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Post by Síochán »

Lately i've felt as though everywhere i go its as though im surrounded by people ok hmm how to explain properly. You know where you're in a crowded lift and everyone is pushed up against you its like that but its as though im in a lift with alot of angry worried sad people. everywhere i go its as though i have all these poeple right u next to me but i could be walking by myslef i hate it is as tohugh only i can feel them and whenever im off in a daze thinking about them/it someone will ask me what im thinking and i cant answer because theyll tihnk im crazy. oh that does sounds weird. hope u can help me understand
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Post by willow_witch »

i get ya... it sucks, i kno..... u'll get ova it dunt worry (})(})(})(})(})(})(})(})(})(})(})(}) but there are some ppl u can talk to, me being one of them

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Post by Starwitch »

I know you probably aren't here anymore, but if you are, I wanted to tell that learning how to block other people's energy might help you a lot. You are probably a "sensitive" person, meaning you pick up other people's energies very easily and you absorb them as though they are your own. I tend to do that also, but probably not to the extreme that you are. You need to learn how to block other people's energies from getting into your field (white light bubble techniques work well) and also try to learn how to differentiate other people's energy from your own so that you don't get depressed when someone else is depressed. You can just say to yourself, "Those aren't my feelings and I'm not going to let them affect me." It takes some learning and practice to do that stuff but it's well worth it and will keep you much saner, I hope.

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Post by JBRaven »


Psychic shielding is very important. Sometimes we “pick up” energy from other people, without knowing we are doing so. Their moods or emotions may “bleed over” onto us, leaving us feeling angry, sad, tired, depressed, or whatever they are feeling -and not knowing where this emotion came from. Also, sometimes people will deliberately send negative energy to us -even though that is a very bad thing which one should never do. Such negative energies cannot harm you, as long as you don’t let them in -but in daily life this is an unconscious process. To one skilled in magic and psychism however, this process under ones direct conscious control. With psychic shielding we set the boundaries which keep out unwanted energy from others, but simultaneously strengthen our own Aura, or energy, keeping it healthy.

This exercise should be done daily, either when you go to bed or when get up, or as part of your daily psychic exercises.

Put yourself into a comfortable position and begin by releasing all tension and anxiety.

Visualize a ball of white light floating above you. Focus on the energy of the ball -know that it is full of love and strength and peace. Try hard to FEEL these qualities in the energy of the ball.

Now let the energy from the ball of light begin to flow down into you. The energy is a beautiful, clear white light. No matter how much light comes into you, the ball will remain equally strong for its true origin is the Goddess and it is a source of boundless spiritual energy.

Let the energy from the ball pour into you and flow throughout your body. Let it move out into your arms and legs, down into your fingers and toes.

Now let that light expand beyond your body. At first see the light expand just an inch out from your body. Now let it expand a little more -two inches, four inches... Let the light expand to form an oval around your whole body --an oval filled with clear, beautiful, loving white light from Goddess.

Now let that oval of white light expand to form a perfect circle of energy around you, expanding until it is about six feet across.

Now, in your mind affirm this:

“There is one power in the Universe, and I am a perfect manifestation of that power. As such I will that the boundaries of my aura shall be strong and healthy, repelling all unwanted energy while remaining open to positive and healing energy. Safe within these boundaries nothing can harm me, for I am filled with the strength of the Goddess. By my will, so mote it be -and it is so.”

Now let the visual image of the light dissipate, but know that its protection and strength remain with you.

Now clear and release all excess energy.

I found this in
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Post by Starwitch »

Thanks for posting that helpful information JB. That's a great technique. I didn't realize that gave anything away for free. Or are you a paying member? I used to promote them (for a commission) but I heard they are pretty shady. I may post that technique on my site though. I like it.

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Post by JBRaven »

No you can be a free member but have VERY limited access to classes. I thought it would be good to learn about some other traditions so yeah I took some of the free ones. Over all unless you are of the one tradititon ( can't remember the name of it off hand) or you pay it isn't worth it.
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Post by hedge* »

Brilliant post JBRaven
Thanks :D

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Post by waterglyph »

They're the school for the Corilian Trad. One of the ladies in my witches group and her daughter were learning through Witchschool. :wink:

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