
For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.
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Post by Maribelle »

From the time I was born till my parents split up every house we moved to was haunted. The worst was the house I was born in Montana. I dont remeber it I was too young but from what I was told it tried to scare the hell out of everyone...but me. I guess whatever it was was very found of me. I say it because I dont believe it was a soul even though it manifested itself that way. But ever since my mom left I've never seen another ghost or got that uneasy feeling. Is it really possible she was haunted?
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Post by Hiddencast »

I belave it is possible. Some people are followed by spirits. I belave I am folled by a few spirts. The same ones. None ever leave, none ever come, it's always the same goughts. I don't quite get it, but yes it is possible. Atleast I belave that it is possible. I hope that others answer and help you aswell. I also hope that I have helped you a litle bit.

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Post by Maribelle »

why does it follow people?
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Post by Hiddencast »

it is them or they. There is not a single one that decides to follow others. I have about 1 or 2 that follow me. I belavve that they follow me because they are trying to protect me.

Others are not so lucky.

1 It could be a dead family memeber who REALLY hated your mom, who wanted nothing but pain (emotionaly) for her.

2 It migth just be an agery spirit who chose her at randome. And this spirt never got what it wanted so it takes its anger out on others, your mom in this case, and wanted to hurt her, agin emotionaly.

3 They might have been trying to protect her from this man. This man might have been bad, but she never had the guts or strangth to end this relashionship, there for the spirit(s) tryed there best to help her.

4 perhaps the spirit(s) wanted her help, but she refused.

5 perhaps they wanted her help, but she could not understand how, why, or even that they were there.

To be honest, I don't think anyone really know why they do what they do. Spirts, to have a mind of ther own, just as we do. And just as we do, they do things that can not be eplained.

Why do we dive infront of a bulet from our son or doughter or lover? Because we love them. But why didnt we just push them out of the way saveing both of us? We don't know, it's just happend.

We are just as mysteriouse as they are. We have reaons, but sometimes they are unexplainable. And that's reeally just that.
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Post by Maribelle »

No it was most defintly evil. And it had nothing to protect her from. She was extremly abusive to me and cheated on my father their entire marriage. It was almost like it was spirtual karma. My mom is far from mentally well and what ever has been following her seemed to have the same evil confused demented character in the it did. Ane oddly since she moved to the other side of the country the people she regularly sees are being haunted almost like spreading a sickness.
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Post by Hiddencast »

hhhmmmmm, sounds to me like it just picked her. no real reason.

im sorry, but thats all i have for you.


Post by Annimaster »

I have heard and read that some peoples energy is attractive to spirits.
Em-paths, drug addicts, depressed people, angry people really attract them. Perhaps the spirit enjoys the emotions your mother produces. If she took something from the house that the spirit was attached too it might have followed her for that.

Maybe she unwittingly provoked it and it is attacking her because of that.
Maybe she is a sensitive and it enjoys being around someone who can detect it's presence.

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