Help... fell away from the path

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Help... fell away from the path

Post by NebulaFirefly »

Hi! I haven't been on this site in a while and actually, I haven't really been focusing on Wicca at all lately. I feel really guilty because I am devoting my life to it, but I've had so much going on around me, and I'm still new to the path, so I'm kind of lost when it comes to how to work it into every day life. It's hard because I have so little free time. I don't have an alter yet because I'm waiting till I move to set one up, and I only have about three entries in my book of shadows. I feel like I really need to step it up a bit, but it's hard to work it into everyday life.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

Thanks, and Blessed Be.

Post by jaelle »

Hey there,

First of all, don't beat yourself up about having a busy life! I for one think the Gods would kick my ass if I dropped everything to spend all my time dancing naked in the moonlight. (Although I'm not going to stop - thank gods I live in the country!)

Developing a daily practice takes time, experimentation and a will to keep trying (rather like hooking up, I guess). You can read all the books you want but it takes time to tie it together.

Since I am a devoted fan to journals, and writing, I'd suggest that. You can make time to do this - I write during my lunch break.

Prayer I find is hard for me. I feel so awkward doing it, but I try in the morning (sort of a "morning, these are my goals today, thanks for letting me wake up") and in the evening (more of a "this is what my day has been like and what I have done/missed, thanks for letting nothing bad happen/handling the bad stuff, love you, goodnight"). I am working now on adopting a prayer/grace/blessing to say before meals.

Because all that pops into my head is the 4H grace. :roll:
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