure, I think so. First, however, I think that explanations more down-to-earth (pardon the pun) should be considered. If this is an abduction case, for instance, has sleep paralysis been considered?

If it is a siting, is there an Air Force base nearby? Oftentimes the Pentagon is running tests on an experimental aircraft and because national security is vital to their work, the tests are often done at night in isolated areas. Thus, it seems almost stereotypical that farmers see these at night but never thousands of New York city residents in the middle of the afternoon. No "Take me to your leader" aliens landing on the steps of Washington DC or the blatant entrance like on "The Day the Earth Stood Still."

If they did arrive, would they be friendly (ET), hostile (War of the Worlds, Independence Day), or just curious and studious (Close Encounters, Star Trek)? I'm hoping they are either friendly or at least just curious.

One of the most interesting alien movies, I think, is unfortunately also very outdated. Maybe a remake is in order? I don't know. Anyways, it is called "The Alien Factor." In the spirit of the old 70's series "In Search Of," there were suddenly a bunch of sitings of creatures never seen in the past. Only one science guy had a clue what to do when dealing with these creatures. It turns out, he was an alien too but had disguised himself. He was trying to salvage his collection. He had been taking species from other planets to take to his home planet for research. On his way to collect species from Earth, his spacecraft had a crash landing. It was interesting, but like I said, also outdated.

There's my musings on the topic, an attempt an icebreaker for this forum.

Oakland Earth Dancer

Post by Oakland Earth Dancer »

I believe in aliens, extraterestrials, UFOs or whatever people want to call them. I never deny that there might be life outside our planet or even outside our universe or galaxy. If anything, I wlecome this fact, and hope that some day people will accept that we might not be the most intellectual people or beings thriving amongst the universe.

All of the encounters that some people say they've been through, if they want to believe what they've seen, than so be it. I believe them, and even if not everyone believes them, we should accept them for who they are.

Who are we to say that aliens don't exist anyway? I mean we have no proof that they're not out there somewhere...

Truthfully - - -

Post by pegasusflyinghigh »

In the 70's - no - NO drugs - hehe - my parents and I stood and watched lights. One main light - bigger than the rest, little lights flying around top, bottom, back and front - and then there were lights darting between all of the little ones - you could actually watch them.

My mother also saw the cigar-shaped ship. This has been 40-some years ago. No, she wasn't on drugs either. She was at the pump outside getting water and watching. It stopped in mid-air, opened a door from the bottom and a ladder came down. Mom hollared for us kids to come and look, all of a sudden, the ladder went up, door shut - and it zoomed up and out of sight.

It would be egotistical for humans to think we are the only intelligent beings in this Universe or any other. Think about it - what it would be like to meet another being. How awesome that would be!! We just can't be alone. There are TOO MANY other Universes out there to be alone!

There are parts in the Bible where people swore they were talking about UFO's also. Think about it - how cool!


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Post by witch505 »

Aliens exsist. I don't care if people think I'm weird. They're real.

The universe is too... HUGE for there NOT to be other life out there.
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Post by kgwitch »

There's gotta at least be a plant somewhere out there in the universe. That'd count as an alien. It's just like us witchies; the stereotypical image make us unrealistic and silly looking.
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Post by thetouch »

yes, i believe in UFO cause here in philippines theres a sightings of alien visitation...

and in this big universe we are not the only living thing in here that exits...
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yup in this universe we cannot be alone,rules of Almighty applies everywhere though in vivid ways.Ways we may not familiarise ourselves with but frankly speaking there are too many Ultra secured military and airforce projects on that many seem unknown to us and that is what we mostly see in the sky.We call them UFOs as they seem strange or our little knowledge does not help us identify.Take for example the US B52 Batwing stealthcraft testing staretd in the mid eighties and is called full time in USAF just in 2000.All these times many had reported this thing as Alien when they saw it in skies.

I believe there are certain cases caused either under influence of drugs or ESPs that help us connect with extraterretrial entities through our Subconcious minds.I strongly study and believe those reports only.Because things like these had been in existence even before the Wright brothers took flight.In those days these things were subsided as damn superstitions,but now these phenomenas calls for detailed scientific and logical study. ::coolglasses::
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Post by elicit »

one was that it was intact a fake and it was filmed on earth

2nd was that when they were landing that their was a time delay between earth and the moon they said it was cause of the distance that their was a delay in talking.
but their was a rumour flying about that net and other areas that Armstrong was in fact talking to Houston saying that their was lights on the moon and their was strange space ships on landing pads and then their is also a rumour saying that us government signed an agreement saying they wouldn't land a manned spaceship on the moon till 2015 apr ox

yeah i know i could be mad as well but just thought i would say it
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Post by LycanBlade »

I beileve that it is impossible for there NOT to be life out there, even if there is not a single planet out there exactly like earth who is to say that creatures of some planet didnt evolve differently then us. Maybe on that planet the animals breath CO2 and exhale oxygen...or any other adaptation that might be impossible for life here on earth.

Post by Ethaerian »

I'm not a believer.

People often approach this with logic supporting they exist.
I think that if they did, we would know about it. Untill some slimey little green sucker gets all up in my face I will remain sceptic.

I've seen many strange things, I love astronomy. But nothing I would consider unexplainable with rational evidence. There is proof in some form for everything.

"Maybe on that planet the animals breath CO2 and exhale oxygen...or any other adaptation that might be impossible for life here on earth."

Well, that may work for non-carbon based life forms. Like those creatures in that movie that were selenium life forms who died from O2 ... Maybe some obscure alien element could do such a thing.
thunder horse


Post by thunder horse »

Its interesting to me when I read posts where people say "I believe in UFO's " (or anything for that matter) or "I dont believe in ___"

Belief is for gods.

Knowing is a different set of eyes entirely.

I have never said "I Believe in the sky"

I KNOW the sky is there. I can see it.

I also dont say "I believe in photosynthesis"

Just because I cant see the process, doesnt mean I cant recognize the outcome of it.

I havent seen aliens or UFOs but I have seen the effects of sharing this world with "others".
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