Shielding from Spirits at Wakes or Graveyards

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Shielding from Spirits at Wakes or Graveyards

Post by Williambeck »

I have a close friend that is more of a reciever than anything I know of so far. The problem is when she goes to a wake or even to a graveyard spirits always want answers or for her to do something she tries to block them but ends up with a migraine. What can she do to shield herself from this?
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Post by Kassandra »

Sounds like your friend is a medium ("an individual held to be a channel of communication between the earthly world and a world of spirits" --Mirriam Webster), and mediumship is just another sensory perception, like sight or smell. And though it can be annoying, blocking it out doesn't help, which people seem to perceive shielding will do. It's not going to go away any more than her sense of smell will go away eventually. My latest post about the mixed blessing of such spontaneous "receivership" is here, though it's not about mediumship per se, it does pertain to being porous to other energy, as your friend seems to be: ... hp?t=12122

So, my suggestion is your friend work on developing and controlling her ability. A book like, So You Want to Be a Medium, by Rose Vanden Eynden is a good start. There are great recommendations and exercises in that book. I've seen spirits line up very orderly when they talk through Lisa Williams, the famous medium from England. She really has complete control over the event. When she's done, she often dons a hat. The hat says, "I'm done for the day. Leave me alone now," and the spirits do. If your friend is not in contact with her guides (we all have them), and working with them, then I would recommend she start getting to know them. They are very helpful. A good book to help toward those ends is Ask Your Guides, by Sonia Choquette.

So, in summary, I would suggest she learn to strengthen her ability through study and practice, utilizing exercises that will help strengthen her control over her mediumship. Shielding is generally included in those exercises. Also, I suggest she learn to work with her spirit guides, who are probably more than happy to both assist and protect her.
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